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Our classic shots, pg. 1

These are some of the unusual shots that we have gotten. Birds do many goofy things. Catching them in the act is a whole other story. We enjoy the company of our birds & all their antics. Hope you enjoy these photos.

Bird pile?

This was a crazy shot we got of our Male Cape "Gabe" standing on one of our baby Congo Greys "Pueblo". Maybe they were practicing to do the "Bird Tower." I think they have watched too many cheerleading clips!

Playing dead...

Here was our young male Cape "Gabe" playing dead. He even slowly lowered his head. As you can see these little birds have alot of character.

Airplane ride anyone?

Jacob & Sunny playing with the toy jet. Believe it or not Sunny actually enjoyed this pastime. She would climb in this jet on her own, and sit there waiting for her escorted ride. She was quite a character. She will forever be missed and loved. (Update: Jacob finally got another sun conure, it took over a year and a half to find the one he wanted. This past October 2005 Buddy was added to our family.)