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Some Testimony in Opposition to the Native Hawaiian Government Reorganization bill in the 109th Congress (S.147 and H.R.309), including a roundup of testimony from previous years, and published articles opposing the bill

Testimony of H. William Burgess, Esq.
President of Aloha For All
Regarding S.147
Native Hawaiian Government Reorganization bill
Delivered to U.S. Senate Committee on Indian Affairs
For Hearing on March 1, 2005

Testimony of Kenneth R. Conklin, Ph.D.
Regarding S.147
Native Hawaiian Government Reorganization bill
Delivered to U.S. Senate Committee on Indian Affairs
For Hearing on March 1, 2005

Honolulu attorney Paul M. Sullivan updated his 61-page point-by-point analysis of the Akaka bill in January, 2005 (with a few technical corrections in February, 2005), including cartoons by Daryl Cagle. This booklet is Mr. Sullivan's testimony against S.147. His short cover letter describing his booklet is included in the "Short Testimonies" webpage offered below. Mr. Sullivan's booklet can be downloaded in pdf form by clicking here:

Testimony of Professor Rubellite Kawena Kinney Johnson
Regarding S.147
Native Hawaiian Government Reorganization bill
Delivered to U.S. Senate Committee on Indian Affairs
For Hearing on March 1, 2005

A Collection of Some Short Testimonies On the Akaka Bill Delivered to U.S. Senate Committee on Indian Affairs For Hearing on March 1, 2005

Chief Maui Loa, the Hou Hawaiians, Open Letter to President Bush Opposing the Hawaiian Government Reorganization bill S.147, April 6, 2005 on Grounds that It Would Destroy the Special Rights of native Hawaiians of the Blood by Expanding the Definition of “Hawaiian” to Include Hundreds of Thousands of Low-Blood-Quantum People

Attorney Hayden Burgess, Alias Poka Laenui, a Hawaiian Sovereignty Independence Activist, Supports the Akaka Bill As a Way for Ethnic Hawaiians to Continue Getting Federal Money While Also Continuing To Seek Complete Independence

Testimony of Kaiopua Fyfe (Director, Koani Foundation)
and David Ingham
Regarding S.147
Native Hawaiian Government Reorganization bill
Delivered to U.S. Senate Committee on Indian Affairs
For Hearing on March 1, 2005



Senator Jon Kyl (Republican of Arizona) -- Complete Text of Letter of September 2003 to His Constituents Explaining Why He Opposes the Akaka Bill

Letter from James Sensenbrenner, Chairman of House Judiciary Committee, to Speaker Dennis Hastert, July 19, 2001, warning that the bill is unconstitutional and demanding that Speaker Hastert either kill it of refer it to the Judiciary Committee for hearings on its unconstitutionality.

A lengthy memo was sent on December 6, 2001 by Senator Craig, Chairman of the Republican Policy Committee, to all the Senators severely criticizing the bill as unconstitutional and strongly rebuking Senator Inouye’s stealth tactic of burying it inside the Defense Appropriations bill.

The Hawaiian recognition bill has gone through many, many revisions since it was first introduced in year 2000. But the fundamental concept of the bill has always remained the same -- to authorize and assist in the creation of a race-based government for ethnic Hawaiians, and give it federal recognition as the equivalent of an Indian tribe. Since the fundamental concept has remained the same, therefore the testimony offered in previous years remains valid.

Testimony from year 2000 for the 106th Congress, when the bill had been newly introduced. Essentially the same testimony was used again for the 107th Congress in 2001. Includes a letter sent from attorney Patrick W. Hanifin (now deceased) to both Senator Inouye and Senator Akaka; a letter from Mr. Hanifin to Senator McCain; oral testimony of attorney H. William Burgess at a hearing held in Honolulu; and oral testimony of Kenneth R. Conklin. Note that these letters use old bill numbers to refer to the Akaka bill, because these letters were sent during the 106th Congress in year 2000. The correct bill numbers for the 109th Congress, 2005-2006, are S.147 and H.R.309

Testimony for the Senate Select Committee on Indian Affairs for its Hearing on February 25, 2003 regarding S.344 (the Native Hawaiian Recognition Bill). This hearing was carefully controlled to allow live testimony only by supporters of the bill, including Hawai'i Governor Linda Lingle, trustees of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, and other defenders of Hawaiian racial entitlements. No attempt was made to obtain written testimony from the general public, or even to notify people that such testimony could be submitted. Nevertheless, numerous testimonies were submitted in opposition. A summary of testimony is provided, followed by four of the testimonies:
(a) Attorney H. William Burgess on behalf of himself and the Aloha For All organization which he heads;
(b) Ken Conklin, editor of this website;
(c) Attorney Paul M. Sullivan, whose lengthy section-by-section analysis of the bill is offered elsewhere as noted in these testimonies;
(d) Attorney Patrick W. Hanifin, who represented plaintiffs in three lawsuits to overturn Hawai’i laws containing racial exclusions on candidacy for public office and racial exclusions on beneficiaries in government programs

Major Articles Opposing the Native Hawaiian Recognition Bill, Published in Newspapers and Magazines. Venues include the Wall Street Journal, National Review, Jewish World Review, Human Events, Washington Times, Honolulu Advertiser, Honolulu Star-Bulletin, Ka Leo (University of Hawaii student newspaper), Hawaii Reporter (on-line newspaper). Authors include Linda Chavez (President of the Center for Equal Opportunity, former staff director of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights), Roger Clegg (Vice President and General Counsel of the Center for Equal Opportunity, former Deputy Assistant Attorney General in the Reagan and Bush administrations), Michelle Malkin (nationally syndicated columnist), Richard Engle (President of the National Federation of Republican Assemblies), Barb Lindsay (National Director & Spokesperson for One Nation & United Property Owners), Bruce Fein, (constitutional lawyer ,international consultant, and columnist with Washington Times and USA Today), Earl Arakaki, H. William Burgess, Kenneth R. Conklin, Patrick W. Hanifin, Paul M. Sullivan, and others.

Native Hawaiian Opposition to the Native Hawaiian Recognition Bill -- A large number of websites, photographs, published articles, and statements by ethnic Hawaiians opposed to the Hawaiian recognition bill. Opposition to this bill is especially significant when it comes from the very people whom the bill is supposed to benefit!


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