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.mirai's info.

Nickname: Izzy Girl
Character's Name: Mirai (it means future! ^^)
Gender: Dansei
Age: 106
Breed of Dragon: Cloud
Picture: Working on it
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Color of Font: darkblue, size 1 tahoma, please! Background: lightblue
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Personality of your Dragon: Considering he was raised by Darkflower, Mirai's an absolutel sweety. Innocent, with not an evil bone in him, Mirai is depressed easily, and cheered twice as easily.
Almost everyone adores him, because when he grins at you with those watery, turquoise eyes, you can't deny him whatever he wants! ^^
Mirai is aware that his mother has some higher purpose for him, but he is totally clueless to what it is.
He can't speak dragon toune, except for a few words his mother taught him (mostly spells and swearing...).
Spells: Transform, Meteor Wing, Freeze
Battles Won: 1 (killing his brother in the progress)

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