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The Eclectus Parrot

Eclectus.... In general there is not huge visual differences between the Eclectus sub species. Slight color or marking differences. We see the most significant difference in the personalities of each species. They are quieter than other species, and remind me of a cross between a African Grey & Amazon. They can become good clear talkers. They are intellegent, gentle and always watching the activity surrounding them. I have heard people say they are not good birds for people with young children. I do not agree. I think Eclectus parrots make one of the nicest family pets. We have 7 children ages 10 and under. Poncho one of our adult Eclectus liked to be down on the floor to play with the kids. He could make quite a pest of himself wanting to play with whatever they were working on. He even liked to play with our baby Emma. It was very comical to watch him interact with them all.

Eclectus are "beaky" birds. They will grab your hand but usually are very gentle about it. When they do not want to be bothered they will even push your hand away with their beaks. They rarely inflict a hard bite.


Soloman Islands- The Solomans are smaller than their relatives, approx 12" in size. Their temperments tend to be the most docile of the three sub species we will compare. They are usually slightly quieter than the others. (Though with birds "quiet" is dependent on what you are comparing them too!!!) With our pair the male and female are not biters or nasty (even when nesting), though neither are considered tame they do come out of their cage and ocassionally the male allows a kiss on the beak from both my husband and I. My kids can even pet them on the back and not get a quick bite. They typically avoid rather than attack.

Red Sided- The Red Sideds are about 13-13 1/2 inches in size. They are slightly more out going than the Solomans, yet very closely related to them and very similar in markings. I would say they fall in the middle of the Soloman/Vos temperments. They are beautiful and fun to raise.

Vos Marie- They are 13.5-14 inches in size. Their tails are longer than the Solomans. The females have a beautiful yellow band on their tails and vent. In my personal opinion the Vos are the most outgoing of these three.

Some Vos "Females" can become very tempermental when breeding age arrives. They tend to be very hormonal, and can become prone to plucking. They are very beautiful, but require an owner that can read their mood. Many people desire them because of their beauty, but please be honest about your willingness to care for them when they are older. They are absolutely stunning birds!

Vos "Males" can be wonderful pets. They are outgoing and full of personalilty. One of my closest friend owns a male from one of our likely "pure" pairs. He is the best and most favored bird she has ever owned. Even her husband, who was never a bird person... loves him.

Pure vs. Hybred Eclectus- Honestly, it is hard to be "positively" sure that your breeding stock is "pure." The variations in sub species can be so slight, and in the past they were frequently classified incorrectly and mix bred.

Our stock; We breed our Eclectus as pets for families. We have various pairs. They are one of my favorite birds to own and raise. They have beauty, intellegence and personality.