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Guinea Pig Links on the Internet

Welcome to one of the largest collection of cavy links on the World Wide Web. All links are sorted by category for ease of browsing, and the categories and selection criteria are given below. Sites that fit multiple categories will be listed under each category that is appropriate. [Editor's Choice]Links marked with a star are "Editor's Choice" sites, due to what I believe to be their exceptional quality or originality based on my excursions around the Internet.

To have your link added, e-mail me Here and I will add your link as soon as I can.

Links updated Sun mar 3 5:2:24 2002

Cavy Life

  • Alyssa Buecker's Guinea Pig Tales
    • Young filmmaker Alyssa Buecker makes award-winning movies starring her 17 guinea pigs for HBO and Nickelodeon.

      Categories: Cavy Life, Special Services

    Blackgold Cavies

    • Categories: Breeders and Breeder Resources, Cavy Life, Informational Articles and Resources, Photos/Artwork

    Cavies Dot Com!

    • Mailing lists, newsletters, discussion groups, pet loss and more.

      Categories: Cavy Life, Cavy Link Collections, Fun/Personal Pet Pages, Informational Articles and Resources, Mailing Lists and Discussion Groups, Photos/Artwork, Special Services, Veterinary Sources and Resources

    The Cavy Compendium

    • Should be an extensive site when it is finished.

      Categories: Cavy Life, General Care, Informational Articles and Resources

    The Cavy Hutch

    • Categories: Cavy Life, Fun/Personal Pet Pages, Mailing Lists and Discussion Groups

    [Editor's Choice] Cavy Madness

    • A beautiful Web site featuring a detailed care guide, photos, message board and more.

      Categories: Cavy Life, Fun/Personal Pet Pages, General Care, Mailing Lists and Discussion Groups, Photos/Artwork, Special Services

    Colin Dalziel's Guinea pig Page

    • Categories: Cavy Life, General Care

    Cosmo and Rocket's Home Page

    • Featuring the Krewe of Cavy. A virtual cavy event born on the Guinea Pigs' Daily Digest, and some excellent photographs.

      Categories: Cavy Life, Fun/Personal Pet Pages, Photos/Artwork

    Dan's Guinea Pig Page

    • Lots of pigtures; lots of links.

      Categories: Cavy Life, Cavy Link Collections, Fun/Personal Pet Pages, Photos/Artwork

    Dawson & Max's Piggydom

    • Categories: Cavy Life, Fun/Personal Pet Pages, Mailing Lists and Discussion Groups, Photos/Artwork

    Emily's Pig Palace

    • Categories: Cavy Life, Cavy Link Collections, General Care, Photos/Artwork

    EPigs - The Internet Cavy Wonderland

    • A look at the lives of Guinea Pigs in a comedic way.

      Categories: Cavy Life, Fun/Personal Pet Pages, Mailing Lists and Discussion Groups, Photos/Artwork

    Equal Rights for Cavies

    • Categories: Cavy Life, Fun/Personal Pet Pages

    [Editor's Choice] The Great Guinea Pig Poo Extravaganza

    • The first ever crossing of America from East to West by Guinea Pig poo's, lined up end to end

      Categories: Cavy Life, Fun/Personal Pet Pages

    Gui the Guinea Pig

    • All about Gui, the super-pig.

      Categories: Cavy Life, Fun/Personal Pet Pages, Photos/Artwork

    Guinea Pig and Cavy Lovers Site

    • Categories: Cavy Life, Fun/Personal Pet Pages, General Care, Photos/Artwork

    The Guinea Pig Compendium

    • A collection of guiea pig resources, including a detailed guinea pig care guide, guinea pig articles and references and pointers to guinea pig sites on the Web.

      Categories: Cavy Life, Cavy Link Collections, General Care, Informational Articles and Resources

    Guinea Pig Poetry and Prose

    • Categories: Cavy Life, Fun/Personal Pet Pages, Photos/Artwork

    [Editor's Choice] Guinea Pig's Favorite Resort

    • Very cute and very fun, the Resort has a variety of treats for curious visitors.

      Categories: Cages, Cavy Life, Fun/Personal Pet Pages, General Care, Photos/Artwork

    [Editor's Choice] Guinea Pigs on the Net

    • Carlo's excellent home for guinea pigs on the Internet. This is the home of the Guinea Pigs' Daily Digest, a wonderfull collection of guinea pig links around the world, and an Internet, guinea pig photo album.

      Categories: Cavy Life, Cavy Link Collections, Fun/Personal Pet Pages, Photos/Artwork

    [Editor's Choice] Guinea Pigs Online

    • The official home of the Guinea Pigs' Daily Digest calendar

      Categories: Cavy Life, Fun/Personal Pet Pages, Photos/Artwork, Special Services

    Hal & Ren's Guinea Pig Pages

    • A site offering their tips on keeping guinea pigs indoors. Includes details of their cage design.

      Categories: Cages, Cavy Life, Fun/Personal Pet Pages, General Care, Photos/Artwork

    Jenn's Guinea Pig Page

    • Categories: Cavy Life, General Care, Photos/Artwork

    [Editor's Choice] Mary's Cavy Clubhouse

    • One of the great guinea pig Web sites, Mary's Cavy Clubhouse has everything for the guinea pig fancier, including a list of resources, photos, movies, pictures of their pigsters, and "Ask the Cavies", a question-and-answer forum for curious owners.

      Categories: Audio/Video Clips or Services, Cages, Cavy Life, Fun/Personal Pet Pages, General Care, Informational Articles and Resources, Photos/Artwork

    Muffy's Guinea Pig Page

    • Categories: Cavy Life, Cavy Link Collections, Fun/Personal Pet Pages, General Care

    My Lovely Chins and Cavies

    • A cute collection of pictures and stories about Christel's guinea pigs and chins.

      Categories: Cavy Life, Fun/Personal Pet Pages, Photos/Artwork

    [Editor's Choice] OinkerNet

    • Quite possibly the most famous guinea pig site on the Internet, Oinkernet is home to almost-live Guinea Pig TV and an elaborate guinea pig habitat that is a must-see. Also featured are photos, sound bytes and videos of the OinkerNet cavies.

      Categories: Audio/Video Clips or Services, Cages, Cavy Life, Cavy Link Collections, Fun/Personal Pet Pages, Photos/Artwork

    [Editor's Choice] Once Upon a Hamster

    • The home page for the children's TV show "Once Upon a Hamster", co-starring GP the Guinea Pig. Though it's aimed at youngsters, this program is a treat for adults, too.

      Categories: Audio/Video Clips or Services, Cavy Life, Special Services

    [Editor's Choice] Patches' and Bailey's Home Page

    • The home of Patches and Baily, the Internet's most famous guinea pigs. Be sure to check out the movies, sounds and, of course, the popular drawings by their owners.

      Categories: Audio/Video Clips or Services, Cavy Life, Fun/Personal Pet Pages, Photos/Artwork

    [Editor's Choice]

    • The on-line pet store that also provides care information and regular features for pet owners. Check out the "small pets" section for a variety of articles on guinea pigs.

      Categories: Cavy Life, Informational Articles and Resources, Photos/Artwork, Special Services

    Piggie Palace

    • Categories: Cavy Life, Cavy Link Collections, Fun/Personal Pet Pages, General Care, Photos/Artwork

    The Pigsley Pages

    • A large website hosted by Elvis, Priscilla, and Lisa Marie Pigsley. Includes photos, adventures, a large book review section and a free on-line piggie newsletter.

      Categories: Cavy Life, Fun/Personal Pet Pages, Informational Articles and Resources, Photos/Artwork, Shelters and Rescues

    The Pups "N" Pigs Page

    • In addition to photos of her little ones, Karen has a short Q&A section on guinea pigs, including a full page devoted to the question, "how do I build my own cage?"

      Categories: Cages, Cavy Life, Fun/Personal Pet Pages, Informational Articles and Resources, Photos/Artwork

    Scooter's Page

    • Scooter's page is a humorous look at life with guinea pigs.

      Categories: Cavy Life, Fun/Personal Pet Pages, Photos/Artwork

    [Editor's Choice]

    • The official home page of the most opinionated guinea pig you'll ever meet. Here you'll find Squeaky's views on current events, famous Squeaky quotations and Squeaky's Q&A corner.

      Categories: Cavy Life, Fun/Personal Pet Pages, Informational Articles and Resources, Photos/Artwork

    Streak's Guinea Pig Page

    • Categories: Cavy Life, Fun/Personal Pet Pages

    Windhunter Caviary

    • A site dedicated to my guinea pigs! Find helpful health information, graphics, guinea pig of the month, memorial pages, links, gallery, create-a-cavy-cage, and much more!

      Categories: Cages, Cavy Life, Cavy Link Collections, Fun/Personal Pet Pages, General Care, Photos/Artwork, Special Services


      • Audio/Video Clips or Services. Guinea pig sites with audio clips, movies or live guinea pig image feeds.
      • Breeders and Breeder Resources. Cavy breeder sites, or sites with breeder resources
      • Cages. Pages with unusual/creative cage designs or ideas.
      • Cavy Life. Sites containing creative pages or articles relating to cavy ownership and cavy life; or stories, both fiction and non-fiction. This category is also somewhat subjective.
      • Cavy Link Collections. Other Web sites with a large number of guinea-pig Internet links. This category is also subjective.
      • Fun/Personal Pet Pages. Entertainment-oriented or personal pet Web pages.
      • General Care. General guinea pig care information sites.
      • Informational Articles and Resources. Web pages with articles of interest to cavy owners and/or pointers to guinea pig resources (books, magazines, etc.).
      • Mailing Lists and Discussion Groups. Web sites containing cavy-related discussion groups, or providing information for guinea pig mailing lists or newsgroups.
      • Photos/Artwork. Sites containing original artwork or a large number of images, such as a photo album, or pages with exceptional photos. This category is somewhat subjective.
      • Shelters and Rescues. Guinea pig rescue organizations, individuals or resources.
      • Special Services. Web sites that contain special services relating to guinea pigs, including magazine subscriptions, pet supplies and collectables.
      • Veterinary Sources and Resources. Pages from, or with information from, veterinary sources, and/or containing pointers to veterinary resources.

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