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This page contains answers to common questions handled by our support staff, along with some tips and tricks that we have found useful and presented here as questions.
bulletWhy is it important to have a home inspected ?
bulletWhy is a home inspection important to the buyer?
bulletWhy is a home inspection important to the seller?
bulletWho else can benefit from a home inspection ?
bulletWho hires the home inspector?
bulletAre home inspectors impartial?


Why is it important to have a home inspected?

A quality home inspection provides a detailed report of the condition of all functional, structural and safety aspects of the property. The inspections are designed to educate the client about the current condition of the property. Property never “passes” or “fails”, however the inspector’s observations help dispel anxieties and provide useful suggestions.  

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Why is a home inspection important to the buyer?

 We provide a thorough and complete inspection of the property. The inspection informs you of the condition of the property before you buy, points out the positive aspects of the property and reveals any existing problems.


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Why is a home inspection important to the seller?

 A home inspection will make your home more attractive by increasing buyer confidence. A “pre-inspected” home could help to sell your property quicker, and becomes an excellent advertising tool.


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Who else can benefit from a home inspection?

Recommending a property inspection can reduce the liability to all parties involved.

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Who hires the home inspector?

Any one can hire and request a home inspection.

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Are home inspectors impartial?

You can be assured that our inspectors have the knowledge and training to provide a nonbiased, 3rd party, professional opinion. We are state certified, bonded and insured to reduce liability. Our inspectors are constantly continuing their education to provide the most up to date methods of inspecting and reporting.


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Last modified: 10/27/02.