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Meredith Peters: I love to watch you eat my cookies!
[puts tray of cookies down]
Would you like to stay the night?
Scott Guber appears as if he's going to toss cookies!

   The Where is Marilyn?! award has been re-located to this episode. My theory is that the whole Kara plotline was really written for Marilyn, but she was on leave when it was filmed so they gave it to Lauren. First of all, Marilyn's the music person. Second, the beginning scene with Lauren at the club or wherever and two guys come up and ask to dance - I could see that as Marilyn. Third, I don't really see Lauren encouraging someone to in effect drop out to persue a singing career. Oh, and while on the subject of the Lauren on the dance-floor scene, there was a missing part:
   Guy: Wanna dance/are you single?
   Lauren: I'm a school-teacher.
   Guy: What? School-teachers don't dance?
   Lauren: I'm also a nun on weekends.

    Please note the lack of communication skills as the rumors regarding Danny Hanson spread throughout Winslow. This, my friends, is what happens when Sheryl Holt's not around [g].

   Louisa can't cry. I love her character and everything, but, she's about as good at crying as Milton Buttle was at lying. Not only could that not have been more fake if it tried with a ten foot pole, but Louisa is always the one ordering others around (as in Milton last season) without regard to their emotions. She's too happy-peppy to cry!

    Also, Scott said that he hadn't been with anybody in nine years. Which would mean that nine years ago he was with who? It does make you wonder, doesn't it?!

   In the trailer for next week as well as the end of this episode I decided where the "Meredith Peters is missing an artificial hand" conflict is going. Not only is this a problem, as we won't be able to call her the Hook Lady anymore, but my prediction is that Scott is going to give the artificial hand to Meredith, but first he's going to put a ring on it.
[Note to Scott: RUN!]

   Order in the court! Who, exactly, is to blame for this Meredith Peters-Guber scandal? The accused are as follows:

  • Lauren

  • Marilyn
  • ...and for the questioning:

        Inquisitor: Lauren Davis, were you at any time asked out on a date (say...to the symphony) by Mr. Scott Guber?
        Lauren: Well, uh, yes. I was.
        Inquisitor: Did you or did you not turn his offer down?
        Lauren: I did turn him down.
        Random shouts from anonymous spectator: It's her, she did it! If it weren't for her, Scott wouldn't have to take the desparate measures of meeting and courting Maredith Peters!
        Judge: SILENCE! (of the lambs...no, just kidding, he doesn't say that)
        Inquisitor: Marilyn Sudor, did you, as well, turn down an offer to the symphony by the victim?
        Marilyn: I did.
        Jury: So she would be just as guilty as Ms. Davis on that matter. However there are other things to look into.
        Inquisitor: Ms. Sudor, was it not you who brought Meredith Peters into the thickening plotlines of Boston Public?
        Marilyn: Hey! I wouldn't say I'm fully to blame. Scott Guber does have the ability to use his judgement-
        Inquisitor: Yes, but had it not been for your snooping around Jeremy Peters and his supposedly-abusive mother, Mrs. Peters would not have been introduced to Mr. Guber.
       Marilyn: I was "snooping around" the Peters's out of Jeremy's best interest. I feel that's my job as a teacher.
        Inquisitor: That may be, Ms. Sudor, but you could have dealt with the issue on your own, without bringing Mr. Guber into it.
       Jury: We feel that Ms. Davis is now out of the question and free to go as innocent. Marilyn Sudor has been proven guilty of the introduction of Scott Guber to Meredith Peters.
       Judge: Case closed!
    [All exit]

    Ooooh! That was fun! And it solved our Where is Marilyn? question. She's been serving her time!

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