HOME                                          Acknowledgement

A big Thank You to the numerous education sites and web resource sites, that allow you to
use some of their material or clip-art for educational and non-commercial purposes.
Wherever possible, these sites have been acknowledged on the Web Lesson pages. If any 
contributing site would like a direct link made to their site, please Email.

 I claim ownership of none of the graphics or sound clips files.
 Many are public domain. But others I have borrowed from sites
 after satisfying specific conditions of use. Therefore please do not copy
 any of the graphics or sound clips, as your use of them may be breaching

If you are the artist or owner of any graphic or extract we have used, that you have not
released for free educational use, or granted us permission to use, then please Email and
I will remove the extract or graphic immediately.

 Also, please do not create links directly to any individual items in this Web Site as it is carried
with limited band width; and as the file names are changed regularly, it would leave
 'dead-end spots' in your Web Page!