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Why I started this page....

Ok, so after working for a long time in the restaurant industry, I have a few bones to pick.

So, the first thing I must say to anyone who is reading this is that a)this is my opinion, and b)you are definately entitled to your own. Therefore, it is in good spirits that I welcome any comments you may have regarding my site.

Now, onto business... I created this site for three reasons. The first one, to vent my frustrations that I can not vent at work. And second, to allow others to do the same and third, to educate everyone else about the server's end of the job and hopefully improve people's restaurant habits. ( I know, wishful thinking... but I'm always the optomist.)

So, feel free to send me your stories, and I would love to post them. If you are a restaurant patron, please feel free to do the same. Now, keep in mind, I will edit anything I get in my mailbox, because as the restaurant I work in is... this is a family place. :)

I'm sure there will be visitors to this site who will be ticked at the stuff they read, but there is only one reason they would be mad... and that is they see a little bit of themselves in what is written... and that can hurt. So, if you are one of them, hopefully you will learn something. And please take the content of this site with a grain of salt... some of it is meant to be humourous.

now, onto the fun stuff...

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