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Messages from our visitors

Below are a few of the things you have recently told us (Letters have not been modified except for the removal of personal information). We love hearing from you, so feel free to drop us a note at - if it doest work go to your account and send me an email to

  • Dear OnlyShidduchim Staff,

    What can I say other than Kol HaKavod! Finally someone put together this great idea. I know allot of people both guys and girls who are having a hard time with shidduchim. This site can finally put everyone together and make it happen. Thanks to you guys people will soon go from OnlyShidduchim to OnlySimchas.

  • Hello, How are you? I just wanted to thank you for creating this website. It is such a happy and beautiful website. What a tremendous mitzvah! Especially in times like this, when everyone sterio types while shidduch dating. This way people from all groups can join together and finally make it to OnlySimchas! Thank you so much.

    Tizku l'mitzvos. HaShem should bless you and the entire onlysimchas family, along with Klal Yisroel, with only mazal, bracha, hatzlacha, yeshuah and the geulah.


  • I just wanted to thank you for setting me up with my wonderful chosen. We are Baruch Hashem happily married and expecting our first child in July. We are moving to Eretz Yisrael I''H in September after we both graduate from Stern and YU. This is a wonderful website, you will definitely earn a huge portion in Gan Eden because of this. Thank You!!!
    (¨`v´¨)  -;-
      `v´ *·¸.·´¨¨)
        -;-      ¸.·´  ¸·¨¨·.·»
                (_¸.·´ Shoshana


  • Dear OnlyShidduchim staff,
    When I first logged onto your site, I felt this immediately gratifying sensation of "now I'm at peace, someone is finally taking notice of all of the singles". I felt a profound connection to the site and all that it stands for. However, one day I forgot my password, and when I clicked on the link for "I forgot my password", I was informed by your wretched and nefarious site that I am "a loser". Not only do you vituperatively insult me and my obviously superior intelligence, but you superciliously do not even bother to DO IT PROPERLY!!! How anyone would dare to sanctimoniously oppose my supremacy is beyond me to begin with, but you go so far as to blatantly, callously, and impudently disregard any aspect of common courtesy to at least respect my vastly unappreciated mental prowess!!! I've had enough! (By the way, if any guys are reading this, you can email me at :-)
    With love,


  • I don't know how to thank you for this site, I'm a happily married woman now thanks to you, before this site I went out with 56 guys but I couldn't find the right one and then I found him on this site, I was really  close to giving up on the whole shidduch scene before this site and then u saved me so thanks again, I truly believe that you do "avodas kodesh",lots of hatslacha,
                             yente rochel


  • Your site is hysterical, thanks so much!


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