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Heather's Page
Yo Yo! Hey y'all! This is the VIPs, and we're here to tell you about our latest, (and first), gig coming up this month. We're going to have all the latest action. We're learning new moves, brushing up on old ones, and we're going to PAR-TAY! Anyway, the only reason you should be looking at this website is because you got our flyer or we told you. So -
Where? There's no way I'm givin out my addy, but u mite kno it's at my place. (Heather's)
When? Due to schedule conflicts, the date has changed to either April 6, Arpil 13, or April 20, and the time is unsure but it should be around 1 or 2.
Who? Me, Colin, William, Caroline, and John
Why? To have fun
What? An Arial Show! (tricks on the tramp)
So - can u come? Hope so. Food and drinks will be provided, and entertainment? No duh. Give us a call if u need more info!!!!!!!!!!
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