I've noticed they got new credits (actually, I noticed this last week but for some bizzarre reason out of my control I have decided to post it right here right now.) Louisa got a new picture, and, more obviously, Kathy Baker was added as Mrs. Peters (::sigh:: I have a sinking feeling that this is going to be a looooong plotline.)     Yay! All the cast is alive and well! What I mean is that there was a nice balance between all of the characters last night. Harry had a plotline, Steven had a plotline, Scott and Meredith had a plotline (okay so maybe that part's not too good), Marla Marilyn and Louisa had their mini-plotline, Danny had a plotline, Ronnie had a plotline, Harvey was in a scene, and even Benjamin Harris was in it! And Lauren, well, at least she had a funny line!     Ha! That was great! Quite Harry-esque, actually. I suppose it makes up for Harry's lack of such comments. He really has been downhearted lately - quite sad :( I miss his usual, giddy self from last season. I can only hope that his sadness will lead into a future plotline or something good like that! It's really relieving that Harry's got a plotline though! Especially with helping a kid cause we've really gotten the feel that that's what he's good at! I just really miss the old Harry. Really really.     I always see the first minute or so of Ally McBeal because I haven't gotten up to turn the TV off yet (I think they're calling it laziness but one can never tell). And who do you think I saw pop onto the screen when tehy were showing the previouslies?! Turns out Leslie Jordan was on last episode of AM! And his character there is named Dr. Harris, too! Ha! The guy is adorable, really.     I really like the Brooke/Steven and Louanna plotline. I got a sense of holiday toetherness from it. And that scene last episode with the trio ice skating was really cute. Plus the three are all amazing actors! I just wonder, despite what Steven and Luoanna so adamantly say, if they are going to get back together in the future. I think they might.     Okay, so maybe Steven was dominating last night's show a little bit, but, hey, he's the principal - he's entitled to it! (Steven [to Harvey last season]: I'm the principal, I'm entitled to a tone.)     I'm still a little scared about what might happen to this show. I know it's already lost a few viewers, I just hope that not too many people give up too soon (or ever - that would be nice!).