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Breakdown of the traditional bowling game.

The Hilo Junior Bowling Club does not take responsibility for your success or lack of success due to our tips. We want to advance the game of bowling with new concepts as well as traditional ideas. Most of our tips are merely concept that we present to you. You can build on them or deny them as you please. The most important concept to learn is to practice well. Take everything you learn with a grain of salt and remember that some things work well for some people while they will totally ruin another's game. Without personalized coaching, it is difficult to advance a bowler's game.
--Thank you, Hilo Junior Bowling Club Coaching Staff

-Jeff Sumitani

This tip is my take on the “generic” bowling game. I will try to breakdown the game from the foul line back to the stance.

As a bowler and spectator, I enjoy watching bowlers with a more textbook game. There are variations to everyone’s game, but I like watching a stylist at work. Those silky smooth layers with the “perfect” timing and ultra-clean release. Players like Ozio, Bohn, or Sonnenfeld. As a junior bowling coach, I do not like to change a junior’s game dramatically, but I try to impress on them good fundamentals. Fundamentals, which stem from the “generic” bowling ideal game.

PART I – The foul line
After releasing the bowling ball, the bowler should extend forward and up. The other arm should extend away from the body to help balance the bowler. The sliding leg should be slightly bent with the shoulder, knee, and toes in line. The trailing leg’s knee should be almost inline with the front (sliding) leg’s knee. This finishing point should be solid. Ideally, this position should be strong enough to withstand a slight push by someone. If any part of the bowler’s finish position does not look right, it is probably due to the power step and slide.

PART II – Power step and slide
The power step is when the bowler pushes off into the slide. The ball should start accelerating down from the top of the backswing. The hand “chases” the ball downward with the elbow tucked close to the bowler’s side. At the same time, the other arm starts to pull back into the balance position. The bowler stops sliding and releases the ball at the same time or releases slightly later. If any part of the power step and slide do not look right, it is probably due to the backswing and set up step.

PART III – Backswing and set up step
The ball should swing backward naturally with little effort from the arm. It should swing straight or slightly away from the body. Swing apex should be a natural height. The bowler’s shoulder should be relaxed and acting as a hinge. At the top of the backswing, the wrist should be straight. The other arm is in front of the body. If any part of the backswing and set up step does not look right, it is probably due to the pushaway and start up.

PART IV – Pushaway and start up
The ball is held at a comfortable height. The other arm holds some of the ball’s weight. The hand should be relaxed, knees slightly bent, and torso bent forward slightly. If the bowler takes the first step with the right foot, then the left foot should start in front. This evens out the weight and helps transfer the weight to start the timing. Push away and slightly down while transferring the weight of the ball to the swing arm. The length of the pushaway depends on the length of the first step. When the foot touches the floor, the pushaway ends and the downswing begins. Short first steps are recommended. Do not lock the elbow or squeeze the ball. Tension in the arm should be avoided.

PART V – Miscellaneous
If the bowler takes five or more steps, those should be timing steps. The ball does not move when taking any preliminary steps.

I hope this helps you picture a good bowling game. Try some of these aspects of the “generic” bowling game. I feel they are some of what makes bowling styles enjoyable to watch.

Good Luck and Good Bowling!!

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