1- Under the heading: The Church in The Middle Ages,
on a new page, write out the missing words in the following notes.

(If you have the worksheet, fill the words in on the worksheet
(FrontPage) and then paste it in your book.)

  - You will find the words you need on following web page: 

The Medieval Church

·In Medieval England, the Church _____________everybody's life.
·All Medieval people - be they village peasants or towns people - ______________that God, Heaven and Hell all existed.
·The people were taught that the only way they could get to Heaven was if the Roman __________  ___________let them.
·Everybody would have been terrified of ­­­________and the people would have been told of the sheer horrors awaiting for 
them in Hell in the weekly services they attended.

·The control the Church had over the people was_______.
·Peasants worked for free on Church________.
·They paid 10% of what they earned in a year to the Church (this tax was called________).
9  Tithes could be paid in either money or in goods produced by the peasant farmers.
·As peasants had little money, they almost always had to pay in:
  - seeds
  - harvested grain
  - animals etc.
9  This usually caused a peasant a lot of ______________as seeds,
 for example, would be needed to feed a family the following year.
·What the Church got in tithes was kept in huge_________ ____________;
 a lot of the stored grain would have been eaten  by rats or poisoned by their urine.

·A failure to pay tithes, so the peasants were told by the Church, would lead to their ________going to Hell after they had died. 

·This is one reason why the Church was so wealthy. 
·One of the reasons ___________wanted to reform the  Church was get hold of the Catholic Church's money.
·You also had to pay for baptisms (if you were not ______________you could not go to Heaven when you died), and burials - you had to be buried on ________ _________if your soul was to get to heaven.
·The Church also did not have to pay__________.
The sheer wealth of the Church is best shown in its ____________:
   - cathedrals
   - churches
   - monasteries.
·Important cities would have ­­_____________in them.
·The most famous cathedrals were at______________ _____ ________.
·Their sheer size meant that people would see them from miles around,
 and remind them of the huge ___________of the Catholic Church in
 Medieval England.

Click the picture to hear the sounds of a Latin Mass

2. On a new page put the heading Thomas Becket and answer the following questions in full sentences.
(Remember to use the main words in each question when you write your answer.)

Get the information you need from the following web site:


a. Who was the head of the Catholic Church?

b. What was the most important position in the church in Medieval England?
c. How did the Popes have  power over the Kings? What could a Pope threaten to
   do to a King?
d. Why didn’t King Henry II like the Church Courts?
e. Why did King Henry II want his friend Thomas Becket to become the
   Archbishop of Canterbury?

f. How did Becket change after he became the Archbishop of Canterbury in 1162 ?
g. What happened to Thomas Becket, after he asked the Pope to excommunicate
    Henry’s new friend, the Archbishop of York?
h. Why do you think King Henry walked bare foot from London to Canterbury and
   then let the Monks whip him?

3. Go to the following site and learn how to construct a medieval arch. 
                Then play the construction game      


               In your book put the heading: Medieval Arches. Then in one paragraph,
               in your own words, explain  how to build a stone arch. Also use the correct terms.

