[Updates in green]

::Clap clap clap::

   I would like to announce a few awards that I have chosen to bestow among a few cast members of Boston Public. First of all, how many of you recall that timeless moment last season when Lisa Greer stood up to Harry Senate saying something along the lines of "I'll keep quite about Tyronne...because now when all the other teachers and parents want to weed me out for underage, underqualified teaching, I have a friend. I have a friend now, don't I Harry." Well, congratulations, Harvey, you have been nominated for the prestigious "Lisa Greer" award. He sounded just like her when talking to Steven ("But Steven, you won't fire me, cause we're friends"). Until now, that award has gone to, well, Lisa Greer...but how - unoriginal can one get!? So...hopefully this will go to some other deserving actors this season.

   And Marilyn gets the "Where is Marilyn?" award. I mean, come on, when Jeremy was being "abused" by Mrs. Peters she was showing up here - and there - and everywhere! But here Scott is dating the psycho-killer and, well, where is Marilyn!?.

   Okay, now for my opinion (that is the point of this page, is it not?). Jeremy is trying to kill his mother, not Scott. He pushed the flower pot out the window and meant to hit The Hook Lady, but missed. As for The Hook Lady's attempt to scratch Scott with her hook - that may very well have been an accident. I also think that the hook may have some symbolism behind it, something like Scott's getting "caught" in some trouble, or maybe that Mrs. Peters is "fishing" for something (as in a fishing hook). I guess we'll just have to see...

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