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Get back you rabid customers!!!


Ok, so considering I'm starting this page, I might as well start with one of my own stories...

Being a waitress, one of the downfalls of my job is having to deal with dirty old men. And seeing as I'm a fairly attractive 23 year old female, only compounds my problem. (not to sound cocky or anything....) anyways, last week on a lunch shift, I had the pleasure of serving 3 dirty old men. After taking their order, I said my usual "My name is Heather, if you need anything, don't hesitate to ask..." So, one of the men pipes up: "What if we need Heather?" He said this with obvious sexual connotations. My reply was: "Sorry, can't help you there." and walked away. Well, they were relatively tame for the rest of the meal. SO, I take their empty plates away and one of them says they want dessert. At my restaurant, the dessert menu is on a viewfinder (you know, those toys from when you were a kid??)... anyways, I give them the viewmaster, and one of them says... what's on here? I tell them, and he says, any nude pictures of you? And of course, I say, nope, sorry, and walk away to let them view the menu. SO, upon returning to take their dessert order, the oldest one says: "I'll have the cheesecake, but I wish Heather was on the menu, I bet you'd taste good." I simply rolled my eyes and walked away.

So, please send your stories to my email address and I would love to post them...