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Kenshin's info

Full Name>> Kenshin Himura
Age>> 330
Gender>> Dansei
Breed of Dragon>> Blue Dragon
Spells>> Terra Force, Transform, Bliss Gas, Summon Gods.
Battles Won>> 1 Attacks>> Claw/bite/scratch attack
Mate>> Kaoru
Personality>> Kenshin is a loving mate towards Kaoru, his mate, and a wonderful otosan to his hatchlings. He is a warrior who came to Ryuuguu in refuge from his life. He was once known as the lethal killer Hitokiri Battousai, he now lives a life of a peaceful wanderer, sworn to protect rather than harm. He finds a new home with Kaoru, in Ryuuguu.
Origin>> Kenshin's past is foggy. Nobody in Ryuuguu seems to know where he came from or from who he was born. He is complete mystery.
Features>> Kenshin has sapphire blue skin, that contrasts with his startling, deep purple eyes. When he speaks or does magic his voice and aura of magic sounds like music. When transformed to an elf, he has long fingers and pointy ears. He wears white silk clothes, and his eyes stay their same deep purple. His hair becomes dark and is grown just to his shoulders, he is a magnificent being. His aura and mind speech colour is bluish-purple.
OOC Name>> Duo's Girl, Lici-Chan or Creator #1.

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