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Shalom !

Tefilla for Hatzlacha In Metziat Hazivug
Should be said with great kavana before you start surfing the web site. 

[Exerpt of prayer from sefer "Avodas Hakodesh" for a Yoray Shomayim man who wishes to find his mate]. 
"Master of the universe, in Your kindness, You formed Your world and created man and made for him a help-mate, and You commanded us to marry a woman and have children and Your servants, our sages, were stringent to not delay this mitzva. And since the life of man in this world and the world to come are almost dependent upon the wife, and, due to our many sins we cannot know for sure who is fitting to marry and fulfill Your will, I come before You with a broken heart to plead before You, Merciful Father, to prepare for me the proper mate, who has fear of Heaven, who has all of the good midos; who has good fortune, good intellect, success in her endeavors and blessing; because througfh this I will be able to accomplish holy work without trouble; and may she be suitable for me. In Your great mercy, may you be comapassionate to me and turn my heart to be able to complete my part and fulfill your commandments, and that it be good for me in in this world and the eternal world. You are the only one Who is merciful, compassionate, generous, protector, supporter, rescuer, correct and redeemer. Answer me and hear my prayer, for You are the only One Who hears prayer of every mouth."
[Excerpt from prayer for Yoray Shomayim woman for her mate]. 
May it be Your will, my G-d and G-d of my fathers, that You should cause me to find, in your great mercy and kindness, the mate who will be proper for me who will provide all of my true needs and the repair of my soul. May he be proper and correct to bring kosher children who will be Torah scholars and tzadikim, people of truth and fear of sin. May this mate be a good man whose deeds are beautiful and who does good deeds steadily. May he be a scholar engaged in Torah for its own sake. May he have fear of Heaven, pursue justice and bestow kindness. May there be no trace of any invalid thing in him, nor blemish or defect. May he not have anger but, rather, may he have all of the good midos, be humble, healthy, capable. May he never cruel to anyone and never evil. May we merit to dwell together successfully."
Mon, May 6, 2002

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