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Please Note: The information on this site is intended for informational purposes only. We accept no liability for the information contained or any mistakes you may find. We expressley disclaim any responsibility whatsoever for any actions you may take after reading any information on this site. We make no recommendations to you other than that you should ALWAYS consult your doctor before taking or stopping any medication.




Acetazolamide - also known as Diamox

Prescription required : Yes

Dependence Level : Low

Overdose Danger Level : Medium


Acetazolamide is a carbonic anhydrase. That is a diuretic which increases the acidity of bodily fluids.One of its main actions is to reduce the volume of the fluid in the eye's anterior chamber, so it is useful for treating glaucoma and BIH. It is also used to prevent and treat acute altitude sickness. Acetazolamide is also used to prevent hereditory disease Familial Periodic Paralysis, associated with an increased potassium level aswell as muscle weakness. It is also occasionally used as a diuretic to treat substantial fluid retention caused by congestive heart failure and liver disease.

How Taken

Injection or Tablet.

If An Overdose Is Suspected

Large overdoses may cause nausea and confusion so consult your doctor. However, occasional accidental extra doses should not cause any problems.

Possible Adverse Reactions

Acetazolamide has a number of side effects associated with it. To keep nausea to a minimum you should take it at meal times but other side effects could be severe enough to prevent continued use of the drug.

Possible Side Effects

Symptom Frequency
Lethargy Common
Nausea Common
Vomiting Common
Diarrhoea Common
Tingling Hands / Feet Common
Confusion Common
Rash Uncommon

Consult a doctor if any of the symptoms become severe. If a rash occurs stop medication and consult your doctor.

Possible Problems With Other Drugs

Asprin - This may increase the level of Acetazolamide and increase the risk of adverse effects.

Lithium - Acetazolamide can reduce the levels of lithium in the blood.

Points to Be Aware Of

Pregnancy - This drug is not usually prescribed in pregnancy as it may casuse problems in the developing foetus. Advice from your doctor will be necessary.

Nursing - The drug is passed through the breast milk and could reduce the supply of milk.

Driving - You should know hoe the drug affects you before driving or undertaking hazardous work.

alcohol - This should be avoided because if you are taking Acetazolamide, dehydration after drinking could lead to kidney damage.

Effects Of Prolonged Use

It is unlikely that serious problems will occur from prolonged use but the body may suffer from disrupted levels of salts. Periodic tests may be made to check these levels and the functioning of the kidneys.




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