Past Sports from the past week. Past sports article for the week of 2/21/07 Dust Bunnies Take to the Field…sortof
Have you ever wondered why Dust Bunnies congregate in one place? Have
you ever wondered just where all those Dust Bunnies come from? Well I'll
tell you my friends. Well they do say Bunnies multiply, but seriously...
Dust Bunnies love baseball. They come from all over the house to enjoy
that wily sport. But they only come out to play when no one's looking.
The rest of the time they simply lie about in dark corners. Dust Bunny Decathlon… With toothpicks for javelins and wadded paper for weights, this ten-sport
event is the toast of the Dust Bunny world. They prepare special tracks
beneath the bed and hold a race each day. Discuses are made from pop bottle
tops and shot puts resemble fishing weights. And these bunnies just go
wild. Dust Bunnies engaged in free-style skating antics… Well look no farther. The intriguingly shaped little lumps are ramps and obstacles for our little dusty friends. That's right, while we're not looking, those inventive little Dust Bunnies are donning their skates and grabbing their skateboards. Ever hear a little thud or something tumbling completely out of the blue?
That, of course, is those little devils crashing off their ramps and boards
and skates. Not to worry, though, No Dust Bunnies are harmed in the writing
of this article. The Great Dust Bunny Spelling Bee…. In the end, I small dust Bunny with a floppy ear was chosen as winner.
I'm afraid I didn't get to interview the wee one as much celebration and
feasting commenced. What was the winning word, you ask? Mitochondrion. |
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