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Kemans Info

>Name: T Cerberus T

>Name: Kemanoral(Keman) Bara-Nohar
>Age: old enough
>Gender: Male
>Personality: Keman is a very bitter dragon. Keeping to himself. Needless to say, he doesn't have many friends. He despises humans and all their doings, he has good reasons that are not yet known. He does not like to talk about his past, for even he no longer knows it, he has put up a wall infront of his memories to keep himself sane. He is very cold towards emotions and tends to forget he has them all together.
>Appearance: Keman is a very strange looking dragon. His face is quite furry with his long horns appearing near the front of his head. His horns are very sharp and trained to kill. His mane extends from the back of his head to the base of his neck and is a deep black. His scales are all very dark colors of gold, sliver, red and blue, but the dominant color is a wispy shadow color.
>Spells: Cloud burst, Shadow Fall(Places the opponent in complete darkness), Yu'utsu(Puts the opponent into depression) and Fudo(Changes the weather to their decision)
>Battles won: 0
>Living status: Wherever he is

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