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Tripler Ridge - Sunday May 19, 2002

Yesterday afternoon Linda calls me and says, "I might not go tomorrow, but if I do what time should we meet?"  My reply is 6 am.  Later that night sitting in the movie with my wife I suddenly remember I should have told her 7 am since its not that far to Moanalua Valley.  Linda has no phone at home and I could not call her back, so my alarm was set for 5 am in case she showed at 6.

Guess what?  Linda did not make it, so there I was at 6 am Sunday morning ready to leave for the hike an hour earlier than I needed to be.  Well, I'm up might as well get rolling and just drive slower.  After my usual stop at 7-11 for that good old Tuna sandwich I again headed south on Farrington Highway.

I arrived at the end of Ala Aolani (see map) in Moanalua Valley at 6:55 and the gate to the little park was closed.  I pulled off to the side and broke out a Spam musubi for my second breakfast of the day.  A little after 7, this little old man and his dog walk up to the gate and he opens it.  It wasn't locked.  I drive in and relax listing to the radio waiting for the "troops" to arrive