Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Awareness


Hi my name is Ann. I was first diagnoised with Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue syndrome after an accident that left me flat on my back for a few years. I will never forget that day that the Doctor came in and examined me and said "you have fibromyalgia." I can remember my exact words to him finally someone after thousands of dollars being spent knows what I have. Now how can we fix it?? The doctor said im sorry there is no cure for what you have. That day I went thru so many emotions sitting on that examination table. The doctor said I will return with a few books I want you to look at before you leave. I was stunned I wanted fixed I wanted to be normal and for the most part I didn't like the doctor standing in front of me telling me I had something they couldn't fix. I read but even after I left that office I was determined never to stop fighting the pain I was living with 24/7. And the looks from family and friends and most of all other doctors that didn't believe in what I the point one doctor told me never to admit to another doctor I had this illness. Why you say?? Cuz this is a silent illness most never can see by looking at you. You appear to be very healthy from the outside, but within your in chronic pain, you don't sleep well,if at all,I think I average maybe 4 hours a night. The reason being fibromyalgia patients never get that stage 4 sleep zone. Therefore while others peoples bodies heal ours don't. There are so many directions this illness has set me in.....but know this I will keep reading and tring to find the cure for all of us out there that have this illness and know someone out there does believe you. My deepest regards go to you, and pray that your friends and family stand behind you. Take care and I will keep you posted with new links to check out that may help you my friend. hugs and god bless each of you. Ann


Page constructed by several people and built by ann210, would like to thank faith,dove/aka/deb, and my daughter mickey aka jennifer thanks for all your help!!
