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Welcome to my online photo album.

These are pictures of the bottom floor apartment. It's made of vinyl covered plywood
set on two-by-two braces. The walls are made of half inch mesh wire bolted to four
foot high steel corners. I used eyebolts and washers.

I made shelves for jumping onto and to give different places to lay down. One I used vinyl to give
a cool spot and wrapped it around the wood to prevent chewing on the wood. The other has
the bottom covered with wood grain contact paper and carpet screwed to the top side. This is
Faith's favorite shelf. I had another along the backside and needed to take it out because Faith
got too big to lay behind the leg braces.

The apartment complex is four feet high, two feet ten inches wide (only because
I didn't measure correctly, it was supposed to be three feet), and five feet long.

This is the apartment complex completed aside from attaching UV lights to help
them absorb the vitamin D to protect their back teeth and for overall health. I used
furniture glider tacks on the bottom so it can be moved easier. Since I added the
second apartment floor, I'm thinking about putting it on casters since it's now much
heavier. The top is the same gauge wire just placed over and folded down around
it so if need be, I can remove the floor or section it off if we decide to add to our
bunny family.
