happy new year!?? or is it more like "new year," what the hell is so happy about it? work is worse than ever with two people up and quitting and who gets to do their work? the same person as always . . . . me!!! i'm sooooo overwhelmed that i just can't look at it anymore. okay, gotta go!
i hope i'm not the only one who's actually working in this office. i am, apparently, the only one who doesn't get to work overtime. that's because the other dept. purposely doesn't do their work so that it builds up so much that the boss thinks that they need to work overtime because they are just "swamped." i don't know how she doesn't catch on to what they are doing 'cause it's so damn obvious to the rest of the office, not to mention that they aren't exactly the sneakiest people in the world. in fact, they will work overtime one day so that they can call in sick the next day. how's that for manipulating the system. and what an absoloute WASTE of taxpayer money. and i'm a taxpayer! i have the hardest time keeping my mouth shut sometimes when i see them "working hard" playing games on their computers or discussing what's for lunch. wow :( and the best part of it is . . . . . they think that they should be paid more for what they do (nothing if you ask me) and that's exactly what is going to happen with all of the union workers in Jan 2005. when you get raises for not the quality and quantity of your work but rather the length of time you've been employed regardless of the kind of worker you are. isn't life just grand! no wonder i pretty much hate people and have intense road rage - no make that world rage, cause i don't limit my rage to just when i'm on the road. i'm all for equality so i direct my rage to all! i'm outta here for now.
well it's another really hot, hot day again! yuck!! and what a wasted trip to san francisco this past weekend was. it was hot there too! and it's NOT supposed to be hot there. it was just like being at home, except that i did have an air-conditioning but that's because it was a hotel room. one reason to show up at work though, it's nice and cold in the office although you do have to "work" if you're there but that's a small price to pay to sit in a nice cold room. okay, gotta go. laters!
it's rainy but it's still kind of humid and that always sucks! good thing the air conditioner at work is working! although that's more than i can say about the office staff. of course, it's a government office and you know what they say about government workers. unfortunately it's true and even worse, an understatement. at least it is in hawaii. can't say how things are in other states, but i hope, hope, hope we're the exception and not the norm. it's depressing. good bye for now.