Thanks to Ethel & Philip for sending me this snippet from the newspapers of 1687.
London Gazette. No.2260. Thur. 14/Mon/18.July.1687.
Windsor. Jul 10.
Whereas there was a Robbery committed on the 25th of June last on the Holland Mail between Colchester and Harwich by one person on Horseback who took out of the said Mail four boxes etc., containing Rough Diamonds to the value of Six Thousand. Seven hundred and fifty pounds. Upon humble applications of the Merchants, owners of the said diamonds to His Majesty to Promise His Gracious Pardon to the Person or Persons Concerned in the Robbery of the said diamonds, in case the same be restored within Thirty Days. His Majesty has been graciously pleased to Grant this request and does accordingly hereby declare that in case the aforesaid Diamonds be restored to the Owners within the space of Thirty Days from the date thereof, he will grant unto the said person or persons so restoring the said diamonds, His Gracious Pardon for said Robbery, besides the reward of five Hundred Guineas already promised and deposited by the owners. Middleton
The person that committed the said robbery had Brown hair somewhat curled . Pock holes in his face. Of a brown complexion, black and blue under one eye. Of a middle stature broad shouldered and lightish colour cloth close bodied coat. And was mounted upon a darkish bay horse about 14 hands high.
No.2272. Thur.25/mon.29th Aug.1687.
Whitehall/Aug.26. Two of the persons concerned in the Diamond Robbery discovered and apprehended in Paris with part of the diamonds. Repeat undertaking of pardon to anyone else involved.
One of the persons who committed the robbery on the Kings Mail going for Holland on 25th June last and took thence the diamonds is taken and in prison beyond the sea. He declared that one Nath. Mahew and one Thomas Hebdon were principal actors with him in the said robbery. Nath Mahew is a man of indifferent stature, well sett. Broad shouldered with dark brown hair and blackish eyebrows. A ruddy complexion almost like a flushing with pock holes in his face, long visage with a roman nose rising much in the middle, and was about 35 years of age. Went away with his wife (who is a tall well shaped woman, of a fresh complexion. Light brown hair, and grey eyed) on Sunday Morning. The 21st.instant from Sarston in Suffolk, both on a darkish brown horse about 14 hands high with a white star on his forehead and a white foot behind. Thos. Hebdon is a middle sized man, well sett with pock holes in his face, somewhat swarthy and full faced. His hair inclining to red, grey eyed, and speaks with a broad North Country accent. Whoever shall apprehend either the said Nath Mahew, or Thos Hebdon, so as they be delivered into the hands of Justice, they shall receive immediately One Hundred Pounds for each or either of them from the hands of Mr. Will. Atwell and Mr. Adrian Courtney. Goldsmiths in Exchange Alley in London, and Twenty Pounds for the securing of Nath Mahews Wife, and if the Diamonds are recovered they shall have the reward of ten per cent promised in the Gazette. (Repeated in Nos.2274/5/6/7/and then for Thos. Hebdon only in 2278/9/80)
No.2283. Mon.3/Thurs 5 October.
On Saturday. 11th September last one Thomas Hebdon (being the person who committed the Robbery on the Holland Mail went from Scarborough in Yorkshire with his wife mounted on a dark sorrel chestnut coloured mare. Her mane half shorn and all her feet white, and a white snip down her face and a white foot on her buttock.?? Whoever apprehends the said Thomas Hebdon shall upon delivery or him into the hands of Justice receive from Mr. Attwell and Mr. Courtney Goldsmiths of Lombard St. London. One Hundred and fifty Guineas. Reward.
No.2285. Mon.19/Thurs. 13 October. 1897.
Whitehall. October 12.1687. Wheras His Majesty has been informed by the Merchant Owners of the Diamonds, robbed out of the Holland Mail on the 25th of June last, between Colchester and Harwich. That notwithstanding his Gracious Promise of a Pardon to the persons concerned in the said Robbery. Thomas Hebdon, one of the robbers has not yet surrendered himself nor restored the Diamonds which he had for his share amounting to about 4,000. Upon the said Merchants humble petition to his Majesty praying that he would be Graciously pleased once more to promise His Pardon to the said Hebdon or any other concerned with him, provided And in case he or they do within the space of forty days restore the said Diamonds His Majesty is Graciously pleased to grant the said Merchants humble requests and does accordingly hereby declare that in case the said Thomas Hebdon or any other concerned with him in the said robbery or division of the diamonds do within the space or forty days from the date hereof. Return to the owners that part of the diamonds which he or they had for their shares, His Majesty will grant unto the said Thomas Hebdon or any other person or persons so restoring the diamonds His Gracious Pardon for the said robbery, as also for robbing the coach at the same time besides a reward of ten per cent of the value of the diamonds that shall be restored which the Merchants will pay upon the delivery thereof.
Description of Thomas Hebdon, his wife and horse as above.
Newsletter. Nov. 26/1687
MR THOS HEBDON, often mentioned in the Gazette for taking away the Jew’s diamonds, has surrendered, laying hold on the promised pardon and reward.