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Armswing in Relation to Ball Speed

The Hilo Junior Bowling Club does not take responsibility for your success or lack of success due to our tips. We want to advance the game of bowling with new concepts as well as traditional ideas. Most of our tips are merely concept that we present to you. You can build on them or deny them as you please. The most important concept to learn is to practice well. Take everything you learn with a grain of salt and remember that some things work well for some people while they will totally ruin another's game. Without personalized coaching, it is difficult to advance a bowler's game.
--Thank you, Hilo Junior Bowling Club Coaching Staff

-Jeff Sumitani

A long time ago, bowling consisted of a hard rubber or hard plastic ball. These balls are very low in friction and usually were very hard to hook. Today's balls are manufactured with the purpose to hook and hit. You can go to any proshop today and order a ball to hook. There are times when a hooking ball will be to aggressive. I will try and explain the relation of ball speed with the plane in your back swing.

The armswing is an essential component to a good delivery and thus, a good shot. A good swing is based on timing, push away, genetics, and physical prowess. Each part is important to create a powerful release that is accurate and consistent.

This type of backswing is good for developing less revs with more speed.
To explain the effect armswing has on a ball reaction, we will use a ball and a ramp. Imagine a long ramp or hill. Roll the ball down this ramp/hill and notice the speed it picks up. If the lane condition favors a faster ball, try this method. Instead of concentrating on a high backswing, try thinking of using a LONG backswing.

Go to your local bowling center and notice the backswings of the various bowlers. (They do not need to be good bowlers.) Look at someone who throws the ball very fast. Notice how even and long the swing of these people are.

This type of backswing is good for developing more revs.

How does armswing affect revs? Try this experiment. Find a bowl or something that resembles a semi-circle. Roll a marble or ball in this circle. Notice how the marble picks up speed very quickly when going down the side of the bowl. Now notice how it slows very quickly when going UP the side of the bowl. This is a swing plane that is more apt to a reving type of ball. Instead of a long backswing, this method develops a sharper arc.

This type of backswing is better for revs. Ball speed will be reduced because of the lack of forward inertia. It is easier to "catch" the ball with this type of swing.

Go to your bowling center again. Watch the bowlers who consistently put more revs on the ball. Notice the arc of their backswing. It should be much sharper than the bowlers with a lot of speed. Bowlers who can blend the two are those really impressive bowlers with speed AND revs!!

The laws of physics state that for every force, there is an equal and opposite force that reacts upon it. We can apply this to our example of backswings. One force will be your downswing. The other force is the reation of the ball. Take the sharp backswing as an example. The force of the backswing is sharp. The opposite force will be the ball, so the roll on the ball will be sharper. This is the same with the long backswing. That type of swing will produce a longer roll. (In simple terms, that is the physics of different backswings. With a paper and pen, this could be explained in more depth. It is hard to do over the internet with the limited equipment that I have. Please email this website, and hopefully I can clear up any questions you might have.)

Try this out at your next practice session. Try the two different extreme swings. Notice if it makes a difference. If you can master this concept of the armswing plane, it will make you more dangerous in various houses.

Good Luck and Good Bowling!!

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