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President Boris Yeltsin champion anticommunist leader invited the Library of Congress in Washington to copy a million pages of secret documents in the Comintern Archives in Moscow,translate and publish them in, in 2005. An E-Mail of an Archivist of the Comintern in Moscow confirms: Dear Mr. Fernandez, it is a pleasure to have a message from John Haynes [Library of Congress historian that led project] and you. As far as I know 99% of the people whose Lichnoe is kept in Comintern Archives were communists, but 1% not, they serviced as typist or couriers. Tell my greetings to John Haynes. With best regards regard. Below is a translated photocopy of the cover of the Lichnoe of Batista made by the Library of Congress published in their site and the campaign poster of Batista in 1940. Corroborate me in the Library in Washington. Lichnoes of Fidel, Prio and Grau are shown below.


The US Navy invaded Cuba, 8-14-33, with 33 ships with the Secretary of Navy and 1800 soldiers. Some ships stayed 3 months in six ports. They threatened to bomb Havana to force a 5-men-government with a Communist majority Grau, Irrisari and Carbo that made Batista head of the Army. It was not a sergeant revolution see Ricardo Adam-Silva’s book La Gran Mentira.

Batista Communist

Batista Communist

Batista Communist


You can’t say it was because WWII because in 1948 they supported communist Prio and in 1952 Batista and there was no war. Even if it sounds un-imaginable, the only objective of the revolution in Cuba was to usurp the redemption of the 45 Declarations of War against Germany in WWII. Victory in the nuclear WWIII depends on what happens in Cuba and who redeems these 45 declarations. They forced Stalin to power to redeem the 18 declarations of WWI against Germany. Somebody redeems all declarations and acts of war after every war. Only the Duke Bretagne can redeem the declarations against Germany while he is unmarried. He is the King or successor to the crown of France and 1st born of all French, Germans, all descendants of Narmer and of all humankind. The firstborn Bourbon in Spain calls himself Duke Anjou to tell us he is just the 2nd in line. He cannot redeem. He was not born in Cuba he does not have the seat of power. If they transferred Cuba to Spain, there will not be Cuba.

Castro loves New York the Jew city in USA

Fidel Castro in his Yamaha

The King Louis XV wanted to end the monarchy because the interminable intromissions of elements within the church and nobility that wanted a Kingdom without a King and a heavens without Christ. He prepared a succession unknown publicly. He had issue with Françoise Châlus, by marriage Duchesse de Narbonne-Lara. Her royalist husband who was in the conspiracy was impotent due to a wound he received in the War of the Austrian Succession. The first child Comte Lui de Narbonne-Lara, also had two male children both born in Spain out of wedlock with a royalist woman also in the conspiracy, Emmanuel b 1790 and Silvestre born 1791. Emmanuel’s son Andres, born in 1824 in Galicia-Spain, married his cousin Maria who recognized him as the successors to the crown of France when Henri V died in 1883. In 1917 the next 2 Duke Bretagne, born in Spain, were assassinated in fratricide Cuba. Two Dukes Bretagne followers were born in Republica de Cuba.

Cristians executed by Jews

The son of the last one born in Spain was kidnapped and grew with a baptized Jew stepfather. This 1st born in Cuba married in 1940 and his wife gave the 18 declarations of WWI against Germany, to be redeem by the NAZI to avoid Stalin would do that. That was Stalin’s only reason of being. A Cuban usurpation in 1940 would have been the same as when Napoleon in 1797 usurped the redemption of the declarations of France from exiled and married Louis XVII, who they assassinated, in 1812, in West Feliciana, now part of Louisiana USA after they redeemed his declarations. They rose to power Napoleon III in 1848 only to usurp the redemption of the declarations against France of exiled and married Henri V making it possible for conspirators to make the American Civil War and other wars around the world. McKinley started WWI, when he declared war in 1898 against the regent of Spain Mary Austria. T Roosevelt was involved in the sinking of the USS Maine. A terrorist act in Sarajevo did no generate declarations. USA signed the Treaty of Paris with Mary Austria that makes USA responsible for life and property in Cuba while they occupy the island, as in Guantanamo. They assassinated McKinley because he did not want Cuba a republic. Roosevelt did that after they kill him.


US Congress better know they have war problems in Korea, Kashimir, Iran-Syria, Kosovo, and Cuba-Venezuela. They knew Bretagne lived in Cuba because a paragon between the Kingdom of France and the ancient Kingdom of Egypt histories and the histories of the successors to the two crowns. The usurpation would have had communists hold to power so the successor to the crown of France, or Duke Bretagne, would have to go exile and marry in Miami somebody sympathetic to the conspiracy. Similar to when the Julian exiled from Sicily to Rome in 100 BC married and Cornelia entered the history of the royal family. The wife of the Duke can negotiate declarations if there is one. The conspiracy fails when Bretagne remains single, only he can redeem. The redemption will belong to Russia after the present Duke Bretagne dies without redeeming these 45. It will be difficult to win the nuclear war if Russians had the offensive. Truman gave Russians Cuba in 1952-1953 in exchange for Egypt, to save Israel from an attack by the King of Egypt. The wives or Queens of the Duke Bretagne previously gave to European countries the declarations they ever redeemed. Batista, a communist since 1919, when he joined the non recognized communist union and party organizing “Ferrocarriles Del Norte” in Camaguey, was elected President in a fraudulent election in 1940. He was a candidate of the communist party. In 1940 he moved to take the name of God from the Constitution and named Communist Marinello in charge of Catholic Schools. Duke Bretagne in Cuba organized a demonstration with 40,000 Catholics “For School and Countryland” that made Batista retract. Grau and Prio who followed 1944-1952 were also members of the communist party. Communists Batista and Castro in 1956-58 did a pantomimic to confiscate $350 billions in property. Batista betraying his soldiers helped Castro win battles and at the end surrendered all garrisons by telephone without a fight [see Ramon Barquin 2 books one :“Las 24 horas en que Castro tomo el poder en Cuba”]. Batista communicated with Castro via Mas-Callado a relative of Mas-Canosa that worked in Bureau of Intelligence in Orient. WWII generated 206 declarations. The 161 allies received were redeemed, the last in 2011. The sovereignties created after WWII 159 plus 2 states equal this number. This can not be a coincidence.


Sincerely Fernandez - Group Searching 4

Christ-King GSCK

Redemption of WWII 161 Declarations of war received by Allies

A-CHURCHILL redeemed: 15 declarations: 9 vs. Britain #25 Bulgaria, #28 Burma, #60 Finland, #95- Hungría, #107- Italia, #116- Japan, #131 Nanking, #163- Rumania #177- Slovakia, 6 more of #66 Germany vs. Norway, #67- Germany vs. Netherlands, #117-Japan vs. Australia, #118- Japan vs. Canadá, #119-Japan vs. New Zealand, #121-Japan vs. Netherlands, -----------------Total 15

A-redemption creates: Norway, Denmark, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, Spain, Emiratos, Lesotho, (10) Bahrein, Qatar, Kuwait, Jordan-Hashemite, Bhután and Tonga- they renew monarchies ended by the Germans with declarations of WW1----Total 15

B-STALIN redeemed: 6 declarations vs. USSR from: #23 Bulgaria, #59 Finland, #71 Germany, #93 Hungría, #109 Italia, y #162 Rumania. Also redeemed. 3 vs. Yugoslavia from: #22 Bulgaria, #70 Germany, #108 Italy. 8 vs. Bulgaria from: #10 Australia, #79 Bretaña, #87 Haití, #141 New Zealand, #146 Nicaragua, #188 S África, #193 USA, #196 U.S.S.R. 11 vs. Rumania: #8 Australia, #34 Canadá, #206 Czechoslovakia, #77 Bretaña, #89 Haití, #96 Hungría, #100 India, #139 New Zealand, #148 Nicaragua, #187 Sur África, #195 USA y 13 Vs. Hungría from: #7 Australia, #21 Bulgaria, #32 Canadá, #205 Czechoslovakia, #69 Germany, #76 Bretaña, #88 Haití, #99 India, #138 New Zealand, #147 Nicaragua, #168 Rumania, #185 Sur África, #194 USA, 1 Vs. Poland from #65 Germany-----------Total 42

B- redemption: Armenia, Azerbaiján, Rusia, Belarus, N-Corea, Estonia, Georgia, Kazajstán, Kirghizstan, 10 Moldaba, Serbia, Tayikistán, Turkmenistán, Ukraine, Uzbekistán, Irán, Algiers, Afganistán, Libya, 20 Somalia, Poland, Angola, Burundi, Czech R., Hungria, Slovakia, Guinea-Bissau, Ecuatorial-Guinea, Etiopía, 30 Mozambique, Congo-Republic, Congo-Democrátic-Rep-[Zaire], China, Cuba, Laos, Mongolia,, Nicaragua, Bharat-India, Myanmar-[Burma], Vietnam, Bulgaria, Rumania-[Romania] ---------------Total 42

C-ROOSEVELT redeemed: 12 vs. USA from #1-Albania, #24 Bulgaria, #27 Burma, #43 Croacia, #72 Germany, #94 Hungría, #110 Italia, #115 Japan, #126-Manchukuo, 10 #132 Nanking #164 Rumania, #176 Slovakia also 26 vs. Italia from: #5 Australia, #12 Belgium, #15 Bolivia, #18 Brasil, #30 Canadá, #37 China, #42 Costa Rica, 20 #46 Cuba, #48 Czechoslovakia, #52 Dominicana, #57 Etiopía, #63 France, #74 Bretaña, #83 Guatemala, #86 Haití, #92 Honduras, #104 Irak, #128 México,[30] #134 Netherlands, #136-N Zealand, #145 Nicaragua, #153 Panamá, #160 Portugal, #172 Salvador, #183 S África, #192 USA, 46 vs. Nipón from: #3 Argentina, #9 Australia, #13 Belgium, #16 Bolivia, #19 Brasil, #33 Canadá, #35 Chile, #38 China, #41 Costa Rica, [10] #44 Cuba, #49 Czechoslovakia, [50] #50 Dominican Republica, #53 Ecuador, #55 Egipto, #58 Etiopía, #78 Bretaña # 81 Guatemala , #84 Haití, #90 Honduras, [20] #102 Irán, #105 Irak, #114 Italia, #123 Lebanon, #125 Liberia, #129 México, #130 Mongolia, #133 Netherlands, #140 New Zealand, #143 Nicaragua, [30] #150 Norway, #151 Panamá, #155 Paraguay, #157 Perú, #158 Poland, #161 Portugal, #169 Rumania, #170 Salvador, #175 Saudita Arabia, #179 Siria, [40] #186 South África, #181 Turkey, #190 USA, #197 USSR,[80] #199 Uruguay, #201 Venezuela, #202 Yugoslavia, 7 vs. Finland: from #6 Australia, #31 Canadá, #75 Bretaña, #98 India, #137 N Zealand, #184 S Africa, #204 Czechoslovakia 1vs Guatemala [90] from #112 Italia, 1 vs. France #106 from Italia, 2 vs. Greece #68 from Germany, #20 from Bulgaria, 4 vs. Thai #189 from S África, #11 from Australia, #142 from N Zealand, y #80 Bretaña, 1vs Haití #166 from Rumania, 1 vs. S África #120 Japan, 1 vs. Croatia #203 vs. Czechoslovakia, 1 vs. Cuba #111 from Italia, 1 vs. Nicaragua # 165 Rumania-----------------------Total 104

C- redemption: Chad, Malí, Austria, Croacia, Djibouti, Germany, Finland, France, Greece 10 Eritrea, Italia, Ciprés, Latvia, Lituania, North Macedonia, Malta, Mauritania, Eslovenia, Benin, 20 Tunisia, Ghana, Níger, Timor-East, Israel, Irak, Lebanon, Yemen, Botswana, Burkina, 30 Camerún, Cape-Verde, Central-África, Comoros, Gabón, The Gambia, Guinea, Ivory-Coast, Kenya, Madagascar, 40 Malawi, Mauritius, Namibia, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sao-Tome-Prince, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra-Leone Salomón-Islands, 50 South-Africa, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Bangla Desh, Pakistán, Sri-Lanka, Fiji, 60 Camboya, Indonesia, Kiribati, Malasia, Maldivas, Marshall-Is, Micronesia, Nauru, Japan, Palau, 70 Papua-N-Guinea, Philippines, Samoa, Singapore, Thailand, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, Belice, Dominica, Grenada, 80 Guyana, Jamaica, St-Kits-Nevis, St-Lucia, St-Vincent-Grenadines, Antigua y Barbuda, Barbados, T Bahamas, Surinam, Trinidad-Tobago, 90 Sudan, So-Sudan, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Egipto, Montenegro, Albania, Andorra, K. Eswatini [Swaziland], Siria, S Marino, 100 Brunei, S Corea, Kosovo, =102 + Hawai y Alaska-------------------------------------Total 104

D-Germany received 45. E- 45+15+42+104= 206

Declarations. Sovereingties Not eliminated in WWII: Britain, N Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Erie, Mónaco, Portugal, Switzerland, Sweden, 10 Omán, Saudi-Arabia, Turkey, Liberia, Australia, Nepal, N-Zealand, Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, 20 Canadá, Chile, Colombia, Costa-Rica, Dominican-R, Ecuador, Guatemala, Haití, Honduras, México, 30 Panamá, Paraguay, Perú, Salvador, Uruguay, Venezuela, USA, Iceland, Moroco [W Sahara], Vaticano = 39. With the redemption of the declaration of Great Britain alone, a nuclear power can invade the 10 monarchies of Europe and all lands that belonged to the corresponding empires when they declared war. 15 + 42+ 104 + 39 less Hawaii, Alaska =198 sovereignties, less Israel, not recognized, and USA in the list of not eliminated =196, minus 4 heads of federations, [UK-USA-Germany-Austria] not counted as first born = 192 states, plus 76 states of the 4 Federations = 268 states and firstborn of mankind since Narmer.

The United Nations recognized 193 minus Israel and plus Kosovo, Vatican, Mecca y Medina that should be recognized = 196. Palestine and Vatican are observers of UN. Moses could not have live 120 years; therefore, Moses I and II are recognized in Medina y Mecca. Jesus is the son of the only apotheized person in the World in those days, Cesarion. There are sovereignties dedicated to both Jesus and Cesarion. There are other federations that call states their members, but do not count as dedicated to any firstborn of mankind. Group Searching for Bretagne- GSB

CORRESPONDANCE BETWEEN 44 QUEENS AND 44 US PRESIDENTS, 45 if Cleveland and Jean Burgundy, after a posthumous King, are counted twice non consecutive

Wives or mothers of preseance [presence] of the Kings of France after the Carolingian Revolution, X=Married, M=died, N=birth, SPM=Without Male Posterity, R=King, Mad=Mother of the next king, SA= President, D=date of first born succession, S=sister, Ma= Marie

Wife # King # [0] wife or mother of preseance President #

------------------------ Dynasty ROBERT

01 Robert Fort [1] D1834 X EMMA X1863 M1870 SA 1 WASHINGTON

02 X RICHILDIS [s] of Eudes 1866- M 1881 SA 2- ADAMS

03Eudes[2]D1866,R1888XTHEODERATAX1881M1925 SA 3- JEFFERSON

Arnold [4] D 1898, M 1898 Unmarried Son of Odo

Guy Aquitaine [5] D 1898 M 1903, Unmarried Son of Odo

Robert IV [6] D1903 R 1898, X Aelis1886, M 1892 SPM

04 [Mad] BEATRICE Vermandois X 1893 M 1931 SA 4- MADISON

Hugo Grand [7] D1923 Judith Maine X1922 M1925 SPM

05 EDHILDE Angleterre X 1926 M 1937 SPM SA 5- MONROE

06 [Mad] HEDWIG Saxe X 1940 M 1965 SA 6- Q ADAMS

07 Hugue Capet [8] D1956 X ADELAIDE X1970-M1004 SA 7- JACKSON

Robert V [II] [9] D1996 X ROZALA [Susannah] Italy X1898 M1003

X Bertha Bourgogne [X1996] -M1000

08 [Mad] CONSTANCE Arles 1003- M1034 SA 8- VAN BUREN

09 ADELE France Son of Lui V X1034 M1051 SA 9- HARRISON

10 Henri I [10] D1056 X ANNE Russia X3-1051- M1075 SA 10- TYLER

X Matilda Speyer X1 1043 M 1044

X Matilda Frisian X 2 1044 M 1050

11 Philip I [11] D1060 X BERTHE Holland X 1072 -M1093 SA 11- POLK

12 X BERTRADE Montfort M 1117 SA 12- TAYLOR

13 LuiVI [12] D1108 X LUCIENNEX1-1104- M 1137 SA 13- FILLMORE

14 X ADELAIDE Savoy X2-1115- M1154 SA 14- PIERCE

15 LuiVII [13] D1137X ALIENOR A X1137-M1204 SA 15- BUCHANAN

X Constance Castile M1160

16 [Mad] ADELE Champagne X1160 M 1206 SA 16- LINCOLN

Philip II [14] D1180 X Isabelle Hainaut X1180 M 1190

17 X Ingeburg Danemark X 1193- M1236 SA 17- JOHNSON

18 Lui VIII [15] [D1223 X Blanche N1188-X1200 M1252 SA 18- GRANT

19 Lui IX [16] D1226 X MARGUERITA X1234- M1295 SA 19- HAYES

Philip III [17] D1270 [Mad] Isabelle Aragon X1262-M1271

20 X MARIE Brabant X1274- M1321 SA 20- GARFIELD

Philip IV [18] D1285 X Jeanne Navarre X 1284 M1305

Lui X [19] D1314 X Marguerite Bourgogne X1305 M1315


22 [Mad] CLEMENCE Hungary X1315 M1328 SA 21- ARTHUR [21-28]

Jean I [21] N-K-M1316 Unm, [son of Clemence Hungary M-1328]

21PhilipV[20]D1316XJEANNE BurgunM1329SPMSA23 CLEVELAND

Charles IV [22] D1322 BLANCHE Bourgogne X1307 M1326 SPM

23 X2 JEANNE Evreux X 1326 M 1371 SPM SA 22 HARRISON

-------------------- Dynasty VALOIS

Philip son of Marguerite Anjou M 1299

Philip VI [23] D1328 [Mad] Jeanne Bourbon X 1313 M 1348

24 X BLANCHE Navarre X 1349 M 1398 SA 24- MCKINLEY

Jean II [24] D1350 [Mad] Bonne Luxembourg X1332 M1349

X Jeanne Bourgogne X 1350 M 1361

Charles V [25] D1364 X Jeanne Bourbon X1350 M1377

25 CharlesVI [26] D1380X ISABEAU X1385M 1435 SA 25-T.ROOSEVELT

26 Charles VII [27] D1422 X MARIE Anjou X1422 M1463 SA 26-TAFT

Lui XI [28] D1461 X Marguerite Escosse X 1436 M1445

27 [Mad] X CHARLOTE Savoy X1457 M 1483 SA 27- WILSON

28CharlesVIII[29]D1483XANNEBretagnX1491 M1514SPSA28-HARDING

--------------------- Dynasty ORLEANS

Lui XII son of Marie Cleves M 1487

Lui XII [30] D1498 X1 Jeanne Valois X 1476 M1505 SPM

29 X2 ANNE BretagneX 1505M1514 SPM SA 29- COOLIDGE

30 X MARIE Angleterre X1514 M1533 SPM SA 30 HOOVER

-------------------------Dynasty ANGOULEME

Francis I son of Louise Savoy M 1531

Francis I [31] D1515 [Mad] Claude France X1514 M1524

31 X ELEANOR Austria X 1530 M1558 SA 31- F.ROOSEVELT

32HenriII[32] D1547XCATHERINEMediciX1533 M1589 SA 32- TRUMAN

Francis II [33] D1559 X Marie Stuart X1558 M1587 SPM


34HenriIII[35]D1574XLOUISELorraineX1574M1601SPMSA 34-KENNEDY

----------------------Dynasty BOURBONS

Henri IV son of Jeanne Albret M 1572

35Henri4[36]D1589XMARGUERITEValois X1572 M1615SA 35-JOHNSON

36 [Mad] X MARIE Medicis X1600 M1642 1SA 36- NIXON

37 Lui XIII [37] D1610X ANNE Austriche II X1615 M1666 SA 37- FORD

38Lui14 [38] D1643 X M TERESA Austria X1660 M1683 SA 38-CARTER

39 [LuiXIV son X MARIE Savoy II X1697 M1712 SA 39 REAGAN

40LuiXV[39]D1715 X MARIELeszczynska X1725 M1768SA40GH BUSH

[Lui Dauphin X1 Marie Therese Rafaela Spain M1746]

X2 Marie Josepha Saxe M1767]

41Lui16 [40] D1774XANTOINETTEAustria X1770 M1793 SA41 CLINTON

Lui XVII [41] D1793 Unmarried M1812

42 LuiXVIII [42] D1794XLOUISE Savoy X1771M1810 SA 42GW BUSH

[Napoleon War]

CharlesX [43]-D1824M1836 X1773 Marie Therese Sardaigne M 1805

43Lui19[44]-D1836M1844X1799MARIETheresaFranM1851SA-43 OBAMA

[They abused her together with Lui XVII in a French revolutionary jail]

[Charles Berry M 1820 X Carolina Naples, M 1870]

44HenriV[45][B820]D1844[M1883]X1846MARIEM1886SA-44 TRUMP

It is 45 Queens if Joanne is counted twice as they do with President Cleveland

Not recognized by the French Legislature, queen did not make Kingdom

45 Andres [46] d 1917 X Maria

46 Manuel [47][B1858-Kill12-25-17] D1917 X1891LUISA Berenguela M1915

47 Silvestre[48][B861-M1920]D1917 X1910 AMPARO Bourbon Spain M1978

48 Agusto [49] [B1/1914-M1981] D 1920 X 1940 SILVIA Capet M 1984

49 Eugene [50] [alive, born during WWII, a bachelor D 1984-2017]

They killed in jail in 1315 the wife of Lui X Margaret Burgundy for adultery. There was no queen from 1315 until Lui X died 5 June 1316 because there was no issue of him and Clementine. The wife of the next in line, Philip V, Joanna [b 1293; m 1329; x 1307], became queen for 5 months. When John I was born his mother Clementine became queen. When Clementine died 13 October 1328, Joanna became queen again until she died in 1329.


The legitimate successors to the Stuart Queendom of England recently are: Maria Sobieski (died 1735), [House of Savoy] Leonora daughter of Carlo Emmanuelle III (single, a nun, d 1781), M Antoinette Ferdinand married X Vittorio Amadeo (d 1785), Clotilde Xaviera X Carlo E IV (d 1802), M Teresa Giusepina (d 1832), M Beatriz Victoria G (d 1840), M T B Gaetana (d 1886), Adelgunda Baviera X Francesco (d 1914), [House of Baviera] M Teresa Henrietta Dorotea X Ludwig Baviera (d 1919), Isabella Clementine (d 1957), M Francisca Juliana Johann (d 1969), Elizabeth Cristina Wittelbach X Max.

Remember to fulfilled all degrees even if it is retroactively.


When Louis XVI made this sovereignty he arrange that each American States be dedicated to a first-born of the crown of France recognized King or not recognized as such in the order in which each State signed the Constitutional Law and beginning with Robert Fort. The last Duke Bretagne never married and he recognizes he is the Duke of Bretagne and the firstborn. Duke of Bretagne is the secular title given to the successor to the crown of France. Below is how the 50 last firstborn after Narmer are recognized, D is date of death. The others below are what they should be recognized according to the Duke Bretagne.

These are the States today as they recognized the rights of the order of the First Born of humankind or first born of Narmer who invented in Egypt the game of sovereignties. We begin with the American group created by Louis XVI. These rights could be changed and recognized elsewhere.

[Made with Amparo 2 Declarations]

1-50th signatory -Hawaii [State 1959] Eugene unmarried

2-49th signatory-Alaska [S 1959] Agusto D1981married Silvia

[Made with Luisa 4 Declarations of War]

3-48-Silvestre d1920 marry Amparo Arizona [S-1912]

4-47-Manuel d1917 marry Luisa N. Mexico [S-1912]

5-46 Andres d 1917 X Maria 1856 d 1883 Oklahoma; [S 1907]

p> 6-45 Henry[V]Chambord d1883 Utah

End of the French kingdom below

44 French Kings 7-44- Lui XIX Wyoming 8-43-Charles X Idaho 9-42- Lui XVIII Washington 10-41-Lui XVII Montana 11-40- Lui XVI S Dakota 12-39-Lui XV N Dakota 13-38- Lui XIV Colorado 14-37-Lui XIII Nebraska 15-36- Henri IV Nevada 16-35-Henri III W Virginia 17-34- Charles IX Kansas 18-33- Francis II Oregon 19-32- Henri II Montana 20-31- Francis California 21-30-Lui XII Wisconsin 22-29- Charles VIII Iowa 23-28-Lui XI Texas 24-27- Charles VII Florida 25-26-Charles VI Michigan 26-25-Charles V Arkansas 27-24- John II Missouri 28-23-Philip VI Maine 29-22- Charles IV Alabama 30-21-John Illinois 31-20- Philip V Mississippi 32-19- Lui X Idaho 33-18- Philip IV Louisiana 34-17- Philip III Ohio 35-16- Lui IX Tennessee 36-15- Lui VIII Kentucky 37-14-Philip II Vermont 38-13-Lui VII Rhode Is 39-12- Lui VI N Carolina 40-11- Philip New York 41-10- Henri Virginia 42-09-Robert II N Hampshire 43-08-Hugo Capet S Carolina 44-07- Hugo Gran Maryland 45-06- Robert I Massachusetts 46-05-Guy Connecticut 47-04- Arnold Georgia 48-03 Raoul New Jersey 49-02 Eudes Pennsylvania 50-01-Robert Fort Delaware

Robertines when Carolingians had 4 Emperors

51-4- Robert III 807 Trinidad and Tobago Aug 31, 1962

52-3- Robert II 788 Cuba 1959

53-2- Thurimbert 764 Andorra

54-1- Rupert I 755- 764 Kingdom of Spain 1977

20 SOM French Merovingian [kings or not]

55-20 Theodoric [son of Childeric III] 755-755 Panama 1903

56-19 HRH, Childeric III 752- 755, Brazil 1889

57-18 HRH Childebrant II Orleans 672-752, El Salvador 1839

58-Childebrant Bruyere[s Childebert] 630-672 Guatemala1839

59-Childebert III [s.TheodoricII]613-630 CostaRica 11-14-38

60-15 HRH, Merovech d.629 Honduras 30 May 1838

61-14 Corbon [s Theodoric II] 613-613, Nicaragua April 1838

62-Sigibert II 613-613 [s Theodoric II] Ecuador May 13 1830

63-12 HRH Theuderico II 613-613 Venezuela Nov 1829

64-11 Merovech [son Theudebert II] d 612 Uruguay 8-25-25

65-10Clothaire [s of Theudebert] d 612, Bolivia, 8-6-1825

66-9 HRH Theudebert II 595-612, Peru 1824

67-8 HRH Childeberto II 575- 595, Mexico 1823

68-7 Sigibert [s.of Lothair] 561 to 575, Dominican Rep 1821

69-6 HRH, Lothair d 561 Colombia 1819

70-5 HRH St Cloud [s.of Chlodomer] 555 to 561 Chile 1818

71-4 HRH Theudebaldo I 548-55, Argentina, 1816

72-3 HRH Theudeberto I 534, Paraguay established 1811

73-2 HRH Theuderico I 511, Haiti est. 1804

74-1 HRH Clovis I 481, Konungariket Sverige Sweden 1523

2 Goths = 24 SOM

-Germany 15+9=24

75-1-HRH Childeric I-456 Germany 1919 Bayern

76-2-HRH Merowe 448- Germany 1919 Saxony

77-3-HRH Clodión II (Charles II) 405 Germany1949 Bremen


79-5-HRH Marcomir II 357 Germany1949 Niedersachsen

80-6-HRH ClodiónI 324Germany1949Nordrhein-Westfalen

81-7 HRH Genebald II 299 Germany 1949 Rheinland Pfalz

82-8-HRH Dagobert II 242 Germany 1949 Hessen

83-9 HRH Chlodomir IV Germany 1952 Baden Wurttenberg

84-10-HRH GenebaldI-237, Germany1957 Saarland

85-11 Dagobert-230, Germany1990 Mecklenburg Vorpommern

86-12-HRH Walter 229- Germany 1994 Thuringen

87 13-Clodoveo I (Louis) 213- 1990 Brandenburg- Berlin

88 14-HRH Bartheus 212 Germany 1990 Sachsen Anhalt

89 15-Hilderic 195- Lucius I Kingdom of Netherland 1815



91-2- HRH Farabert 178- Austria 1918 Oberosterreich

92-3- HRH Clodomir III [IV-166] 160- Austria 1918 Styria

93-4- HRH Marcomir I [IV]149- Austria 1918 Tirol

94-5- HRH Clodomir II 114- Austria 1918 Karten Carinthia

95-6- HRH Richimer 90-Austria 1918 Salzburg

96-7- HRH Ratherius 69 Austria 1918 Voralberg

97-8-Antenor 68-Austria1918 Burgenland

98- 9-HRH Clodomir I 30, Royaume d Belgium 1830

13 Julian

99-12-HRH CJ Aquila 4/7/30, Romania Dec 8, 1991

100-11-HRH Jesus 1/1/1, Vatican City St 756 UN Observer

101-10 HRH Caesarion Ptolemy, 3/15/44 San Marino 750

Begins Christian era above. Ends Amen era below

102-09 Cayo Iulo Caesar IV b91 [x Cornelia] Montenegro 6-3-06

103-08-Cayo I Caesar III b124 [x Aurelia] Croatia 6-25-1991

104-07 Cayo Iulu Caesar II [X Marcia] Slovenija June 25 1991

105-06 Cayo Julius Caesar I Bosnia-Herzegovina June 1991

106-05 Sextus Lucius Caesar I [Cónsul] Italy, May 1946

107-04 Lucius Julius Caesar I Portugal 1910

108-03 Numenius J Caesar France 1789

109-02 Sextus Julius Caesar I Mónaco 1297

110-01-Lucius Julius Iullus [K311-10-14] Kingdom of Norway 1905

34 Macedonians

111-01 Heracles II [not Alexander IV] 323 Kosovo 2008

112-02 HRH Alexander III 336 Serbia-Vojvodina, 6- 3-2006

113-03 Amyntas IV 335 Palau 10/1/94

114-04 Perdicas III 367: R [Moldavia] Moldova 1994

115-05 Alexander II 368 Mongolia 1992

116-06 Alexander I 369 Russia Dec 26 1991

117-07 Argaios II 370: Ukrainian, Dec 1991

118-08 Amyntas 393: Macedonia North Sp 8 1991

119-09 Aeropo II 398 Belarus 8-25-1991

120-10 Orestes 401: M.Eesti Vabariik [Estonia] 8/20/91

121-11-Amyntas II 408 R Bulgaria Jul 13 1991

122-12 Pausanias 414: Georgia April 9 1991

123-13 Archelaus 425: Micronesia Nov 1986

124-14 Perdicas II 454 Marshall Islands 1986

125-15 Alcetas II 498 497 Saint Kitts and Nevis 9/19/83

126-16 Amyntas I 544: Antigua and Barbuda 11/1/81

127-17 Alketas: 562: Belize 9/21/81

128-18 Aeropos I 582 St Vincent and Grenadines Oct 27 1979

129-29 Philip I 615 St Lucia 2/22/79

130-20 Argaios I 646: Dominica 11/3/78

131-21 Perdicas I 683 Tuvalu Oct 1, 1978

132-22 Tyrimmas 688 Suriname 1975

133-23 Koinos 695 Fiji Oct 10 1970

134-24 Karanos: 705 Barbados 11/30/66

135-25 Pheidon 708: Guyana 5-26-66

136-26 Aristodamis 711 Samoa 1/1/62,

137-27 Merops 712: Cyprus Aug 16, 1960

138-28 Thestius 715: Hungary Feb 1 1946

139-29 Cissius 720; Slovakia Jan 1945

140-30 Temenos 725: Elliniki Dimokratia [Greece]1944

146-31 Aristomachus 730: Turkey Oct 1923

142-32 Hyllus 735 Ceska [Czech R] 1918

143-33 Clodaeus 738: Republic of Poland Nov 11, 1918

144-34-Heracles I 745: Kingdom of Denmark May 3 1945

19 Latin-Aenias

145-19-Nebrophonus Republic of Latvijas Latvia Aug 21 1995

146-18 Numitor 942 Republic of Lithuania Mar 11 1990

147-17 Amulios Canada 1982

148-16 Proca Silvius Kiribati 1979

149-15 Aventius Grenada 2/7/74

150-14 Aramulos Silvius The Bahamas 7/10/73

151-13 Agrippa Jamaica 8/6/62

152-12 Tiberius Silvius New Zealand 1947

153-11 Calpetus Iceland 1941

154- 10 Capys 1075 Erieann 1/1919

155-9 Epitus Silvius[Atys]SuomenTasavalta [Finland12-6-17

156-08 Alba Silvius 1111 Republika Shqiperise [Albania 1912

157-07 Latinius Silvius Commonwealth of Australia 1901

158-06 Aenias Silvius 1165 Schweizerische Switzerland 1848

159-05 Silvius Liechtenstein 1806

United Kingdom GB & Northern Ireland 1707

160-04 Iulius [s of Ascanius] Wales1707

161-03 Ascanio Scotland 1707

162-02 Aeneas England 1707

163-01 Anchises 1282 Luxembourg 753

Kiengir [Sumerian] 2 Moses

164-1- HRH Moses II 1322, Mecca

165 -2-HRH Moses I 1322 Medina 5-14-48

Israel the state that fought against Got is not dedicated to any name of God

Dynasty # 18 =11 166 -1-Tutankhamen 1333, Iran Feb 11 1979 167 -2-Semenkhere 1335 United Arab Emirates, 12-2-71 168-3-Akhenaton 1971Qatar 10/1/71 169-4-Amenhotpe III Bahrain 9-1-1971 170-5-Thutmosis IV Yemen Sp 1962 171-6-Amenhotpe II Kuwait 1961 172-7-Thutmosis III Iraq July 1958 173-8-Thutmosis II Jordan 1946 174-9-Thutmoses I Suriya [Syria] April 7 1946 175-10-Amenhotpe I Lebanese Republic 1941 176-11-Ahmosis Sipair Saudi Arabia 1913 Dynasty XVII =10 177-12-Wadjkepere Kamose [1545] Azerbaijan Dec 26 1991 178-13-Sequenenre Tao II [1550] Uzbekistan Dec 26 1991 179-14-Sequenenre Tao I [1559] Kazakhstan Dec 16 1991 180-SekhenreMentuhotep VI [1566] Turkmenistan 10-27-1991 181-Heruhirmaet Inyotef VII [1567] Rep. Armenia 9-23-1991 182-17-Wepmaet Inyotef VI [1568] Tajikistan Sp 9 1991 183-Sekhenre Sebekemsaf II [1576]Kyrghiztan Aug 31 1991 184-19 Sekhemre Sebekemsaf I [1592] Afghanistan 1973 185-20-SekhenreWahkanre Rehotpe [1607] Pakistan 8-14-1947 186-21 Nubkeperure Inyotef V [1610] Sultanate of Oman 1749 Dynasty XIV, XV and XVI Jacobine Invaders Primogeniture continues in Waset

103 Kings of Egypt

Dynasty XIII =19 187-22-SobekhotepVIII [1612] Timor-Leste Este 5-20-99 188-23-Mentuhotpe V [1614] Brunei 1/1/1984 189 -24-Neferhotep III [1616] Solomon Islands 7-7-1978 190-25-SobekhotpereVII [1630] Papua N Guinea 9/16/75 191 -26- Neferhotep II [1638] Nauro 1/31/68 192 -27- SobekhotepVI [1649] Singapore 8/9/65 193-Sobekhotep V [1660] Malaysia 9-16-63, Sabah-Sarawa 194-29- Sobekhotep IV [1673] Korea 7-1953 195-Mernefere-AySahathor[1685][Cambodia]Kampuchea1953 196 -31- Neferhotep I [1696] Indonesia 8-17-1950 197-32- Sobekhotep III [1716] Taiwan 11/1949 198-33- Intef [1721] Laos July 19 1949 199-34- Sebekhotep II [1726] S Korea 5-1-1948 200-35- Amenemhat VII [1734] Myanmar 1/4/48 (Burma) 201-36- Sebekhotep I [1740] Pilipinas [Philippines] 7-4-46 202-37- Amenemhat VI [1747] Vietnam August 1945 203-38- Iufni [1758] China 1500 BC 204-39- Khutawi [1776] Thailand 1350 BC [Siam] 205-40- Amenemhat V [1786] Nihon [Japan] 660 BC Dynasty XII =8 206-41- Herzog Sobkure [1789] Angola 5/1/91 and St Helena 207-42- Herzog Amenemhet IV [1797] Namibia 3/21/90 208-43- Herzog Amenemhet III [1842] Seychelles 6/29/76 209-44-Senwosret III [1878] [Swaziland] King Eswatini 9/6/68 210-45-Herzog Senwosret II [1897] Lesotho 10/4/66 211-46-Herzog Amenemhet II [1929] Botswana 9/30/66 212-47- Herzog Senwosret I [1962] Zimbabwe 11/11/65, 213 -48-Her Amenemhat I [1991] South-Africa 5-31-61 Dynasty XI =6 214-49-Mentuhotpe III [2014] Mauritius-Reunion 3/12/92 215-50- Herzog Mentuhotpe II [2027] Vanuatu 7/30/80 216-51- Her Mentuhotpe I [2077] Comoros 7/6/75 217-52- Herzog Antef III [2095] Mozambique 6/25/75 218-53- Herzog Antef II [2144] Tonga 6/70 219-54- Antef I [2151] Madagascar, Mayotte-Moroni, 6/26/60 Dynasties 7-8-9-10 Foreign Abrahamites in Delta primogeniture continues in Waset Dynasty VI =6 220-55- Mernyenre [Merenra] II [2152] Sri-Lanka 5/22/72 221-56- Herzog Pepi II [2246] Bangladesh 3/25/71 222-57- Herzog Dejedefre Mernyenra I [2255] Nepal 1769 223-58-Herzog Pepi I [2289] Maldives, 7/26/65 224-Userkara Aty [Woserkure] [2291] Bharat[India]1/26/50 225 -60-Herzog HRH Tety [2323] Bhutan 1949 Dynasty V =9 226-61- Herzog Wenis [Unis 2353] Zambia 10/24/64 227-62- Herzog Djedkare Isesi [2381] Malawi 7/6/64 228-63- Herzog Menkauhor [2389] Tanzania 12-10-63 229-64- Herzog Nyuserre [2429] Uganda 10/9/62 230-65-Herzog Nefrofre Isi- [2431] Burundi 7/1/62 231-66-Herzog Shepseskare I [2438] Rwanda 7/1/62 232-67- Herzog Neferirkure Kakai, [2446] Gabon 8-17-60 233-68- Herzog Sahure [2458] Congo Republic 8-15-60 234-69-Waserkaf [2465] Congo Democratic Re. June1960 Dynasty IV =8 235-70- Dejedef Ptah [2467] Sao Tome Principe 7/12/75 236- 71 Shepseskaf [2472] Equatorial Guinea 10/12/68 237-72-Herzog Menkhaure [2494] Nigeria Oct 1-60 238-73-Herzog Khafre [2519] Ivory Coast Cote Ivoire 1960 239-74-Herzog Baka [2525] Togo 4/27/60 240-75-Herzog Djedefre Ptah [2559] Benin, 1960 241-76 Herzog Khufu [2551] Cameroon, 1 -1-60 242-77-Herzog Snefru [2575] Ghana 3/6/57 Dynasty III =6 243-78 Herzog Huni [Hui] [2599] Guinea-Bisssau 9/10/74 244-79-Kaba Nebkare Neferkara [2604] Gambia 2/18/65 245-80 Khaba Hudjefa Sedjes [2605] Sierra-Leone 4-27-61 246-81-Herzog Djoser Tety IV [2611] Senegal 8/20/60 247-Sinakte Netjerirkhet Djoser Za [2630] Guinea 10/2/1958 248-83-Herzog Nebkure Sanakht {2649] Liberia 7/26/47 Dynasty II =12 249 -84-Herzog Kasekhemwy [2688] Cape Verde 7/5/75 250 -85-Herzog Seth Peribsen [2702] Malta 1964 251-86 Herzog Hor Hudjefa [2704] Algeria 7/5/62 252-87 Herzog Nefersokar [2712] Mauritania 11/28/60 253-88-Herzog Neferekare [2717] Tchad Chad 8/11/60 254-89-Herzog Seneferka II [2722], Burkina Faso 8/5/60 255-90-Herzog Senedj [2726] Central Africa 8/13/60 256-91-Herzog Weneg [2739] Niger 8/3 /60 257-92-Herzog Ninetjer [2775] Mali 1960 258-93-Herzog Nebra Reneb [2805] Tunisia 3/20/56. 259-94Hotepsekmewy[2835] Libiya 1/2/52 [Libya] 260-95 Herzog Hor Seneferka [2837] South Sudan 2011 Dynasty I =8 261-96 Herzog Qebehu Qaa [2867] Eritrea 5/24/93 262-97 Herzog Horus Semerkhet [2876] Djibouti 6/27/77 263-98 Herzog Horus Andjib [2905] Ethiopia 1975 264-99- Herzog Septi Dewen Den I [2925] Kenya 12/12/63 265-100 Herzog Wadji Iti Dejet [2940] Somalia 6/26/60 266-101 Herzog Iti Dejer [2963] Sudan 1/1/1956 267-102 Tety Aha [2987] Misr Arabiya July 26, 1952 [Egypt] 268-103-Narmer [3010] MoroccoSahrawi ArabDemRep3/2/56

Dynasty # 18 =11

166 -1-Tutankhamen 1333, Iran Feb 11 1979

167 -2-Semenkhere 1335 United Arab Emirates, 12-2-

168-3-Akhenaton 1971Qatar 10/1/71

169-4-Amenhotpe III Bahrain 9-1-1971

170-5-Thutmosis IV Yemen Sp 1962

171-6-Amenhotpe II Kuwait 1961

172-7-Thutmosis III Iraq July 1958

173-8-Thutmosis II Jordan 1946

174-9-Thutmoses I Suriya [Syria] April 7 1946

175-10-Amenhotpe I Lebanese Republic 1941

176-11-Ahmosis Sipair Saudi Arabia 1913

UN recognizes 193 sovereignties minus Israel not well recognized plus Kosovo, Vatican, Mecca and Medina that should be recognized = 196 sovereignties.

196 minus 4 federation heads that do not count as first born, UK, Germany, Austria, USA = 192 first born and States; plus 76 States of the 4 Federations = 268 first born and states.

There are some ignorant non Germanic Federations with divisions called States but these states are not dedicated to First Born of Mankind

Palestine and Vatican are UN observers. Moses could not have live 120 years so that we listed them above as Moses I and II Mecca and Medina. We do not accept Island States and some states have failed. Puerto Rico exists while is possible Duke Bretagne will get marry in USA.

Never recognized: Venda, Ciskei, Transkei, Bophuthatswana Abkhazia, Artsakh, Cook Is. Somaliland, South Ossetia, North Cyprus, Niue, Transnistia [Moldavian]

Mecca, Medina, the "Holy Places" seem to be sovereign as indicated in Saudi Arabia Declarations of War but they are not yet

The name Ptahuti and the names of the 42 nomes of Egypt, which represent the names of the Sons of Man of the restoration of Tchar in 3751, are SOM that did not recognized Christ walked with them.


I Albania against: Declaration # 1-USA / Argentina against: #2-Germany and #3-Japan. / Australia against: #4-Germany, #5-Italy, #6-Finland, #7-Hungary, #8-Rumania, #9-Japan, #10-Bulgaria and #11-Thailand. / Belgium against: #12-Italy and #13-Japan / Bolivia against: #14-Germany, #15-Italy and #16-Japan. / Brazil against: #17-Germany, #18-Italy and #19-Japan. / Bulgaria against: #20-Greece, #21-Hungary, #22-Yugoslavia, #23-USSR, #24-USA, #25-Britain and #26-Germany / Burma against: #27-USA and #28-Britain. / Canada against: #29-Germany, #30-Italy, #31-Finland, #32-Hungary #33-Japan and #34-Rumania. / X Chile against: #35-Japan. / China against: #36-Germany, #37- Italy and #38-Japan. / Colombia against: #39-Germany / Costa Rica against: #40-Germany #41-Japan, #42-Italy /Croatia against: #43-USA. /Cuba against: #44-Japan #45-Germany and #46-Italy / Czechoslovakia against: #47-Germany, #48-Italy #49-Japan, / Dominican Republic against: #50-Japan, #51-Germany and #52-Italy. / Ecuador against: #53-Japan. / Egypt against: #54-Germany and #55-Japan / XX Ethiopia against: #56-Germany, #57-Italy and #58-Japan. /Finland against: #59-USSR, #60-Britain, #61-Germany. / France against: #62-Germany #63-Italy / Free France against: #64-Germany /Germany against: #65-Poland, #66 Norway, #67-Netherlands, #68-Greece, #69-Hungary, #70-Yugoslavia, #71-USSR, #72-USA. /Great Britain against: #73-Germany, #74-Italy, #75 Finland, #76 Hungary, #77 Rumania, #78 Japan, #79 Bulgaria, #80 Thailand, / Guatemala against: #81 Japan, #82 Germany, #83 Italy / Haiti against: #84 Japan, #85 Germany, #86 Italy, #87 Bulgaria, #88 Hungary, #89 Rumania. / Honduras against: #90 Japan, #91 Germany, #92 Italy / Hungary against: #93 USSR, #94 USA, #95-Britain, #96-Rumania, #97-Germany, / XXX India-Bharat against: #98-Finland, #99-Hungary, #100-Rumania. / Iran against: #101-Germany #102- Japan retroactive. / Iraq against: #103-Germany #104-Italy, #105-Japan. / Italy against: #106-France, #107-Britain, #108-Yugoslavia, #109-USSR, #110-USA, #111-Cuba, #112 Guatemala, #113-Germany and #114-Japan. /Japan against: #115-USA, #116-Britain, #117-Australia, #118-Canada, #119-New Zealand, #120-South Africa and #121-Netherlands. / Lebanon against: #122-Germany and #123 Japan / Liberia against: #124-Germany and #125-Japan / Manchukuo against: #126 –USA/ Mexico against: #127-Germany #128-Italy and #129-Japan. / Mongolia against: #130-Japan / XL Nanking against: #131 Britain and #132 USA / Netherlands against: #133-Japan and #134-Italy / New Zealand against: #135-Germany, #136 Italy, #137 Finland, #138 Hungary, #139 Rumania, #140 Japan, #141-Bulgaria and #142- Thailand. / Nicaragua against: #143-Japan, #144-Germany, #145-Italy, #146-Bulgaria, #147-Hungary, #148-Rumania. /Norway against: #149-Germany and #150-Japan / Panama against: #151-Japan, #152-Germany and #153- Italy / Paraguay against: #154-Germany and #155-Japan. / Peru against: #156-German and #157-Japan / Poland against: #158-Japan./ Portugal against #159 Germany, #160 Italy, #161 Japan / Rumania against: #162-USSR, #163-Britain, #164 USA, #165- Nicaragua, #166-Haiti, #167-Germany, #168-Hungary and #169- Japan. / Salvador against: #170-Japan, #171-Germany and #172-Italy / San Marino against: #173-Germany. / Saudi against: #174-Germany and #175 Japan / Slovakia against: #176-USA and #177-Britain / L Syria against: #178-Germany and #179 Japan / Turkey against: #180 Germany and #181 Japan. / Union South Africa against: #182 Germany, #183 Italy, #184-Finland, #185-Hungary, #186-Japan, #187-Rumania, #188-Bulgaria and #189-Thailand. / USA against: (9/2/1940) #190-Japan, #191-Germany, #192-Italy, #193-Bulgaria, #194-Hungary and #195- Rumania. / USSR against: #196-Bulgaria and #197-Japan / Uruguay against: #198-Germany and #199-Japan/ Venezuela against: #200-Germany, #201-Japan/ Yugoslavia against: #202-Japan/ Czechoslovakia vs. #203 Croatia, #204 Finland, #205 Hungary, #206 Rumania, [Czechoslovakia VS Slovakia not valid = --------------------------Total 206 declarations

War-Criminal countries that declared war= -------Total 62

.REDEEMED following the # of the Declarations above

A-CHURCHILLredeemed 15 declarations: 9 vs. Britain #25- from Bulgaria, #28 from Burma, #60 from Finland, #95-from Hungary, #107-from Italy, #116-from Japan, #131 from Nanking, #163-from Rumania #177-from Slovakia, 6 more #66 Germany vs Norway, #67-Germany vs Netherlands, #117-Japan vs Australia, #118- Japan vs Canada, #119-Japan vs New Zealand, #121-Japan vs Netherlands, --------------------------------------------------------------Total 15

A-Redeemedcreating sovereignties: Norway, Denmark, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, (7) Spain, Emirates, Lesotho, (10) Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait, Jordan-Hashemite, Bhutan and Tonga- They restored monarchies Germany destroyed with WWI declarations -----------------------------------Total 15

B-STALIN redeemed 6 declarations against USSR from: #23 Bulgaria, #59 Finland, #71 Germany, #93 Hungary, #109 Italy, #162 Rumania. He also redeemed. 3 vs Yugoslavia from: #22 Bulgaria, #70 Germany, #108 Italy. 8 vs Bulgaria from: #10 Australia, #79 Britain, #87 Haiti, #146 New Zealand, #146 Nicaragua, #188 South Africa, #193 USA, #196 U.S.S.R. 11 Against Rumania from: #8 Australia, #34 Canada, #206 Czechoslovakia, #77 Britain, #89 Haiti, #96 Hungary, #100 India, #139 New Zealand, #148 Nicaragua, #187 South Africa, #195 USA. And 13 Against Hungary from: #7 Australia, #21 Bulgaria, #32 Canada, #205 Czechoslovakia, #69 Germany, #76 Britain, #88 Haiti, #99 India, #138 New Zealand, #147 Nicaragua, #168 Rumania, #185 South Africa, #194 USA, 1 Against Poland from #65 Germany------------------Total 42

B- redemption: creating (1)Armenia, Azerbaijan, Russian, Belarus, N-Korea, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, 10 Moldova, Serbia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Iran, Algiers, Afghanistan, Libya, 20 Somalia, Poland, Angola, Burundi, Czech R., Hungary, Slovakia, Guinea-Bissau, Equatorial-Guinea, Ethiopia, 30 Mozambique, Congo-Republic, Congo-Democratic-Rep-[Zaire], China, Cuba, Laos, Mongolia,, Nicaragua, Bharat-India, Myanmar-[Burma], 40 Vietnam, Bulgaria, Rumania------------------------------Total 42

C-ROOSEVELT redeemed:12vs USA from #1-Albania, #24 Bu lgaria, #27 Burma, #43 Croatia, #72 Germany, #94 Hungary,#110 Italy, #115 Japan, #126-Manchukuo, [10] #132 Nanking #164 Rumania, #176 Slovakia ALSO 26vs Italy from: #5 Australia, #12 Belgium, #15 Bolivia, #18 Brazil, #30 Canada, #37 China, #42 Costa Rica, [20] #46 Cuba, #48 Czechoslovakia, #52 Dominican, #57 Ethiopia, #63 France #74 Britain #83 Guatemala, #86 Haiti, #92 Honduras, #104 Iraq, #128 Mexico,[30] #134 Netherlands, #136-N Zealand, #145 Nicaragua, #153 Panama, #160 Portugal, #172 Salvador, #183 S Africa, #192 USA, 46vs Nippon from: #3 Argentina, #9 Australia, #13 Belgium, #16 Bolivia, #19 Brazil, #33 Canada, #35 Chile, #38 China, #41 Costa Rica, [10] #44 Cuba, #49 Czechoslovakia, [50] #50 Dominican Republic, #53 Ecuador, #55 Egypt, #58 Ethiopia, #78 Britain # 81 Guatemala , #84 Haiti, #90 Honduras, [20] #102 Iran, #105 Iraq, #114 Italy #123 Lebanon, #125 Liberia, #129 Mexico, #130 Mongolia, #133 Netherlands, #140 New Zealand, #143 Nicaragua, [30] #150 Norway, #151 Panama, #155 Paraguay, #157 Peru, #158 Poland, #161 Portugal, #169 Rumania, #170 Salvador, #175 Saudi Arabia, #179 Syria, [40] #186 South Africa, #181 Turkey, #190 USA, #197 USSR,[80] #199 Uruguay, #201 Venezuela, #202 Yugoslavia, 7vs Finland: #6 vs Australia, #31 from Canada, #75 from Britain, #98 from India, #137 vs N Zealand, #184 from S Africa, #204 from Czechoslovakia 1vs Guatemala [90] #112 from Italy, 1vs France #106 from Italy, 2vs Greece #68 from Germany, #20 vs Bulgaria, 4vs Thai #189 from S Africa, #11 from Australia, #142 from N Zealand, and #80 from Britain, 1vs Haiti #166 from Rumania, 1vs South Africa #120 from Japan, 1vs Croatia [100] #203 vs Czechoslovakia 1 vs Cuba #111 from Italy 1 vs Nicaragua from # 165 Rumania-------------------Total 104

C-Redemption: created Chad, Mali, Austria, Croatia, Djibouti, Germany, Finland, France, Greece [10] Eritrea, Italy, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, North Macedonia, Malta, Mauritania, Slovenia, Benin, 20 Tunisia, Ghana, Niger, Timor-East, Israel, Iraq, Lebanon, Yemen, Botswana, Burkina, 30 Cameroon, Cape-Verde, Central-Africa, Comoros, Gabon, The Gambia, Guinea, Ivory-Coast, Kenya, Madagascar, 40 Malawi, Mauritius, Namibia, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sao-Tome-Prince, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra-Leone Solomon-Islands, 50 South-Africa, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri-Lanka, Fiji, 60 Cambodia, Indonesia, Kiribati, Malaysia, Maldives, Marshall-Is, Micronesia, Nauru, Japan, Palau, 70 Papua-N-Guinea, Philippines, Samoa, Singapore, Thailand, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, Belize, Dominica, Grenada, 80 Guyana, Jamaica, St-Kits-Nevis, St-Lucia, St-Vincent-Grenadines, Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, The Bahamas, Suriname, Trinidad-Tobago, 90 Sudan, South-Sudan, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Egypt, Montenegro, Albania, Andorra, K Eswatini [Swaziland], Syria, San-Marino, 100 Brunei, South Korea, Kosovo, =102 + Hawaii and Alaska=-------------Total 104

D-Germany received 45


Not Eliminated: England, N Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Erie, Monaco, Portugal, Switzerland, Sweden, Oman, Saudi-Arabia, Turkey, 13 Liberia, Australia, Nepal, N-Zealand, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, 23 Costa-Rica, Dominican-R, Ecuador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, 33 Salvador, Uruguay, Venezuela, USA, Iceland, Morocco-West Sahara, Vatican ------------------------------------Total 39

15 + 42+ 104 + 39 minus Hawaii, Alaska = 198. Sovereignties minus Israel not recognized and USA listed as not eliminated =-----------196 sovereignties

There are ---------196 sovereignties minus 4 federation heads that do not count as firstborn UK, USA, Germany and Austria = 192 Firstborn and States plus 76 states of the 4 Federations = ------------------------------------268 firstborn and states

UN recognizes 193 minus Israel not recognize and plus Kosovo, Vatican, Mecca and Medina that should be recognized = 196. Palestine and Vatican are UN observers. Moses could not have lived 120 years so we listed Moses I and II above as Mecca and Medina.

Never recognized : Venda, Ciskei, Transkei, Bophuthatswana Abkhazia, Artsakh, Cook Is. Somaliland, South Ossetia, North Cyprus, Niue, Transnistia [Moldavian]

(Mecca, Medina, "Holy Places" seem to be sovereign as indicated in Declarations of War but they are not), not recognized by players or UN


These are the places that have served as world center of banking through the ages: Ubaid (4795-2795 a. C.), Kish (2795-2605), Ninúa o Nineveh (2605-2154 [Mosul]), Lagash (2154-2026), Ninúa (2026-1741), Babylon (1741-1595), Ur of Chaldeans (1595-1156), Babylon (1156-329), Alexandria (329-145 a. C.), Mahoza-Ctesiphon (145 a. C.-617 A.D.), Alexandria (617-755), Cordoba (755-1169), Alexandria (1169-1450), Venice (1450-1650), Amsterdam (1650-1761) and London (1761-2019
