Not nearly as good as last premier.    Problem number one. Lack of students introduced. Last season premier, episode 1, we were introduced to Sheryl Holt, Dana Poole, Malcolm White, Anthony Ward, and others (you get the picture). Here we were given one student who was starting a club, and another who was offended by Lipshultz.    Also, the episode really seemed to revolve around the new characters. Ronnie Cooke was in probably 80% of the scenes, Danny Hansen was up there, and Benjamin Harris was in a few as well. Lauren, however, was in barely two scenes, as were Steven, and many of our old, familiar cast.    Maybe it wouldn't have been so bad if Danny Hanson was in a lot and good, but he's a regular jerk! Everything - I mean every single scene he was in - every line - was completely obnoxious!    Though I suppose it wasn't that bad (after all, okay/bad BP is better than no BP!) I want my old BP back! I feel like I'm watching a different show entirely :( |