Daniel Evans: Everything okay?
Lauren: Yeah, my, uh, my car died.
Daniel: You performing CPR?
Lisa: I want to graduate now!
Scott: Excuse me?
Lisa: I have enough credits, my applications- [to Harry, as he turns to leave] you're not going just yet. You fully support my graduating early, don't you, Harry?
Harry: I do.
Lisa: Now you can go.
Scott: I'm talking now sir! [Pauses] Son, I would like-
Anthony: Wh-which is it, "sir" or "son"? I'm confused.
Lisa: Once, a bunch of us were hanging out on a Saturday. She pulls up in her car and practically drags him off. Said he was supposed to be studying.
Marilyn: When you say she dragged him?
Lisa: She grabbed him by the arm and dragged him. She's a psycho. Of course, I can't be objective. She was calling me a whore at the time. That's another thing he was evidently doing wrong: hanging around whores-
Marilyn: Thank you, Lisa.
[Meredith Peters approaches]
Meredith: You weren't simply hanging out on a Saturday; you were drinking beer, and Jeremy had missed three days of school due to an illness, so this came at a time when he was trying to catch up, so there were circumstances you see. Perhaps I should have taken the time to explain them. [turns to go, but stops and turns back] Oh, and in the interest of accuracy, you were the only whore whom I objected Jeremy keeping company with.
Scott: Ah, Mr. Senate, I need a favor.
Harry: Is it sexual?
Scott: Why must you be depraved at every turning, Mr. Senate?
Harry: It's in my character.
Scott: We discovered that Anthony Ward compiled a list of people he wanted to kill.
Harry: Was I on it?
Scott: Tell Mr. Jackson to come see me.
Harvey: Fine. Is that all?
Scott: I didn't send for you, Harvey.
Harry: Would you excuse us, Mr. Guber, I want to be alone with him, so I can be sensitive.
[Scott leaves]
Harry [To Anthony]: What are you, an idiot?!
Anthony: Boy, you're good at this!
Anthony: Sometimes, when there's nothing good on television, I like to come here and watch the lockers.
Anthony: At nine o'clock the lockers get really interesting.
Marilyn [Referring to Daniel]: Are you going to see him again?
Lauren: Marilyn, please! He's-he's just a kid! He's still in college!
Marilyn: Are you going to see him?
Lauren: Tonight, maybe this afternoon. [Giggles]
Kevin Jackson: You make a lot of big arguments, Mr. Guber, but you still can't retort "that sucks," mainly because it all sucks. So, what, you gonna suspend me now?
Scott: Have you ever considered going out for the debate team?
Jeremy: She has never abused me!
Marilyn: Why do you seen so afraid right now?
Jeremy: Well, 'cause when I go home after this! After the-
Marilyn: In for quite a lecture are you?
Louisa [With a vase of flowers]: Lauren, for you. From a student grateful for your influence.
Lauren [Excitedly]: What?! Is that what it says?
Louisa: I was joking.
Steven: Let's not overreact-
Marcia Shinn: It's my niche to overreact.
Meredith Peters: I didn't give him those bruises!
Marilyn [sarcastically]: Yes, he fell off his scooter.
Anthony [In the meeting with Marcia Shinn]: You are disciplining me for my thoughts. How can any school or any moral society, for that matter, do that?!
Scott [Quietly, to Steven]: Flair.
Steven [To Scott]: Scott!
Marcia: Well, unfortunately, Anthony, your thoughts became public. They pose safety risks to yourself as well as to others.
Anthony: You mean liability risks?
Scott [Quietly, to Steven]: Flair!
Steven [Quietly to Scott, while elbowing him]: Scott!
Scott: Hey, Daniel! What brings you?
Daniel: Ms. Davis and I are going out - get a pizza, maybe grab a movie.
Harry: Oh!
Steven: Oh!
Scott: Oh!

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