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Please Note: The information on this site is intended for informational purposes only. We accept no liability for the information contained or any mistakes you may find. We expressley disclaim any responsibility whatsoever for any actions you may take after reading any information on this site. We make no recommendations to you other than that you should ALWAYS consult your doctor before taking or stopping any medication.


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Also Known As





Also Used In These Combined Preperations

Diumide - k








Prescription Required : Yes

Dependence Level : Low

Overdose Level : Low


This is a powerful but short acting loop diuretic that is used for the treatment of oedema (fluid retention) caused by heart failure and certain lung, liver and kidney disorders.

Because it is a fast acting drug it is often used in emergencies to relieve pulmonary oedema and it is also particularly useful for people with impaired kidney functions because they do not respond well to thiazide diuretics.

Frusemide increases the loss of potassium, a condition which can produce a wide variety of symptoms. Therefore potassium supplements are often given with this drug.

How Taken



If An Overdose Is Suspected

It is unlikely that an unintentional extra dose will give cause for concern, but if you notice unusual symptoms or if a large overdose has been taken then notify a Doctor immediately.

Possible Side Effects

Symptom Frequency
Dizziness Common
Lethargy Rare
Noise In Ears Rare
Cramps Rare
Rash Rare

Consult a doctor if any of the symptoms become severe. If a rash occurs stop medication and consult your doctor.

Possible Problems With Other Drugs

Non - Steroidal Anti - Inflammatory Drugs: may reduce the diuretic effect of Frusemide.

Lithium: Frusemide may increase the blood levels of lithium leading to an increased risk of lithium poisoning.

Aminoglycoside Antibiotics: These increase the risk of hearing problems when taken with Frusemide.

Points To Be Aware Of

Pregnancy - Safety of this drug during pregnacy has not been established, so discuss this with your Doctor.

Nursing - This may reduce the milk supply, so discuss this with your Doctor.

Driving - Because this drug can reduce mental alertness you should avoid driving or hazardous activities until you know how it effects you.

Alcohol - Keep alcohol consumption low because frusemide increases the likelihood of dehydration and hangovers after drinking alcohol.

Effects Of Prolonged Use

Serious long - term problems are unlikely but levels of salts such as potassium, sodium and calcium may occasionally become depleted during prolonged use. Therefore periodic tests may be performed to check on kidney function and levels of body salts.


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