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Geschichte bilingual

Schulinternes Curriculum für den bilingualenUnterricht im Sachfach Geschichte

Sekundarstufe 1

Stufe          Gegenstände

 9.1              The American Revolution:

The Origins and the Struggle for Participation, Democratic Principles and National Independence

 9.2              The French Revolution:

The Impact of the Enlightenment on Reform Ideas,

the Fight for Human Rights and a Constitution

 9.3              The Industrial Revolution in Britain:

The Rise of Modern Industry, the Effects of Rapid Industrializatiori and Social Responses

9.4              The German Question of the Nineteenth Century:

Pre-March Germany and the Revolution of 1848; the Unification of Germany

9.5             The Spread of European Culture and Civilization in the World during the Age of Imperialism


10.1            The First World War and the Peace Treaty of Versailles:                    

The GreatEuropean Powers and the Struggle for Hegemony

The Establishment of Communism in Russia and of Democracy in Germany

Pacifist Reactions to the Experience of Modern Warfare and Mass Destruction

10.2              The Decline of the Weimar Republic and the Establishment of the Nazi  Dictatorship:

The Crises of the Weimar Republic

The Nazi  Ideology

The Nazis‘ Seizure of Power

The Nazi Terror State in Germany, Occupied Europe and the Holocaust

Total Defeat and Unconditional Surrender

10.2              The Two Postwar Germanys between the Superpowers:

Problems, Means and Perspectives of Preserving Peace in Europe after 1945


Sekundarstufe II

Vorausbemerkung: Dieses Sachfach befindet sich zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt (Stand: August 2000) noch in der Aufbauphase. Die Angabe der Kursthemen erfolgt vorbehaltlich einer Anpassung an künftige kultusministerielle Empfehlungen für die Sekundarstufe II

Stufe                     Kursthemen (Grundkurse)


11.l                     Reviewing and Practising Skilis in History Teaching. A Case in Point: The Allied Powers and the Changing Order of Postwar Germany: From Defeat and Division to Reunification


11.2                   Poverty and Reform Policy in l9th-Century Britain and Germany: Reactirig to Changing Patterns of Religious, Political and Economic Life


12.1                   The High and the Late Middle Ages: Characterizing the Position of Man, State and Religion in a Feudal Society


12.2                   Continental Europe: Ihe Birth of Freedom and the Struggle for Equality and Human Rights: The Revolutions of 1789 (France) and 1848 (Germany)


13.1                   German Foreign Policy (1890 - 1989): From Nationalist and Totalitarian Concepts to Supranational Cooperation and Integration


13.2                   Shaping a Nation: Great Political and Social Issues in American History: From the First Settlements to a World Power