Daniel: Can we at least talk?
Lauren: Alright, but not here. Let's go to a restaurant.
Daniel: Someplace public.
Lauren: Yeah, very public!
[Lauren gets into her car, leaving Daniel standing there]
Daniel: So should I follow you?
[Lauren looks at him]
Daniel: ...to the restaurant.
Scott: ...the first semester at Winslow Hi- Look at me, sir!
[Student makes eye contact]
Scott: You can go.
[Student turns to go]
Scott: Just a second!
[Student turns back around to face Scott]
Scott: You may go.
[Student turns to go]
Scott: Just a second!
[Student turns to face Scott]
Scott [enunciating]: You can go.
Student: May I sir?
Scott: You may.
Scott [To Steven, in reference to the seniors slacking off second semester]: High school is becoming a three-and-a-half year program with a semester of Club Med tacked on for good measure.
Kevin Jackson: Hey Mr. Guber, can I see you for a second?
Scott: What about?
Jackson: I got voted class speaker for graduation!
Scott [in disbelief]: You?
Jackson: Yes. [Sarcastically] Thank you for your continued confidence.
Isaac Rice: I'd like Adam to participate in commencement Friday.
Scott: He doesn't go here. Surely you remember that, Isaac. You "pulled him from the throws of our compound incompetence" - I believe those were your words.
Isaac: Scott, wh-whatever our differences may be, Adam shouldn't be victimized. I'm sure you'll agree with that.
Scott: It would be a mistake to presume my concurrence with any of your opinions, Isaac.
Isaac [sighing]: Okay. I admit, I was wrong.
Scott: In home schooling your son?
Isaac: In thinking you couldn't possibly become a bigger ass. It seems I've never been more mistaken.
Scott: You're son doesn't attend Winslow High. Accordingly, he may not participate in Friday's commencement proceedings.
Isaac [matter-of-factly]: I'll try not to leave a footprint as I go over your head. I know how you are about your hair. By the way, not to say I told you so, I begged you to get help.
Jackson: Mr. Guber, did you read my speech?
Scott: I did. And I found it dreadful...unless your goal is to impel a mass exodus, in which case I'd consider it a masterpiece.
Jackson: That ain't constructive feedback.
Scott: This is an opportunity to speak to your classmates, Mr. Jackson. I will not be an accomplice to such utter boredom. Make a sincere effort and then I will give you my feedback.
Jackson: I don't really know what to say.
Scott: Yes, that much is clear!
Jackson: I don't even know why I asked you.
Isaac [upon barging into a meeting with Steven, Scott, and Marla]: Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were busy.
Louisa: I told him people were in here!
Isaac: She's a liar Steven.
Louisa: Hey I absolutely told you, you know it!
Isaac: Yes, but you're a liar; I didn't believe you.
Jackson: Mr. Guber!
Scott [angrily]: What is it?
Jackson: You seem mad.
Scott: I am angry - mad suggests dementia, Mr. Jackson. I am angry.
Jackson: You seem mad.
Jackson [in reference to his speech for graduation]: I either get help from you or Lipshultz. A lot of parents are gonna be there. You want me to be coached by Lipshultz?
Scott: You're always so awkward around me, Lauren. It's extremely demoralizing.
Lauren: Well, Scott, I'm just afraid if I'm too nice, you'll invite me to the symphony.
Scott [to Lauren about Harry]: He should be institutionalized - apparently, you like that in a man.

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