Best episode this season. Two biggies: 1)No Hook Lady or whatever she's going by these days and 2)It seemed like we were back in the good old days of season one.    Please excuse me if I blinked, but from what I saw Harvey was not at all in this episode. No cameo, or anything. Perhaps it's because we allready know his opinion of debate: it's "what you use to catch de fish [g]."    I must say that the debate was a little shocking. In Jamaal's final rebuttle, he notes how Lauren was saving up for a trip to Italy. However, it was made quite clear to us that Lauren has no file with the police (remember the fingerprinting issue?). Also, and I know I'm getting really picky here, but in debate, you do not bring up new information in the rebuttle. Well all Jamaal brought up was new information, so I'm sure they would have lost by a lot more. But that's ok, because I was kind of rooting for the dungeonites.    One of my most favoritist things about this episode was the scene we were given with Harry and Lauren in the dungeon. We were really given the continuity from last season that we haven't seen yet this season. Not only did it acknowledge that Harry and Lauren did date last season, but it even went back to a direct quote. When Lauren says she has a judgement to make, and Harry says something like, "Oh does that mean we are going to date again?" which was the thing last season when the two split up; that Lauren was "maybe judging him a little, but didn't like how he didn't open up to her" or something along those lines.    And it seems that the Debbie and Danny "thing" dropped off the face of the earth. The whole student/teacher dating thing was getting a bit old on this show. After all, it's a re-Buttle [g]. |