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This is where we list all of the spells that have been thought up so far. They are listed below.

Acid Breath: This spell will allow you to breath acid at your opponent.


Electricity Bolt: This spell allows you to shoot an electricity bolt at your opponent.


Fear Gas: This spell allows you to breath a mist on your opponent and make them fear you for a short period of time.


Sleep Gas: This spell allows you to put the opponent asleep for a short period of time.


Cloud Burst: This spell allows you to compress all the water in a cloud and shoot it at your opponent.


Gold Rock: This spell allows you to breath a blast of bronze metal, which will turn the opponent into a block of gold, bronze or silver.


Wind Breath: This spell allows you to blow a breath of wind about 3ft wide, 3ft deep, and 20ft long.


Pain Gas: This spell allows you to shoot a string of pain at your opponent and will not stop until you let go.


Bliss Gas: This spell allows you to shoot a cloud of gas at your opponent which makes them disoriented and puts them in a state of bliss for a short period of time.


Summon Gods: This spell allows you to summon the ancient gods and use various attacks. These attacks can only be learned through growing in age.


Green Core: This spell allows you to shoot a green core at your opponent who's skin will instantly be turned to stone.


Transform: this spell allows you to transform into any living thing other then dragons.


Flare: This spell allows you to shoot a line of fire towards the opponent.


Pepper Breath: This spell allows you to gather a ball of fire in your mouth and shoot it at an opponent.


Lightning Claw: This spell allows your claws to become electric and when you scratch your opponent it is more powerful then a regular claw/bite attack.


Blue Blaster: This spell allows you to shoot a line of fire but the fire is blue to confuse the opponent and make them think it is some sort of ice.


Terra Force: This spell allows you to shoot a big ball of light into the opponent's eyes blinding them for a short period of time.


Poison Ivy: This spell allows you to shoot two vine whips from either side of you and when it hits the opponent they get poison ivy.


Wing Blade: This spell allows you to summon an ancient bird and it will attack the opponent.


Meteor Wing: This spell allows you to throw a small shower of rocks at your opponent.


Blizzard: This spell allows you to make a blizzard come up from the ground and surround the opponent for a short period of time.


Freeze: This spell allows you to shoot an intense cone of cold at your opponent.


Oujia: This spell allows you to comunicate with one that has passed on.


Glamorie: This spell allows you to put a spell on the opponent and make them think you were the most beautiful thing to set talon on the earth.


Shadow Fall: This is a spell which allows the user to call upon the night to incase the opponent in darkness so that they can not see beyond their nose. SPECIAL Kemanoral only


Shi Oscurita: This spell can only be used with the aid of a magical item and should not be used very often. It draws on the users life-force to create an extremely devastating psycokinetic blast. Although it is very powerful, the act of using it nearly kills it's caster. SPECIAL Requim Darkflower only

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