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Warming Up.

The Hilo Junior Bowling Club does not take responsibility for your success or lack of success due to our tips. We want to advance the game of bowling with new concepts as well as traditional ideas. Most of our tips are merely concept that we present to you. You can build on them or deny them as you please. The most important concept to learn is to practice well. Take everything you learn with a grain of salt and remember that some things work well for some people while they will totally ruin another's game. Without personalized coaching, it is difficult to advance a bowler's game.
--Thank you, Hilo Junior Bowling Club Coaching Staff

I am Dorothy Sumitani and I am a Junior Bowling Coach for the Hilo Junior Bowling Club. My tip of the month is something that may seem small and easily overlooked. It is warming up. The area I will concentrate on is the bowling hand. I'm not one for any type of exercise but this warming up will probably take up less time than it will for you to read this article.

Normally before I begin my bowling practice all I do is clench my fist. When you do your clenching start slow, then you could try to speed your reps up too, do this 20 times. While you are throwing practice balls do this exercise intermittently. Squeeze tight enough so that you feel your forearm flexing as you are doing the exercise. Now open your hand and stretch your fingers out and as flat as you can. Best to take care of your hand because of it's versatility and necessity. You use it to wave hello and goodbye. Meaning if you didn't put enought lift in your shot then you can wave your strike bye-bye, or hello 5-7-10. For me it is important to warm up my hand and fingers, especially since I use a wristguard. I've become dependent on a relaxed but traight wrist, thus putting more stress on my hand and fingers. You could also do this before you start your day on your keyboard, ten-key, and mouse. Now all I have to do is remember to do this before I start aching. "."
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