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Icons To File Unit You can Create an Icon File in any Color Depth Version 1.2 For Delphi 4, 5, and 6 |
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Why use the IconsToFile.pas? ? To Save 256 Color and FullColor Icons to File or Stream. When you use the Delphi Graphics.pas TIcon.SaveToFile( ) method, the Icon file saved to disk will be in Four Bit (16 Color) Color Depth. So if you save a 256 color or Full color Icon to a TIcon 16 color Icon File it will NOT look like the Full Color Icon. Using the functions in IconsToFile.pas will allow you to save Icons to file in one of Five Color Bit Counts. The Six Function in IconsToFile.pas are -
To find out what the functions in IconsToFile.pas do and how to use them, look at the help page for the Icons to File Unit - - help page for the Icons to File Unit You can download the ZIP file, with the IconsToFile.pas and the Icons To File Help.html files in it here - - ZIP file with IconsToFile.pas |
This is the Code for the IconsToFile.pas Unit, it has Three Functions that can allow you to save Icons to file in different Color Depths (pixel Bit Counts). One function to Convert a 32 bit Icon to a 24 bit Icon file. A function to test the Icons in an Array of TMutiIcon for duplicates to be used in an IconsToStream( ). And a utility function to get a 48x48 size Icon hamdle. |
unit IconsToFile; // version 1.2 interface uses Classes; type TBitCount = (BitC1, BitC4, BitC8, BitC24, BitC32); {use the TBitCount to set the Color Depth (number of Colors) in your saved Icon file} PMutiIcon = ^TMutiIcon; TMutiIcon = Record hIcon: Cardinal; BitCount: TBitCount; end; {you need to use this TMutiIcon as an Array in the IconsToStream function, setting the hIcon and it's Bit Count for each Icon in the file} {ALL of these Icon To File functions will save an Icon to File AND it will OVERWRITE an existing file WITHOUT prompting or warning} function hIconToFile(FileName: String; hIcon: Cardinal; iconBitCount: TBitCount): Integer; {the hIconToFile fuction This has a TBitCount parameter, which you set to have this Icon saved in that color Bit Count (Color Depth). There is no visuall difference in the BitC24 and BitC32 icons except in Windows XP, and then ONLY if Alpha channel shadow information is included, but win XP will automatically produce the shadow from any color depth if it is not there} function autoIconToFile(FileName: String; hIcon: Cardinal): Integer; {the autoIconToFile function No TBitCount parameter is in this function. This will attempt to Automatically calculate a Bit Count, Color Depth, for the hIcon. (a Save Icon for Dumbys) A Black and White Icon will be BitC1, a standard 16 color or less will be a BitC4, if the Icon has less than 236 colors plus the 20 standard windows colors it will be BitC8 with an optimized palette, more than 236 colors will be BitC24 (Full Color)} function Icon32To24File(FileName: String; hIcon: Cardinal): Integer; {the Icon32To24File function is only useful in windows XP or newer systems, that support 32 bit Icons. If you convert a 32 alpha blend to 24 bit icon, with the hIconToFile function, it will not look correct. This Icon32To24File function will try and convert the 32 bit alpha blended icon to a 24 bit NON-blended icon and take out the areas that are alpha-blended and appear as black areas if you convert with another function. This is based on the Microsoft methods of 32 bit icon alpha-blend icon shadow and may NOT work very well on 32 bit Icons that are NOT done by the Microsoft methods} function IconsToStream(Stream: TStream; aryMutiIcon: Array of TMutiIcon; NumIcons: Byte = 1): Integer; {IconsToStream is included for building a standard windows "Multi" Icon file AND to use the VCL "Stream" type. A Standard windows Icon file should have 9 icons in it, a 32x32 and a 16x16 SIXTEEN color-BitC4, a 32x32 and a 16x16 256 Color-BitC8, and a 32x32 and a 16x16 FullColor-BitC24, and a 48x48 and a 32x32 and a 16x16 32BIT Full Color-BitC32 (for win XP)} function TestMultiIcons(aryMutiIcon: Array of TMutiIcon; NumIcons: Byte): Cardinal; {I took this TestMultiIcons out of the IconsToStream, you can save any combination of hIcons in the IconsToStream fuction, correct or incorrect combinations, but if you want to test and see if there are any duplicate size and Bit Count, use this TestMultiIcons fuction, if the result is Zero, all are OK} function Get48hIcon(FileName: String; icoIndex: Integer = 0): Integer; {This is a utility function, to get a 48x48 pixel Icon Handle from an Icon File. It uses the IExtractIcon COM Interface to get the 48x48 Icon Handle, so it can also get an Icon handle from a windows program executable file (.EXE with an Icon bitmap in the file) or a windows library file (.DLL with an Icon bitmap in the file). icoIndex must be Zero for an Icon File (.ICO) } implementation uses Windows, ShlObj; type PIconCurHeader = ^TIconCurHeader; TIconCurHeader = packed record wReserved: Word; wType: Word; wCount: Word; end; // file header for Icon and Cursor PIconSpec = ^TIconSpec; TIconSpec = packed record bWidth: Byte; bHeight: Byte; wColors: Word; wReserved1: Word; wReserved2: Word; iDIBSize: Integer; iDIBOffset: Integer; end; // Specifications for each individual Icon in file TMulti = Record Width: Integer; BitCount: TBitCount; end; const Zero = 0; One = 1; Two = 2; Four = 4; n16 = 16; green = $FF00; white = $FFFFFF; AryWinColor: Array[Zero..9] of Cardinal =($F0FBFF,$A4A0A0,$808080,MaxByte, green,$00FFFF,$FF0000,$FF00FF,$FFFF00,white); {AryPalColor has a "One Size Fits All" array of palette colors for the 8 bit bitmaps, similar to the 256 color Netscape web palette, but with wider range of colors} AryPalColor: Array[Byte] of Cardinal =(Zero,$800000,$008000,$808000, $000080,$800080,$008080,$C0C0C0,$C0DCC0,$A6CAF0,$D4F0FF,$B1E2FF,$8ED4FF, $6BC6FF,$48B8FF,$00ACFF,$009FEE,$0092DC,$007AB9,$006296,$004A73,$003250, $D4E3FF,$B1C7FF,$8EABFF,$6B8FFF,$4A79FF,$0069FF,$0058EE,$0049DC,$003DB9, $003196,$002573,$001950,$D4D4FF,$B1B1FF,$8E8EFF,$6B6BFF,$4848FF,$0000EE, $0000DE,$0000CC,$0000B6,$000098,$00007A,$000058,$E3D4FF,$C7B1FF,$AB8EFF, $8F6BFF,$784AFF,$7600FF,$6F00EE,$6000D6,$3D00B9,$310096,$250073,$190050, $F0D4FF,$E2B1FF,$D48EFF,$C66BFF,$B848FF,$AC00FF,$9F00EE,$9200DC,$7A00B9, $620096,$4A0073,$320050,$FFD4FF,$FFB1FF,$FF8EFF,$FF6BFF,$FF48FF,$EE00EE, $DE00DE,$CC00CC,$B600B6,$980098,$790079,$490049,$FFD4F0,$FFB1E2,$FF8ED4, $FF6BC6,$FF48B8,$FF00AA,$EE009F,$DC0092,$B9007A,$960062,$73004A,$500032, $FFD4E3,$FFB1C7,$FF8EAB,$FF6B8F,$FF4873,$FF0066,$EE0059,$DC0049,$B9003D, $960031,$730025,$500019,$FFD4D4,$FFB1B1,$FF8E8E,$FF6B6B,$FF4848,$EF0000, $DE0000,$CC0000,$B80000,$9F0000,$7C0000,$580000,$FFE3D4,$FFC7B1,$FFAB8E, $FF8F6B,$FF7348,$FF6600,$EE5800,$DC4900,$B93D00,$963100,$732500,$501900, $FFF0D4,$FFE2B1,$FFD48E,$FFC66B,$FFBA48,$FFB100,$EEA300,$DC9200,$B97A00, $966200,$734A00,$503200,$FFFFD4,$FFFFB1,$FFFF8E,$FFFF6B,$FFFF48,$EEEE00, $DEDE00,$CCCC00,$B6B600,$989800,$747400,$484800,$F0FFD4,$E2FFB1,$D4FF8E, $C6FF6B,$B8FF48,$AAFF00,$9FED00,$92DC00,$7AB900,$629600,$4A7300,$325000, $E3FFD4,$C7FFB1,$ABFF8E,$8FFF6B,$73FF48,$66FF00,$58EE00,$49DC00,$3DB900, $319600,$257300,$194C00,$D4FFD4,$B1FFB1,$8EFF8E,$6BFF6B,$48FF48,$00EF00, $00DC00,$00C900,$00B000,$009400,$007600,$005200,$D4FFE3,$B1FFC7,$8EFFAB, $6BFF8F,$48FF73,$00FF66,$00EB5A,$00DC49,$00B93D,$009631,$007325,$005019, $D4FFF0,$B1FFE2,$8EFFD4,$6BFFC6,$48FFB8,$00FFAA,$00EAA0,$00DC92,$00B97A, $009662,$00734A,$005032,$D4FFFF,$B1FFFF,$8EFFFF,$6BFFFF,$48FFFF,$00EEEE, $00DEDE,$00CCCC,$00B6B6,$009898,$007979,$004A4A,$F2F2F2,$E6E6E6,$DADADA, $CECECE,$C2C2C2,$B6B6B6,$AAAAAA,$9E9E9E,$929292,$868686,$7A7A7A,$6E6E6E, $626262,$565656,$4A4A4A,$3E3E3E,$323232,$262626,$1A1A1A,$0E0E0E,$FFFBF0, $A0A0A4,$808080,$FF0000,green,$FFFF00,MaxByte,$FF00FF,$00FFFF, white); function DoDib(hBmp: Cardinal; var pBits: Pointer; var DC1: Cardinal; var sSize: Cardinal): Cardinal; var BmpInfo1: TBitmapInfo; tBmp1: tagBitmap; inDC: Cardinal; begin {this function creates a 32 Bit Bitmap, with a Copy of the Color Icon on it, for scanline testing of the pBits} Result := Zero; sSize := Zero; if GetObject(hBmp, SizeOf(tBmp1), @tBmp1) = Zero then Exit; ZeroMemory(@BmpInfo1, sizeOf(BmpInfo1)); sSize := (tBmp1.bmWidth * tBmp1.bmHeight)-One; with BmpInfo1.bmiHeader do begin biSize := sizeOf(BmpInfo1.bmiHeader); biWidth := tBmp1.bmWidth; biHeight := tBmp1.bmHeight; biPlanes := One; biBitCount := 32; biCompression := BI_RGB; biSizeImage := (biWidth shl Two) * biHeight; end; pBits := nil; DC1 := CreateCompatibleDC(Zero); Result := CreateDIBSection(DC1, BmpInfo1, DIB_RGB_COLORS, pBits, Zero, Zero); if Result = Zero then begin DeleteDC(DC1); Exit; end; SelectObject(DC1, Result); inDC := CreateCompatibleDC(Zero); SelectObject(inDC, hBmp); if not BitBlt(DC1, Zero, Zero, tBmp1.bmWidth, tBmp1.bmHeight, inDC, Zero,Zero, SRCCOPY) then begin DeleteDC(DC1); DeleteObject(Result); Result := Zero; end; DeleteDC(inDC); end; function SetInfo(var BmpInfoHead: TBitmapInfoHeader; Width, Height: Integer; BitCnt: TBitCount): Cardinal; begin {this function fills the Bitmap headers (TBitmapInfoHeader) with the correct information for that bitmap} ZeroMemory(@BmpInfoHead, sizeof(BmpInfoHead)); with BmpInfoHead do begin biSize := SizeOf(TBitmapInfoHeader); biWidth := Width; biHeight := Height; biPlanes := One; biClrUsed := Zero; case BitCnt of BitC1: begin biBitCount := One; biClrUsed := Two; end; BitC4: begin biBitCount := Four; biClrUsed := n16; end; BitC8: begin biBitCount := 8; biClrUsed := 256; end; BitC32: biBitCount := 32; else biBitCount := 24; end; // case biClrImportant := biClrUsed; biSizeImage := ((biWidth * biBitCount) + 31) and not 31; biSizeImage := Integer((biSizeImage shr 3)) * Abs(biHeight); Result := SizeOf(TBitmapInfoHeader); if biBitCount < 9 then Result := Result + (biClrUsed shl Two); end; // with BmpInfo.bmiHeader end; function Do1BitDib(var hBmp: HBITMAP): Cardinal; const AryColor: Array[Zero..One] of Cardinal = (Zero, white); var BmpInfo1: TBitmapInfoHeader; pBits: Pointer; DC1, HeaderSize, hNewBmp, inDC, outDC: Cardinal; tBmp1: tagBitmap; PntBmpInfo: Pointer; begin { since a black and white, One Bit Icon has only One Bitmap, instead of Two, this function creates two One Bit DIBs and copys the upper and lower halves to the new DIBs} Result := Zero; ZeroMemory(@BmpInfo1, sizeOf(BmpInfo1)); if GetObject(hBmp, SizeOf(tBmp1), @tBmp1) = Zero then Exit; tBmp1.bmHeight := tBmp1.bmHeight shr One; HeaderSize := SetInfo(BmpInfo1, tBmp1.bmWidth, tBmp1.bmHeight, BitC1); if HeaderSize = Zero then Exit; GetMem(PntBmpInfo, HeaderSize); CopyMemory(PntBmpInfo, @BmpInfo1, SizeOf(BmpInfo1)); CopyMemory(@TBitmapInfo(PntBmpInfo^).bmiColors, @AryColor[Zero], 8); pBits := nil; DC1 := CreateCompatibleDC(Zero); try Result := CreateDIBSection(DC1, TBitmapInfo(PntBmpInfo^), DIB_RGB_COLORS, pBits, Zero, Zero); if Result = Zero then Exit; hNewBmp := CreateDIBSection(DC1, TBitmapInfo(PntBmpInfo^), DIB_RGB_COLORS, pBits, Zero, Zero); if hNewBmp = Zero then begin DeleteObject(Result); Result := Zero; Exit; end; SelectObject(DC1, Result); inDC := CreateCompatibleDC(Zero); outDC := CreateCompatibleDC(Zero); try SelectObject(outDC, hNewBmp); SelectObject(inDC, hBmp); BitBlt(outDC, Zero, Zero, tBmp1.bmWidth, tBmp1.bmHeight, inDC, Zero, Zero, SRCCOPY); BitBlt(DC1, Zero, Zero, tBmp1.bmWidth, tBmp1.bmHeight, inDC, Zero, tBmp1.bmHeight, SRCCOPY); finally DeleteDC(inDC); DeleteObject(hBmp); DeleteDC(outDC); end; hBmp := hNewBmp; finally FreeMem(PntBmpInfo); DeleteDC(DC1); end; end; function GetInfoAndBits(hBitmap: Cardinal; var PntBmpInfo: Pointer; var PntBits: Pointer; BitCount: TBitCount; var hBmp8: Cardinal): Cardinal; var HeaderSize, cDC1, inDC: Cardinal; BmpInfo1: TBitmapInfoHeader; tBmp1: tagBitmap; begin {this fuction will set the TBitmapInfo with the info used to save a Bitmap file, saved as an Icon in this case, and create the memory block PntBmpInfo and copy the TBitmapInfo into it. If the Bit Count is BitC8 then a New Bitmap is Created, with the color Palete from the AryEPalColor. If not then the Icon Bitmap info is retrived with GetDIBits} Result := Zero; {if this function returns zero, it has FAILED to get needed parameters} if GetObject(hBitmap, SizeOf(tBmp1), @tBmp1) = Zero then Exit; HeaderSize := SetInfo(BmpInfo1, tBmp1.bmWidth, tBmp1.bmHeight, BitCount); GetMem(PntBmpInfo, HeaderSize); CopyMemory(PntBmpInfo, @BmpInfo1, SizeOf(BmpInfo1)); hBmp8 := Zero; cDC1 := CreateCompatibleDC(Zero); try if BitCount = BitC8 then begin CopyMemory(@TBitmapInfo(PntBmpInfo^).bmiColors, @AryPalColor[Zero], 1024); hBmp8 := CreateDIBSection(cDC1, TBitmapInfo(PntBmpInfo^), DIB_RGB_COLORS, PntBits, Zero, Zero); if hBmp8 = Zero then begin Exit; end else Result := HeaderSize; SelectObject(cDC1, hBmp8); inDC := CreateCompatibleDC(Zero); GdiFlush; SelectObject(inDC, hBitmap); if not BitBlt(cDC1, Zero, Zero, tBmp1.bmWidth, tBmp1.bmHeight, inDC, Zero, Zero, SRCCOPY) then Result := Zero; DeleteDC(inDC); end else begin GetMem(PntBits, BmpInfo1.biSizeImage); if GetDIBits(cDC1, hBitmap, Zero, abs(BmpInfo1.biHeight), PntBits, TBitmapInfo(PntBmpInfo^), DIB_RGB_COLORS) <> Zero then Result := HeaderSize; end; finally DeleteDC(cDC1); end; end; function WriteToFile(FileName: Pchar; PcInfo, PcBits, PmBits: Pointer; CHeaderSize, monoImgSize: Cardinal): Integer; var hFile1, BytesWrite: Cardinal; IconCurHd: TIconCurHeader; IconSpec: TIconSpec; Total: Cardinal; procedure BadWrite; begin Result := -7; CloseHandle(hFile1); DeleteFile(FileName); end; begin {this function writes the Icon Header, the Icon specifications, color Bitmap specifications, and memory Blocks (Pointers) to an Icon file} Result := -5; if (PcInfo = nil) or (PcBits = nil) or (PmBits = nil) then Exit; IconCurHd.wReserved := Zero; IconCurHd.wType := One; IconCurHd.wCount := One; ZeroMemory(@IconSpec, SizeOf(IconSpec)); with IconSpec, PBitmapInfo(PcInfo).bmiHeader do begin bWidth := biWidth; bHeight := biHeight; wColors := biBitCount; iDIBOffset := SizeOf(IconCurHd) + SizeOf(IconSpec); iDIBSize := CHeaderSize + biSizeImage + monoImgSize; biHeight := bHeight shl One; end; hFile1 := CreateFile(FileName,GENERIC_WRITE,FILE_SHARE_READ,nil, CREATE_ALWAYS,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL or FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN,Zero); if hFile1 = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then begin Result := -6; Exit; end; try if not WriteFile(hFile1, IconCurHd, SizeOf(IconCurHd), BytesWrite, nil) then begin BadWrite; Exit; end; Total := BytesWrite; if not WriteFile(hFile1, IconSpec, SizeOf(IconSpec), BytesWrite, nil) then begin BadWrite; Exit; end; Total := Total+BytesWrite; if Not WriteFile(hFile1,PcInfo^, CHeaderSize, BytesWrite, nil) then begin BadWrite; Exit; end; Total := Total+BytesWrite; if not WriteFile(hFile1,PcBits^, PBitmapInfo(PcInfo).bmiHeader.biSizeImage, BytesWrite, nil) then begin BadWrite; Exit; end; Total := Total+BytesWrite; if not WriteFile(hFile1,PmBits^, monoImgSize, BytesWrite, nil) then begin BadWrite; Exit; end; Total := Total+BytesWrite; Result := Total; finally CloseHandle(hFile1); end; end; function hIconToFile(FileName: String; hIcon: Cardinal; iconBitCount: TBitCount): Integer; var cIHeaderSize, mIHeaderSize, hBmp8bit, zip: Cardinal; IconInfo: TIconInfo; PcBits, PcInfo, PmBits, PmInfo: Pointer; begin {this function will use an Icon Handle to get the information and Bytes needed to make and Icon file, and then create and write that file as the SaveFileName} Result := -One; if Length(FileName) < Four then Exit; if not GetIconInfo(hIcon, IconInfo) then begin Result := -2; Exit; end; if IconInfo.hbmColor < 33 then begin if IconInfo.hbmMask > 32 then IconInfo.hbmColor := Do1BitDib(IconInfo.hbmMask); if IconInfo.hbmColor < 33 then begin Result := -3; Exit; end; end; try PcInfo := nil; PcBits := nil; PmInfo := nil; PmBits := nil; hBmp8bit := Zero; cIHeaderSize := GetInfoAndBits(IconInfo.hbmColor, PcInfo, PcBits, iconBitCount, hBmp8bit); mIHeaderSize := GetInfoAndBits(IconInfo.hbmMask, PmInfo, PmBits, BitC1, zip); try if (cIHeaderSize = Zero) or (mIHeaderSize = Zero) then begin Result := -4; Exit; end; Result := WriteToFile(@FileName[One], PcInfo, PcBits, PmBits, cIHeaderSize, PBitmapInfo(PmInfo).bmiHeader.biSizeImage); finally if hBmp8bit <> Zero then DeleteObject(hBmp8bit); if iconBitCount <> BitC8 then if PcBits <> nil then FreeMem(PcBits); if PmBits <> nil then FreeMem(PmBits); if PcInfo <> nil then FreeMem(PcInfo); if PmInfo <> nil then FreeMem(PmInfo); end; finally DeleteObject(IconInfo.hbmMask); DeleteObject(IconInfo.hbmColor); end; end; function TestMultiIcons(aryMutiIcon: Array of TMutiIcon; NumIcons: Byte): Cardinal; var IconInfo: TIconInfo; tBmp1: tagBitmap; AryMulti: Array[Zero..20] of TMulti; MultiNum: Integer; i, j: Cardinal; InIt: Boolean; begin {this fuction will loop through all the hIcons in an Array and test and see if the Icon handles are valid and if there are any duplicate Icon Sizes with the same Color Bit Count, if there is a duplicate, then the Result's bit is set for the index of that duplicate} Result := 900000000; if (NumIcons < One) or (NumIcons > 15) then Exit; if High(aryMutiIcon) < NumIcons-One then begin Result := 900000001; Exit; end; MultiNum := Zero; Result := Zero; AryMulti[Zero].Width := -24000; for i := Zero to NumIcons - One do begin if not GetIconInfo(aryMutiIcon[i].hIcon, IconInfo) then begin Result := 1000000000 + i; Exit; end; try if IconInfo.hbmColor < 33 then begin if IconInfo.hbmMask > 32 then IconInfo.hbmColor := Do1BitDib(IconInfo.hbmMask); if IconInfo.hbmColor < 33 then begin Result := 1000000100 + i;; Exit; end; end; if GetObject(IconInfo.hbmColor, SizeOf(tBmp1), @tBmp1) = Zero then begin Result := 1000000200 + i; Exit; end; finally DeleteObject(IconInfo.hbmColor); DeleteObject(IconInfo.hbmMask); end; if (tBmp1.bmWidth <> tBmp1.bmHeight) then begin Result := 2000000000+ i; Exit; end; case tBmp1.bmWidth of n16: ; 32: ; 48: ; else begin Result := 2000000000+ i; Exit; end; end; case tBmp1.bmHeight of n16: ; 32: ; 48: ; else begin Result := 2000000000+ i; Exit; end; end; InIt := False; for j := Zero to MultiNum do if(AryMulti[j].Width = tBmp1.bmWidth) and (AryMulti[j].BitCount = aryMutiIcon[i].BitCount) then begin InIt := True; Break; end; if InIt Then begin Result := Result or One shl i; Continue; end; Inc(MultiNum); AryMulti[MultiNum].Width := tBmp1.bmWidth; AryMulti[MultiNum].BitCount := aryMutiIcon[i].BitCount; end; end; function IconsToStream(Stream: TStream; aryMutiIcon: Array of TMutiIcon; NumIcons: Byte = One): Integer; var i, cIHeaderSize, mIHeaderSize, hBmp8bit, EndPos, StartoF, zip: Cardinal; IconInfo: TIconInfo; PcBits, PcInfo, PmBits, PmInfo, Pstorage: Pointer; IconCurHd: TIconCurHeader; IconSpec: TIconSpec; begin {this function uses the VCL Stream type and can put more than one hIcon in the file. A standard window Icon file is suppose to have an Icon for each color depth in 32x32 and 16x16, and win XP adds the 48x48 and the 32 bit} Result := -One; if (not Assigned(Stream)) then Exit; if NumIcons = Zero then begin Result := -2; Exit; end; if NumIcons > 15 then begin Result := -3; Exit; end; if High(aryMutiIcon) < NumIcons-One then begin Result := -4; Exit; end; IconCurHd.wReserved := Zero; IconCurHd.wType := One; IconCurHd.wCount := NumIcons; EndPos := Zero; Pstorage := nil; try for i := Zero to NumIcons - One do begin // for loop if not GetIconInfo(aryMutiIcon[i].hIcon, IconInfo) then begin Result := -5; Exit; end; try if IconInfo.hbmColor < 33 then begin if IconInfo.hbmMask > 32 then IconInfo.hbmColor := Do1BitDib(IconInfo.hbmMask); if IconInfo.hbmColor < 33 then begin Result := -6; Exit; end; end; PcInfo := nil; PcBits := nil; PmInfo := nil; PmBits := nil; hBmp8bit := Zero; cIHeaderSize := GetInfoAndBits(IconInfo.hbmColor, PcInfo, PcBits, aryMutiIcon[i].BitCount, hBmp8bit); mIHeaderSize := GetInfoAndBits(IconInfo.hbmMask, PmInfo, PmBits, BitC1, zip); try if (cIHeaderSize = Zero) or (mIHeaderSize = Zero) then begin Result := -7; Exit; end; ZeroMemory(@IconSpec, SizeOf(IconSpec)); with IconSpec, PBitmapInfo(PcInfo).bmiHeader do begin bWidth := biWidth; bHeight := biHeight; wColors := biBitCount; iDIBOffset := SizeOf(IconCurHd) + SizeOf(IconSpec); iDIBSize := cIHeaderSize + biSizeImage+ PBitmapInfo(PmInfo).bmiHeader.biSizeImage; biHeight := bHeight shl One; end; if i = Zero then begin EndPos := SizeOf(IconCurHd)+ (NumIcons * SizeOf(IconSpec))+ cIHeaderSize+ PBitmapInfo(PcInfo).bmiHeader.biSizeImage + PBitmapInfo(PmInfo).bmiHeader.biSizeImage; ReAllocMem(Pstorage, EndPos); CopyMemory(PStorage, @IconCurHd, SizeOf(IconCurHd)); StartoF := SizeOf(IconCurHd) + (NumIcons * SizeOf(IconSpec)); end else begin StartoF := EndPos; EndPos := EndPos + cIHeaderSize + PBitmapInfo(PcInfo).bmiHeader.biSizeImage + PBitmapInfo(PmInfo).bmiHeader.biSizeImage; ReAllocMem(Pstorage, EndPos); end; CopyMemory(Pointer(Cardinal(PStorage)+StartoF), PcInfo, cIHeaderSize); CopyMemory(Pointer(Cardinal(PStorage)+StartoF+cIHeaderSize), PcBits, PBitmapInfo(PcInfo).bmiHeader.biSizeImage); CopyMemory(Pointer(Cardinal(PStorage)+StartoF+cIHeaderSize+ PBitmapInfo(PcInfo).bmiHeader.biSizeImage), PmBits, PBitmapInfo(PmInfo).bmiHeader.biSizeImage); with IconSpec, PBitmapInfo(PcInfo).bmiHeader do begin bWidth := biWidth; bHeight := biHeight shr One; wColors := biPlanes * biBitCount; iDIBSize := cIHeaderSize + biSizeImage + PBitmapInfo(PmInfo).bmiHeader.biSizeImage; iDIBOffset := StartoF; end; CopyMemory(Pointer(Cardinal(PStorage)+SizeOf(IconCurHd) + ((i) * SizeOf(IconSpec))), @IconSpec, SizeOf(IconSpec)); finally if hBmp8bit <> Zero then DeleteObject(hBmp8bit); if (PcBits <> nil) and (aryMutiIcon[i].BitCount <> BitC8) then FreeMem(PcBits); if PmBits <> nil then FreeMem(PmBits); if PcInfo <> nil then FreeMem(PcInfo); if PmInfo <> nil then FreeMem(PmInfo); end; finally DeleteObject(IconInfo.hbmColor); DeleteObject(IconInfo.hbmMask); end; end; // for loop Result := Stream.Write(Pstorage^, EndPos); if Cardinal(Result) <> EndPos then Result := -Result; finally if Pstorage <> nil then FreeMem(Pstorage); end; end; {this autoIconToFile is for those who have little or no Idea of Bit Counts and just want to have a single Icon in a file that preserves it's visual appearence, beyond the four bit Icon that Delphi TIcon does} function autoIconToFile(FileName: String; hIcon: Cardinal): Integer; var cIHeaderSize, mIHeaderSize, h8bitBmp, zip: Cardinal; IconInfo: TIconInfo; PcBits, PcInfo, PmBits, PmInfo: Pointer; autoBitCnt: TBitCount; AryColor: Array[Zero..265] of Cardinal; // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - {this function determines if there are less than 236 colors beside the 20 standard windows colors, and then will create an optimized pallete, with all of the icons colors, if there are more colors then the result is 238, which will result in a Full Color BitC24 Icon file} function GetNumColors(hBitmap: Cardinal): TBitCount; var pBits, pScan: Pointer; BmpDC, hBmp32, scanS, ReC: Cardinal; i, j: Integer; isThere: Boolean; begin Result := BitC4; {this function will create a 32 bit Bitmap and copy the Color Icon bitmap on it. Then test it's pixel colors for Black and White, and then the standard 16, four bit, colors, and if there is a color that is not in the standard 16, then it Returns BitC8. If there are more than 236 colors then it returns BitC24, if it detects any alpha channel data it will return BitC32} CopyMemory(@AryColor[Zero], @AryWinColor[Zero], SizeOf(AryWinColor)); for i := 0 to MaxByte do begin ReC := AryPalColor[i]; AryColor[i+10] := (ReC shr n16) or (ReC and green) or ((ReC and MaxByte) shl n16); end; hBmp32 := DoDib(hBitMap, pBits, BmpDC, scanS); if (hBmp32 = Zero) or (pBits = nil) then Exit; try Result := BitC1; ReC := Zero; pScan := Pointer(Cardinal(pBits) - Four); for i := Zero to scanS do begin Inc(Cardinal(pScan), Four); if (Cardinal(pScan^) = white) or (Cardinal(pScan^) = Zero) then Continue; if (Cardinal(pScan^) > white) then begin Result := BitC32; Break; end; if Result = BitC1 then Result := BitC4; if not ((Cardinal(pScan^) = MaxByte) or (Cardinal(pScan^) = green) or (Cardinal(pScan^) = $FF0000) or (Cardinal(pScan^) = $00FFFF) or (Cardinal(pScan^) = $FFFF00) or (Cardinal(pScan^) = $FF00FF) or (Cardinal(pScan^) = $808080) or (Cardinal(pScan^) = $C0C0C0) or (Cardinal(pScan^) = $000080) or (Cardinal(pScan^) = $008000) or (Cardinal(pScan^) = $800000) or (Cardinal(pScan^) = $008080) or (Cardinal(pScan^) = $808000) or (Cardinal(pScan^) = $800080)) then begin if Result = BitC4 then Result := BitC8; isThere := False; for j := Zero to ReC+19 do begin if Cardinal(pScan^) = AryColor[j] then begin isThere := True; Break; end; end; if not isThere then begin if ReC < 236 then AryColor[ReC+20] := Cardinal(pScan^); Inc(ReC); end; if ReC = 238 then begin Result := BitC24; Break; end; end; end; finally DeleteDC(BmpDC); DeleteObject(hBmp32); end; end; // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - function autoInfoAndBits(hBitmap: Cardinal; var PntBmpInfo: Pointer; var PntBits: Pointer): Cardinal; var HeaderSize, cDC1, inDC: Cardinal; DibSec: TDIBSection; BmpInfo1: TBitmapInfoHeader; i: Integer; begin {this function will get the TBitmapInfo info and pBits for the Icon Bitmap and do an 8 Bit Count bitmap for an 8 bit Icon, with an optimized pallete} Result := Zero; DibSec.dsbmih.biSize := Zero; if GetObject(hBitmap, SizeOf(DibSec), @DibSec) = Zero then begin MessageBox(Zero, 'GetObject did NOT work', 'ERROR GetObject', MB_ICONERROR); Exit; end; autoBitCnt := GetNumColors(hBitmap); HeaderSize := SetInfo(BmpInfo1, DibSec.dsBm.bmWidth, DibSec.dsBm.bmHeight, autoBitCnt); GetMem(PntBmpInfo, HeaderSize); CopyMemory(PntBmpInfo, @BmpInfo1, SizeOf(BmpInfo1)); h8bitBmp := Zero; cDC1 := CreateCompatibleDC(Zero); try if autoBitCnt = BitC8 then begin for i := Zero to MaxByte do begin inDC := AryColor[i+10]; TBitmapInfo(PntBmpInfo^).bmiColors[i] := tagRGBQUAD((inDC shr n16) or (inDC and green) or ((inDC and MaxByte) shl n16)); end; h8bitBmp := CreateDIBSection(cDC1, TBitmapInfo(PntBmpInfo^), DIB_RGB_COLORS, PntBits, Zero, Zero); if h8bitBmp = Zero then Exit else Result := HeaderSize; SelectObject(cDC1, h8bitBmp); inDC := CreateCompatibleDC(Zero); GdiFlush; SelectObject(inDC, hBitmap); if not BitBlt(cDC1, Zero, Zero, DibSec.dsBm.bmWidth, DibSec.dsBm.bmHeight, inDC, Zero, Zero, SRCCOPY) then Result := Zero; DeleteDC(inDC); end else // = BitC8 begin GetMem(PntBits, BmpInfo1.biSizeImage); if GetDIBits(cDC1, hBitmap, Zero, abs(BmpInfo1.biHeight), PntBits, TBitmapInfo(PntBmpInfo^), DIB_RGB_COLORS) <> Zero then Result := HeaderSize; end; finally DeleteDC(cDC1); end; end; // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - begin // autoIconToFile / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / Result := -One; if Length(FileName) < Four then Exit; if not GetIconInfo(hIcon, IconInfo) then begin Result := -2; Exit; end; if IconInfo.hbmColor < 33 then begin if IconInfo.hbmMask > 32 then IconInfo.hbmColor := Do1BitDib(IconInfo.hbmMask); if IconInfo.hbmColor < 33 then begin Result := -3; Exit; end; end; try PcInfo := nil; PcBits := nil; PmInfo := nil; PmBits := nil; h8bitBmp := Zero; cIHeaderSize := autoInfoAndBits(IconInfo.hbmColor, PcInfo, PcBits); mIHeaderSize := GetInfoAndBits(IconInfo.hbmMask, PmInfo, PmBits, BitC1, zip); try if (cIHeaderSize = Zero) or (mIHeaderSize = Zero) then begin Result := -4; Exit; end; Result := WriteToFile(@FileName[One], PcInfo, PcBits, PmBits, cIHeaderSize, PBitmapInfo(PmInfo).bmiHeader.biSizeImage); finally if h8bitBmp <> Zero then DeleteObject(h8bitBmp); if (PcBits <> nil) and (autoBitCnt <> BitC8) then FreeMem(PcBits); if PmBits <> nil then FreeMem(PmBits); if PcInfo <> nil then FreeMem(PcInfo); if PmInfo <> nil then FreeMem(PmInfo); end; finally DeleteObject(IconInfo.hbmMask); DeleteObject(IconInfo.hbmColor); end; end; {the Icon32To24File fuction makes a copy of the icon's color bitmap and scans the alpha channel for values that would be blended in 32 bit and converts these to the Mask Bitmap additions, to make the mask bitmap mask area smaller, reducing the Black areas around the 24 bit icon.} function Icon32To24File(FileName: String; hIcon: Cardinal): Integer; const AryColor: Array[Zero..One] of Cardinal = (Zero, white); var IconInfo: TIconInfo; BmpInfo1: TBitmapInfo; tBmp1: tagBitmap; pBits, pScan, pMBits, pCBits, PntBmpInfo: Pointer; DC1, iClDC, mDC, n1DC, n2DC, aBmp, sSize, nColBmp, nMonBmp, monoImgSize, B1: Cardinal; i: Integer; begin Result := -One; if Length(FileName) < Four then Exit; if not GetIconInfo(hIcon, IconInfo) then begin Result := -2; Exit; end; try if IconInfo.hbmColor < 33 then begin Result := -3; Exit; end; if GetObject(IconInfo.hbmColor, SizeOf(tBmp1), @tBmp1) = Zero then begin Result := -4; Exit; end; if tBmp1.bmBitsPixel <> 32 then begin Result := -8; Exit; end; ZeroMemory(@BmpInfo1, sizeOf(BmpInfo1)); sSize := (tBmp1.bmWidth * tBmp1.bmHeight)-One; with BmpInfo1.bmiHeader do begin biSize := sizeOf(BmpInfo1.bmiHeader); biWidth := tBmp1.bmWidth; biHeight := tBmp1.bmHeight; biPlanes := One; biBitCount := 32; biCompression := BI_RGB; biSizeImage := (biWidth shl Two) * biHeight; end; pBits := nil; DC1 := CreateCompatibleDC(Zero); aBmp := CreateDIBSection(DC1, BmpInfo1, DIB_RGB_COLORS, pBits, Zero, Zero); try SelectObject(DC1, aBmp); iClDC := CreateCompatibleDC(Zero); SelectObject(iClDC, IconInfo.hbmColor); BitBlt(DC1, Zero, Zero, tBmp1.bmWidth, tBmp1.bmHeight, iClDC, Zero,Zero, SRCCOPY); pScan := Pointer(Cardinal(pBits) - Four); for i := Zero to Ssize do begin Inc(Cardinal(pScan), Four); B1 := Cardinal(pScan^) shr 24; if (Cardinal(pScan^) > white) then begin if B1 < 116 then Cardinal(pScan^) := white else Cardinal(pScan^) := Zero; end else Cardinal(pScan^) := Zero; end; mDC := CreateCompatibleDC(Zero); SelectObject(mDC, IconInfo.hbmMask); BitBlt(mDC, Zero, Zero, tBmp1.bmWidth, tBmp1.bmHeight, DC1, Zero,Zero, SRCPAINT); finally DeleteDC(DC1); DeleteObject(aBmp); end; with BmpInfo1.bmiHeader do begin biBitCount := One; biClrUsed := Two; biClrImportant := Two; biSizeImage := ((biWidth * biBitCount) + 31) and not 31; biSizeImage := Integer((biSizeImage shr 3)) * Abs(biHeight); monoImgSize := biSizeImage; end; GetMem(PntBmpInfo, SizeOf(TBitmapInfoHeader) + 8); try CopyMemory(PntBmpInfo, @BmpInfo1.bmiHeader, SizeOf(BmpInfo1.bmiHeader)); CopyMemory(@TBitmapInfo(PntBmpInfo^).bmiColors, @AryColor[Zero], 8); pMbits := nil; n1DC := CreateCompatibleDC(Zero); nMonBmp := CreateDIBSection(n1DC, TBitmapInfo(PntBmpInfo^), DIB_RGB_COLORS, pMbits, Zero, Zero); finally FreeMem(PntBmpInfo); end; if nMonBmp = Zero then begin Result := -9; DeleteDC(iClDC); DeleteDC(n1DC); DeleteDC(mDC); Exit; end; SelectObject(n1DC, nMonBmp); BitBlt(n1DC, Zero, Zero, tBmp1.bmWidth, tBmp1.bmHeight, mDC, Zero,Zero, SRCCOPY); DeleteDC(n1DC); with BmpInfo1.bmiHeader do begin biBitCount := 24; biClrUsed := Zero; biClrImportant := Zero; biSizeImage := ((biWidth * biBitCount) + 31) and not 31; biSizeImage := Integer((biSizeImage shr 3)) * Abs(biHeight); end; pCbits := nil; n2DC := CreateCompatibleDC(Zero); nColBmp := CreateDIBSection(n2DC, BmpInfo1, DIB_RGB_COLORS, pCbits, Zero, Zero); if nColBmp = Zero then begin Result := -9; DeleteDC(iClDC); DeleteDC(n2DC); DeleteObject(nMonBmp); Exit; end; SelectObject(n2DC, nColBmp); BitBlt(n2DC, Zero, Zero, tBmp1.bmWidth, tBmp1.bmHeight, iClDC, Zero,Zero, SRCCOPY); BitBlt(mDC, Zero, Zero, tBmp1.bmWidth, tBmp1.bmHeight, n2DC, Zero,Zero, DSTINVERT); BitBlt(n2DC, Zero, Zero, tBmp1.bmWidth, tBmp1.bmHeight, mDC, Zero,Zero, SRCAND); DeleteDC(mDC); DeleteDC(iClDC); DeleteDC(n2DC); finally DeleteObject(IconInfo.hbmMask); DeleteObject(IconInfo.hbmColor); end; Result := WriteToFile(@FileName[One], @BmpInfo1, pCBits, pMBits, SizeOf(TBitmapInfoHeader), monoImgSize); DeleteObject(nMonBmp); DeleteObject(nColBmp); end; function Get48hIcon(FileName: String; icoIndex: Integer = Zero): Integer; var DeskTopISF: IShellFolder; IExIcon: IExtractIcon; PathPidl: PItemIDList; hIconL, hIconS: HIcon; begin {this function uses the IExtractIcon to get a 48x48 icon Handle from a file that Has the Icon Bitmaps in it, like an Icon File (.ICO), an executable (.EXE) and a library (.DLL) } Result := Zero; if SHGetDesktopFolder(DeskTopISF) <> NOERROR then Exit; PathPidl := nil; if DeskTopISF.GetUIObjectOf(Zero, One, PathPidl, IID_IExtractIconA, nil, IExIcon) <> NOERROR then Exit; if (IExIcon.Extract(PChar(FileName), icoIndex, hIconL, hIconS, 48 or (n16 shl n16)) = NOERROR) and (hIconL <> Zero) then Result := hIconL; DestroyIcon(hIconS); end; end. |