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Things About Tara

These are some things about Tara.

· Tara was born on June 10, 1982 in Philadelphia, PA.
· Her home town is Sugar Land, TX
· Her parents are Jack and Patricia (Pat) Lipinski
· Tara's full name is Tara Kirsten Lipinski
· Tara is the youngest person to win many things including a gold medal at the 1997 Worlds & 1998 Olympic Games.
· Tara has many books about her, her two most popuar books are Totally Tara & Triumph an Ice.
· Tara was the first person to land a triple loop-triple loop combination in a competition.
· Tara has five dogs.
· Tara likes to shop for shoes.
· Tara's favorite movie is Notting Hills

There are many more things to know about Tara & I will be adding things later on too.

picture (c) Me
