MUCH better than last week's. This one would have been a good premier. Though it was a bit of everybody spilling out and confessing their psychotic problems, it was a great episode!    Lauren got a plotline, and Scott was in a lot of this one, too! We got our old, classic Boston Public back! Yay! Ronnie Cooke has grown on me. I think I actually like her character. Plus Danny Hansen wasn't a complete jerk this episode. So the new characters have improved greatly and the old ones have returned. Yay!    I have to say I felt bad for Mrs. Peters on this one. I mean here she is admitting that she raised her son wrong because of how she was raised as a child...(the admittance of the psychotic problems strikes again! [g])    As far as the abortion plotline, I did not agree with Steven at all. I distinctively recall him tweaking the kid's grade last season's finale when that kid wanted to get into an Ivy League. But since the girl's pregnant instead of failing she doesn't get his support. I mean honestly, if anything it should be the other way around. Steven should allow the straight A student a passageway to school, and let the one failing fail! Hmph! |