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A Story of Tragedy & Triumph

Just wanted to share this horriable experince and the happy ending;

We had a baby grey, who was weaned. She was supposed to go home on Saturday with her new family. They drove 8 hours one way to get her, and stayed in a hotel.

Well, Saturday morning in a flight attempt... as she was still mastering the wings. She broke her leg. We live in a very rural area, and needless to say the only couple of vets who even see birds were not in. Saturday... before the holidays... I called every vet in town, no one would see her or set her leg. Finally in tears, and complete frustration I got a hold of a emergency vet. They would not see her, but the lady answering the phone said she would call around and find someone to help us.

Finally, a vet about 20 miles from us said even though she did not see birds, she would splint the leg and we had her x-ray it so we knew what was going on. It would at least get us through the weekend. So, the new parents show up at my house 20 minutes after I return from the vets, expecting to get their new baby! I had to tell them the aweful news. Here we had a baby grey, in a purple bandaged leg. The people that were coming to get her, were buying her because a few weeks earlier they had a 17 year old African Grey died during a simple surgery. I told them, they were under no obligation to get her ect. and that we had been informed she would need surgery with pins put in her leg. The last thing they needed to deal with was another surgery! Well, they were here for hours, we all called all over the state; I am in Michigan... We called Michigan State University, every well known bird vet, Scott McDonald, and Peter Sakas (a well known vet in Chicago) Looking for anyone who could help us. Where were we going to take a young grey, and who had the knowledge to put pins in her little leg? The family fell in love with her as they cuddled her ect. I wasn't sure what we were going to do. I would have to get her to Chicago to my vet, Dr Sakas as soon as possiable. He is 7 hours from me. Because it was a weekend we couldn't get a hold of anyone. It was all a shot in the dark. So, to try and make a very long story short. They took her home, free of charge, with a little tank to keep her still ect. They agreed to get her to Chicago Monday morning so someone (Dr. Sakas) could do the surgery. It was so hard to let her go! I hate feeling so helpless. But, I knew they with no children (I have 6 & one on the way) could get her there quicker than I. Since it was the weekend, we could do nothing right now. Sunday, as they were running through the list of phone numbers... Michigan State, Scott McDonald (who was out of town) and Peter Sakas the vet I used; buy a miracle, they got someone in Dr. Sakas's office Sunday morning to answer the phone. They told them the story... and the lady scheduled them for an appointment at 8 am monday morning. I got the call from her new family that morning! Monday the 22nd, She had her appointment, and Sakas said she would not need the surgery, no pins, he could reset the leg. Her prognosis is good, and she can leave today at 2:00 pm to go home with her new family. This all was such a whirlwind experience. In retrospect I struggle with what could have been done differently. But, the one thing I know... She landed in the very best family she could have. We have been in touch none stop, discussing this situation. Tring to help one another and her. I am so glad that such a wonderful caring family got her. I don't think given the circumstances it could have worked out any better. In 14 years of working with birds I never had a broken leg! The timing could not have been worse. But the chosen family could not have been better! We laughed last night, as her new dad said.. "I remember the first thing you said to me when we walked in; There is no way you are going to be able to take your baby home today." Wow, what a turn of events.

There are wonderful people out there!!! Dan and Debbie Dallas of Marquette MI. you are one of them! Merry Christmas! And enjoy your new baby!!!!

*******************Thank You; Dr. Burke's receptionist, who found someone to help. (Dr. Cochran DMV)*****

Thank you; Kathryn Cochran DMV. Suttons Bay for being willing to see her splint and x-ray her, when no one else would.*****

Thank you; Peter Sakas DMV, of Niles Illinos. You are one of the best. Thank you for all you have done in helping my baby, fixing her leg and loving your patients. We appreciate you and your office!*****

Thank you; Scott McDonald for calling as soon as you got back into town, willing to offer your guidance.*****

UPDATE; Gracie is doing great! Her leg is healed, and she is clowning around as normal. She has bonded very well with her new family.