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How Heavy?

The Hilo Junior Bowling Club does not take responsibility for your success or lack of success due to our tips. We want to advance the game of bowling with new concepts as well as traditional ideas. Most of our tips are merely concept that we present to you. You can build on them or deny them as you please. The most important concept to learn is to practice well. Take everything you learn with a grain of salt and remember that some things work well for some people while they will totally ruin another's game. Without personalized coaching, it is difficult to advance a bowler's game.
--Thank you, Hilo Junior Bowling Club Coaching Staff

Hi, my name is Jeffrey Sumitani. I am a coach for the Hilo Junior Bowling Club. This months tip is about ball weight and how to choose the right weight for you.

With today's bowling balls, weight does not seem to be as important as coverstocks and construction. It may not be quite as imperative as in the past but it still plays a major role in ball selection.

The most common ball weight today is the 15 pound ball. For most bowlers, the 15 pound ball is the best choice due to strong enough hit and ease of control. Although modern bowling balls hit many times harder than a comparable weighted ball of the plastic/rubber or even urethane era, an overly light bowling ball will still hit with less force than a heavier ball. That is just simple physics. With less mass, there is less force to knock down the pins.

The general rule is this: 10% of the bowler's body weight.

ie: a 120 pound bowler would use a 12 pound ball.

There are exceptions to this rule though. A 120 pound power lifter could over power a 12 pound ball. The opposite would be true about a 120 pound person of lesser stature. The 10% rule is just a generalization.

So choose carefully when looking for ball weight. Ask your local professional ball driller or bowler for advice. Speed control is very important in the game of bowling and a ball that is either to heavy or to light will change the dynamics of the ball's path or the ball's pin carry.

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