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Shams Ali Al saadi

My Favorite Web sites about my Country

Emirates Cultural
Emirates Organization
Emirates Gallery
Emirates Gallery in Yahoo
Abu Dhabi

This page is created by Shams It deals with my Country UAE and my City Abu Dhabi

About my country, I love my country very much, my origin is from Abu-Dhabi, which is considered to be one of the 7 emirates. It is the capital of UAE. ABUT MY CITY Abu Dhabi is by far the largest and richest of the seven Emirates. It comprises 85% of the land mass of the UAE, including offshore islands, and has most of the oil (enough for 100 years at two million barrels a day). Fortunately for the less well-endow ed Emirates, it has taken a generous approach towards the development of the country as a whole. Abu Dhabi is the capital city, both of the Emirate of the same name and of the UAE itself. In the last quarter centurey, the city of Abu Dhabi has changed beyond all recognition. In 1962, when oil was first exported, the present capital was no more than a fishing village with houses made of mud-brick and barasti (palm fronds). Now it i s a totally modern skyscraper city.
