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Welcome to Ryuuguu, an RPG where you play dragons.

A brief introduction to Ryuuguu

Ryuuguu, a place of dragons. Some are born there, others find their way.

In this world, dragons grow, fight, learn and live. They form bonds of friendship and sometimes hatred, they...

Okay, screw all this drama. The truth is I'm just trying to fill up space so that this layout looks nice. ^^ Anyways, the links above tell you everything you need to know. What I say here isn't really important and is actually irrelevant in the end. I mean, like, who's going to read this?? Anyways, I'm working on a 1152x864 resolution and EVERYONE had 800x600, so this is going to look bad anyways. Why do I even bother?? Okay, I've wasted enough space. ^^

- Jenn, Quasi-Ryuuguu staff member (Lici) (Leslie)

Copyright © 2001 - 2002 Alycya & Leslie, All Rights Reserved. Meaning bugger off, you thieves >P