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A movie review by Shiva Srivatsav

Rating :
Cast: Madhavan, Reema Sen, Abbas, Nagesh, Vivek, Kitty, Fatima Babu
Music: Harris
Direction: Goutham

When a movie is saddled with a familiar story, no surprises and predictable proceedings, it is upto the director to fashion the movie in a way that keeps the viewer in his seat. And in that respect, debutante director Gautham has been successful. He packages a love triangle in an entertaining package with a charming lead pair, a little bit of mixed identities and a believable romance and provides Madhavan a chance to redeem himself in front of his fans, who may have abandoned him after Ennavale.

Rajesh(Madhavan) and Samuel(Abbas), poles apart in personalities, are sworn enemies in college and part the same way. Rajesh falls in love with Reena(Reema Sen) but learns later that she is all set wed Rajiv, who lives in the US and is supposed to arrive in a week to see her. Rajesh shows up at her doorstep as Rajiv(whom she has never seen) and proceeds to steal her heart in the five days he spends with her. The gig is up for Rajesh when Rajiv, none other than his old enemy Sam, arrives from the US. A shellshocked and cheated Reena now hates him while Rajiv gets ready to wed her.

At the heart of the movie is the eternally famous love triangle of two men being in love with the same girl. So the onus lies on the director to fashion enough interesting situations to help us forget this basic premise of the movie. He does this through some interesting characterisations and a youthful romance. The director doesn't take the easy way out by making Abbas the bad guy. He is as good as(in some cases, even better than) Madhavan and this makes the love triangle slightly interesting. The meetings between Madhavan and Reema after she knows the truth are marked by some sharp dialogs and Reema's character gains some respect during these scenes. But the stale climax follows every cliche that usually closes out such a love triangle faithfully and is a disappointment.

Ofcourse, with the majority of the movie dealing with Madhavan taking Ajith's place, suspension of disbelief is an essential part of enjoying these portions. Questions like why Reema's parents are never seen until absolutely necessary are not likely not to be answered even by the director and the sheer number of coincidences needed for the ploy to work(they care of just one - disconnecting the telephone to Reema's house) constantly reminds you that none of this can be taken seriously. On the other hand, the romance is handled well with the right amount of charm and minimum fuss and sentiments. The scenes where the couple go out to eat and Madhavan's attempt to give her a surprise on her birthday are cute and funny.

Vivek raises some laughs as Madhavan's friend. He has his best lines during the conversation with the lorry driver and then the police after his accident. The director has attempted to portray a grandfather-grandson relationship that is more of a friendship but goes overboard as the movie goes on. Nagesh's urging of Madhavan to find a girl is funny initially but his reactions to Madhavan and his friends ganging up on Abbas and his other advice after Reema rejects Madhavan do not ring true and worse, decrease the respect his character earns until then.

Madhavan discards(not completely though) his loverboy role in his first two films to play a rowdy character. Surprisingly, the role suits him well and he is impressive during the initial altercations with Abbas. (Is his stylish way of lighting the matchstick at various places an attempt to earn him some male fans too?!). Reema Sen looks really cute and pretty and acts well too. Abbas has an extended cameo and is adequate. Music is by newcomer Harris Jayaraj, A.R.Rehman's assistant, and the influence is obvious, especially in the background music. Vaseegara... is the pick of the songs though the picturisation does not do full justice to it. Verenna... and Venmathiye... are the other good songs.

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