Are you an annoying restaurant patron, or do you recognize any of this?
Read over this list and see if you see yourself or your customers in it... so, do you do these things???
If you're an unattractive, dateless man, don't act like your waitress is talking to you because she
As your server is running past your table, don't yell
Don't act like waitressing is easy. It is by far the most difficult job I've ever had (including professional jobs). You need legs of iron, a memory like a steel trap, and the patience of a friggin' saint.
Don't ask obscure and irrelvant questions like,
Don't be too cheap to order a drink, then ask to have your water filled five times.
Worse, yet, be too cheap to order a drink, then ask for water with extra, extra lemon, and use the sugar to make your own lemonade.
Don't demand to be helped immediately, on a busy Friday night, even though others who arrived before you haven't been helped yet.
Don't complain that we don't have what you want. Most menus are posted out front, if our food doesn't appeal to you, go somewhere else. Your server did not design the menu.
Don't let your baby throw food on the floor and then leave it there. You don't do that at home do you?
Don't ask to have your food prepared in some bizarre way and then complain when it takes longer to get to your table.
Don't ask your servers name if they don't offer it. If you need something, say Excuse me, instead, of
one word: tipping. 15% is appropriate, no less than 10% for so-so service.
Don't say
Don't order something when you don't know what it is, don't ask what it is, and then complain that its not what you wanted.
Don't EVER act superior to your server just because you have so little power in your real life, and ordering someone around makes YOU feel important. Many of us are working to pay for college tuition and are likely smarter than you are anyways. And don't forget, servers talk to one another... and laugh at you when you're an a**hole to them.
and most important..... server DOES NOT EQUAL servant!