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    This week's Where's Marilyn award goes deservingly to Marla. I think that Marla's role in the Mrs. Peters plotline was as a substitute for Marilyn. As in it was supposed to be Marilyn at the hand funeral. I mean, really, Mrs. Peters saying "I want to fire Marilyn Sudor" at dinner would make so much more sense. Why would Meredith want to fire a teacher that she just had one little conversation with? Marilyn, however - now those tow have hated for quite a while now.

    This, my friends, is how I saw the "funeral" scene:
      Who: The therapist was there to represent the coroner (he so looked like one), Scott was there as a representative member of the We Love Mrs. Peters Fan Club, Marla was there to represent Marilyn, Steven was there because he was avoiding the goat burial taking place across town, and Jeremy Peters was, I don't know, a planter.
      Key Events: Scott, member of the We Love Mrs. Peters Fan Club, presents this week's Lisa Greer Award to Mrs. Peters, in announcing that "she has friends now..."

      Did anyone here know Louisa could sing?! I didn't! She can, though, really. It makes up for her serious inability to cry. Aw...just kidding, we all love Louisa [g]!

      I nominate Lauren for the Best at Getting Out of Stuff She Doesn't Want to Do award. The was some pretty schmancy stuff there when Louisa and Marla asked Lauren to be the third member of their band and she was all, "Uh - I can't sing. Marilyn can sing!"

       I realize I'm going a bit out of order here, but is there a reasonable explanation as to why Danny Hanson's entire class was having a party in the dungeon? Like at the beginning of the episode when the kid had a seizure. Was it after school? Even so - I'm sure every kid's dream is to have a party in their school's basement after hours, right?! (That was sarcastic!) I demand an explanation! [g]

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