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XoLilScobleOx has entered the room.
TalkSomeMeanJive: k
TalkSomeMeanJive: hi
TalkSomeMeanJive: were so glad you could make it
l HEART NY: yeah totally
TalkSomeMeanJive: this really means a lot to us
l HEART NY: we just wanted to thank you
TalkSomeMeanJive: hello?
XoLilScobleOx: for?
l HEART NY: everything that youve done for us
TalkSomeMeanJive: the fan club
l HEART NY: and we finnally found you to thank you
l HEART NY: for the fan club
XoLilScobleOx: um.. lol?
TalkSomeMeanJive: huh?
l HEART NY: its me, Zak Hanson
l HEART NY: the drummer from Hanson
TalkSomeMeanJive: and me
TalkSomeMeanJive: Isaac
XoLilScobleOx: idk what ur talkin about
l HEART NY: you started the fan club
l HEART NY: and we are thanking our fans today
XoLilScobleOx: no i didnt
TalkSomeMeanJive: you didnt what?
XoLilScobleOx: no
TalkSomeMeanJive: no what?
TalkSomeMeanJive: mmmm bop
TalkSomeMeanJive: wait
XoLilScobleOx: what?
TalkSomeMeanJive: is this jannet?
l HEART NY: did u make this website?
l HEART NY: in_hanson.htm
TalkSomeMeanJive: ??
l HEART NY: thats really us
l HEART NY: i am really Zak Hanson
XoLilScobleOx: oh really?
l HEART NY: MMMbop badooby dop
TalkSomeMeanJive: is this jannet or not?
XoLilScobleOx: no
l HEART NY: bon doob op, opity opity oppp
TalkSomeMeanJive: oh
TalkSomeMeanJive: my god
XoLilScobleOx: This is Nicole
TalkSomeMeanJive: its not her bro
TalkSomeMeanJive: im so sorry
l HEART NY: aw man
l HEART NY: Nicol
TalkSomeMeanJive: we were looking for jannet
TalkSomeMeanJive: she made our site
l HEART NY: do you like our music though?
XoLilScobleOx: is her last nyme scoble
l HEART NY: yeah
TalkSomeMeanJive: we really are hanson
l HEART NY: Jannet Scoble
l HEART NY: webmaster
TalkSomeMeanJive: wow
TalkSomeMeanJive: i feel like a nincumpoop
XoLilScobleOx: i dont kno her... sorry
TalkSomeMeanJive: thats ok
l HEART NY: do u like us though
XoLilScobleOx: um sure
TalkSomeMeanJive: i cant believe this happened though
l HEART NY: mmmbop budoppy dop
TalkSomeMeanJive: you do?
l HEART NY: i always sing our hit
TalkSomeMeanJive: thats awesome
TalkSomeMeanJive: i always love to hear from fans
TalkSomeMeanJive: so do you have any money
XoLilScobleOx: can u hold on?
TalkSomeMeanJive: we are broke
TalkSomeMeanJive: just kidding
TalkSomeMeanJive: sure
XoLilScobleOx: ok so let me get this straight... ur handson and ull lookin for janet lol?
l HEART NY: yup
l HEART NY: we need help
XoLilScobleOx: and u got mi screen nyme how?
XoLilScobleOx: ok?
XoLilScobleOx: wit?
l HEART NY: money
l HEART NY: im drinking alot
TalkSomeMeanJive: this was the name that our agent gave us
XoLilScobleOx: oh ok
XoLilScobleOx: LilPunkRocker619: Who is thisTalkSomeMeanJive: lanceTalkSomeMeanJive: who is this
XoLilScobleOx: ur lance now?
TalkSomeMeanJive: no
TalkSomeMeanJive: ur lance
XoLilScobleOx: oh boy i gtg LMAo
l HEART NY: hahahaha
TalkSomeMeanJive: dammit
l HEART NY: u idiot
TalkSomeMeanJive: she tricked up
TalkSomeMeanJive: us
l HEART NY: she tricked you
l HEART NY: hahahaha
TalkSomeMeanJive: yea
l HEART NY: im really Zak though
l HEART NY: mmmbop
XoLilScobleOx: oh yeah?
l HEART NY: boopity bop
l HEART NY: fondu slop
l HEART NY: aw
l HEART NY: way to go lance
XoLilScobleOx: how come ur sayin ur lance bass... i really think this is funny
TalkSomeMeanJive: sorry
TalkSomeMeanJive: well my cover was blown so..
l HEART NY: hahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!1
l HEART NY: i honetsly just spit all my soda everywhere
l HEART NY: crap
XoLilScobleOx: so this is who?
TalkSomeMeanJive: hahaha
l HEART NY: hahahahaha
l HEART NY: im dying
TalkSomeMeanJive: hahahahahaha
l HEART NY: i got soda all over my keyboard
XoLilScobleOx: o jusus
l HEART NY: its gonna get all sticky
TalkSomeMeanJive: hahahahaha
l HEART NY: lance bass
l HEART NY: hahahaha
TalkSomeMeanJive: you shot me in the foot
XoLilScobleOx: um..
XoLilScobleOx: okay..
TalkSomeMeanJive: inside joke
l HEART NY: i dont get it
l HEART NY: should i?
TalkSomeMeanJive: at your house
TalkSomeMeanJive: yea
l HEART NY: oh
TalkSomeMeanJive: 6th grade
TalkSomeMeanJive: bond
l HEART NY: oh wait
XoLilScobleOx: im gonna leave now
TalkSomeMeanJive: you did the same thing
TalkSomeMeanJive: no
l HEART NY: right
TalkSomeMeanJive: wait
l HEART NY: wait
TalkSomeMeanJive: staaaay
l HEART NY: staaaaaaaaay
l HEART NY: staaaaaay
XoLilScobleOx: um ok
TalkSomeMeanJive: help us
l HEART NY: help us
l HEART NY: please
l HEART NY: im broke TalkSomeMeanJive: we really do need money
TalkSomeMeanJive: yea
TalkSomeMeanJive: me too
TalkSomeMeanJive: were in college
l HEART NY: yeha
l HEART NY: no food
TalkSomeMeanJive: dying
l HEART NY: do u know what its like not to eat for 2 weeks
XoLilScobleOx: oh god who are u ppl
l HEART NY: who are you?
TalkSomeMeanJive: what?!
TalkSomeMeanJive: what did you say?!
XoLilScobleOx: im going
TalkSomeMeanJive: no
TalkSomeMeanJive: Staaaaaaaay
TalkSomeMeanJive: staaaaaaaaaaay
l HEART NY: staaaaaaay
TalkSomeMeanJive: staaaaaaaaaaaaay
l HEART NY: staaaaaaaaaaaaaay
TalkSomeMeanJive: staaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
TalkSomeMeanJive: staaaay
XoLilScobleOx: lmao OMG im scared...
l HEART NY: we are here to help you...NICOLE!!
TalkSomeMeanJive: stay
TalkSomeMeanJive: staaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
l HEART NY: how did i know your name!?
XoLilScobleOx: cuz i told u
l HEART NY: noooooooo
TalkSomeMeanJive: oh yea
TalkSomeMeanJive: nah dude she did
l HEART NY: last nite i got zapped by lighting
TalkSomeMeanJive: haha
l HEART NY: fine
XoLilScobleOx: lmao umm i gotta go
l HEART NY: wait
l HEART NY: staaaaaaaay
l HEART NY: staaaaaaay
TalkSomeMeanJive: staaaaaaaaaaaay
TalkSomeMeanJive: dont go
XoLilScobleOx: no cuz i dont kno who u ppl are
l HEART NY: staaaaaaaaaay
TalkSomeMeanJive: im so lonely
l HEART NY: fine
XoLilScobleOx: and ur scarin me
TalkSomeMeanJive: well its not like we know where you live
l HEART NY: my name is Chris
TalkSomeMeanJive: were not really stalkers or anything
l HEART NY: Chris Nason
TalkSomeMeanJive: and my name is chris too
TalkSomeMeanJive: pianti
l HEART NY: but call me Doc
XoLilScobleOx: are u a pop group lol?
l HEART NY: no
XoLilScobleOx: ook lol
XoLilScobleOx: do i kno u ppl
TalkSomeMeanJive: nope
l HEART NY: nah
TalkSomeMeanJive: i picked you out randomly from another chat room
XoLilScobleOx: oh so u jus im ppl and say ur handson lmao?
l HEART NY: a/s/l
TalkSomeMeanJive: yea
XoLilScobleOx: oh god lol
l HEART NY: so
XoLilScobleOx: wow should i feel specail lol u
TalkSomeMeanJive: or omar gooding and donny jeffcoat
l HEART NY: whats wrong with that
TalkSomeMeanJive: from wild and crazy kids
XoLilScobleOx: oh yeah..
XoLilScobleOx: ok lol
l HEART NY: 18/m/pa
TalkSomeMeanJive: 18/m/pa too
XoLilScobleOx: where in pa?
l HEART NY: where are u in pa
TalkSomeMeanJive: yea
XoLilScobleOx: u dont live in pa do u lol
TalkSomeMeanJive: yea
l HEART NY: yeah
TalkSomeMeanJive: i do
l HEART NY: i do
XoLilScobleOx: then were in pa?
TalkSomeMeanJive: ever hear of a little school called PENN STATE?
l HEART NY: u say first
XoLilScobleOx: yes i kno PENN STATE.
XoLilScobleOx: i live in Pilkis
XoLilScobleOx: u
TalkSomeMeanJive: well i go there
TalkSomeMeanJive: wher the f is pilkis
XoLilScobleOx: oh yeah..
l HEART NY: whoa
TalkSomeMeanJive: yea
XoLilScobleOx: well
TalkSomeMeanJive: wheres pilkis
TalkSomeMeanJive: what state do you live in
TalkSomeMeanJive: hmmm?
XoLilScobleOx: no i live in wilksbarre
l HEART NY: do u know where earlstown rd is?
l HEART NY: earlystown
XoLilScobleOx: naw
TalkSomeMeanJive: i know where that is
XoLilScobleOx: do u got ne pics?
XoLilScobleOx: where
l HEART NY: yeah
XoLilScobleOx: Wilksbarre?
XoLilScobleOx: well im going to get our of this chat okay/
TalkSomeMeanJive: no
TalkSomeMeanJive: its not okay
XoLilScobleOx: lol alright
TalkSomeMeanJive: you cant leave
l HEART NY: you cant leave
l HEART NY: look
l HEART NY: we need help
l HEART NY: we need cash
l HEART NY: can u do me a favor?
TalkSomeMeanJive: and poon tang
XoLilScobleOx: umm no im pooe
XoLilScobleOx: poor*
TalkSomeMeanJive: no you arent
TalkSomeMeanJive: dont lie
l HEART NY: liar
TalkSomeMeanJive: liar
l HEART NY: i hate liars
XoLilScobleOx: umm sure i am
TalkSomeMeanJive: so full of lies
TalkSomeMeanJive: prove it
TalkSomeMeanJive: you have a computer
TalkSomeMeanJive: so you could obviously afford that
XoLilScobleOx: yeah so do u
l HEART NY: im at a computer lab
TalkSomeMeanJive: me too XoLilScobleOx: oh yeah
l HEART NY: look
l HEART NY: just do me a favor
XoLilScobleOx: of
l HEART NY: send some cash to this address
TalkSomeMeanJive: and this one too
l HEART NY: 1234 Street Road
l HEART NY: Anytown, Pa
XoLilScobleOx: lmao will do
XoLilScobleOx: im out
TalkSomeMeanJive: 1029 avenue blvd
TalkSomeMeanJive: easyplace, usa
XoLilScobleOx: well bye
TalkSomeMeanJive: seeeeee ya
TalkSomeMeanJive: forever
l HEART NY: byeee
l HEART NY: forever
XoLilScobleOx has left the room.