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The Northwest corner planting, a mix of Annuals and Perennials


The window boxes are planted and growing like crazy!  The wood address sign was cut on my own CNC (computerized) router.


UPDATED PICTURE - The West side of the house has a trellis with 2 Morning Glory plants growing on it. They have grown up to, and then around, the pellet stove exhaust and air intake pipes!


UPDATED PICTURE - Just North of the Morning Glories is the new Custom Curbing that we had installed this Summer (2006). We love how it looks and gives the beds a "finished" look...


The corner of the deck (shady corner) is enjoyed by the Poinsettia, Violets, Impatiens, Geraniums and other shade loving plants.  Notice the pot of Stepilias above the Poinsettia; it's actually a member of the Milkweed family and comes from Africa and Asia.  It is also known as the carrion plant, producing large 6" showy flowers that have the smell of dead animal flesh.  I keep them outside while in bloom because of the putrid odor.  God, in his infinite wisdom, created this plant to attract flies to pollinate it while the bees are busy with other flowers.  I have many varieties growing, it's one of my favorites...


This is one of our two 5' tall Hibiscus "trees".  Believe it or not, we bought these plants in a grocery store; they looked just beautiful in full bloom standing there.  The large trumpets are 5" - 6" across and attract bees, hummingbirds and other pollinators.  We fertilize them every other week with a specially blended Hibiscus fertilizer.









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