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Name: Sasayaki
Age: 29
Gender: Female
Personality: Sasayaki is a powerful sorceress, working mostly with mind and water magic. She earned her place as the sorceress and healer the Ryu Kizuko would turn to for help in magical situations. She is kind and always stops to help anyone in need of healing. She can speak a few simple dragon tongue words and she also speaks Japanese, English and Elven Tongue.
Origin: Sasayaki comes from the Colvera family. Her family wasn't a rich one and whatever she got, she had to work hard for. At the age of 15, she was summoned by the Ryu Kizuko. She became apart of his lair and learned a bit of the dragon tongue, a few simple words. She never saw her family again. In the Ryu Kizuko's lair she met Kenshin and she became good friends with him, he was like her family. When Kenshin reached his 200th birthday, the lair sent him off into the world, which left her with no family at all. She ran away from the lair to start a new life, where nobody knew who she was.
Looks: She has long flowing black hair, porcelain white skin and intense purple eyes.
Spells: Glamorie, Cloud Burst, Ice storm, Wasure-Rarenai
Weapon: Magic

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