Marking Rubric - Topic: Traditional Australian Aboriginal Society








         2  (Developing)

Question 1

- Describes the different features of the system of traditional Aboriginal Law
- Has quotes from, or refers to different sources
- Neat and interesting presentation

- Describes some features of the system of traditional Aboriginal Law
- Quotes from, or refers to a source
- Neat presentation

- Briefly describes the system of traditional Aboriginal Law

-Makes some mention of traditional Aboriginal Law.


Question 2

- Clearly explains the different features of the Aboriginal Dreamtime
- Has quotes from, or refers to different sources
- Neat and interesting presentation

- Explains most features of the Aboriginal Dreamtime
- Quotes from, or refers to a source
- Neat presentation

- Briefly explains the Aboriginal Dreamtime

-Makes some mention of the Aboriginal Dreamtime


Question 3

- Lists several aspects of traditional Aboriginal culture and explains how they have contributed to our society today.
- Has quotes from, or refers to different sources
- Neat and interesting presentation

- Lists several aspects of traditional Aboriginal culture and explains how they have contributed to our society today.
- Quotes from, or refers to a source
- Neat presentation

- Briefly lists some aspects of traditional Aboriginal culture that have contributed to our society today.


-Makes some mention of traditional Aboriginal culture





Question 4

- Describe three traditional Aboriginal customs or ceremonies. For example:  
a) Initiations 
b) Corroborrees 
c) Tribal punishments.
- Has quotes from, or refers to different sources
- Neat and interesting presentation

- Describe three traditional Aboriginal customs or ceremonies. For example:
a) Initiations
b) Corroborrees 
c) Tribal punishments.
- Quotes from, or refers to a source
- Neat presentation

- Describe three traditional Aboriginal customs or ceremonies. 
For example:
a) Initiations 
b) Corroborrees 
c) Tribal punishments.


- Makes some mention of  traditional Aboriginal customs or ceremonies



Question 5

- Describes the traditional Aboriginal relationship with the land.
- Answers the three sub questions given and includes a discussion of availability of domestic animals and crops.
- Has quotes from, or refers to different sources
- Neat and interesting presentation

- Describes the traditional Aboriginal relationship with the land.
- Answers the three sub questions given and includes a discussion of availability of domestic animals and crops.
- Quotes from, or refers to a source
- Neat presentation

- Describes the traditional Aboriginal relationship with the land.
- Answers the three sub questions given.

- Makes some mention of the Aboriginal relationship with the land.